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Cobo CLI

Cobo Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful developer tool designed to help you build, test, and manage your integration with Cobo Wallet-as-a-Service (WaaS) 2.0 directly from the command line.

Table of Contents


To install Cobo CLI, you can use pip with the following command:

pip install cobo-cli

Ensure that you have Python 3.9 or newer installed.

Or you can install Cobo CLI via homebrew:

brew install cobo-cli


To use Cobo CLI, run the following command in your terminal:


Check full documentation here.

Global Options

  • -e, --env [dev|prod]: Override the environment for this command.
  • -a, --auth [apikey|user|org]: Override the authentication method for this command.
  • --enable-debug: Enable debug mode for verbose logging.
  • --config-file FILEPATH: Specify the path to the config file.
  • --spec PATH: Path to a custom OpenAPI specification file.
  • --help: Show help message and exit.


Application Management

  • app: Manage Cobo applications.
    • init: Create a new Cobo application project.
    • run: Run a Cobo application.
    • upload: Upload a Cobo application.
    • update: Update an existing Cobo application.
    • status: Check the status of a Cobo application.


  • auth: Set or view the default authentication method.


  • config: Manage CLI configuration settings.
    • set: Set a configuration value.
    • get: Get a configuration value.
    • list: List all configuration values.
    • delete: Delete a configuration value.
    • show-path: Show the configuration file path.

Login and Logout

  • login: Perform user or organization login operations.
    • status: Show the current login status.
    • switch-org: Switch between logged-in organizations.
  • logout: Perform user or organization logout operations.

API Requests

  • get: Make a GET request to a Cobo API endpoint.
  • post: Make a POST request to a Cobo API endpoint.
  • put: Make a PUT request to a Cobo API endpoint.
  • delete: Make a DELETE request to a Cobo API endpoint.
  • graphql: Execute a GraphQL query against the Cobo API.


  • doc: Open Cobo documentation or display API operation information.


  • env: Set or view the current environment.


  • logs: Commands related to log operations.
    • tail: Tail the request logs from Cobo.


  • webhook: Commands related to webhook operations.
    • events: List all available webhook event types.
    • listen: Listen for webhook events using WebSocket.
    • trigger: Manually trigger a webhook event.

Other Commands

  • open: Open a specific Cobo portal page in the default web browser.
  • keys: Generate and manage API/APP keys.
    • generate: Generate a new API/APP key pair.
  • version: Display the current version of the Cobo CLI tool.


You can build your custom Cobo CLI based on the Cobo CLI project. You need to install Poetry first.

To set up the development environment, install the development dependencies:

poetry install


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more details.