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Repository for Azure VNet Module code. This repo should be used for Azure project to deploy VNets and subnets in the Coalfire-Azure-RAMPpak FedRAMP Framework.

Learn more at Coalfire OpenSource.


  • Cloud(s) supported: Azure Government & Commercial
  • FedRAMP Compliance Support: FR Mod/High
  • DoD Compliance Support: {IL4/5}


  • Security Core
  • Region Setup

Created Resources

Resource Description
Virtual Network
Subnet Public /24 network
Subnet IAM /24 network
Subnet CICD /24 network
Subnet SecOps /24 network
Subnet SIEM /24 network
Subnet Monitor /24 network
Subnet Bastion /24 network
Subnet AzureFireWallSubnet /24 network
Subnet PrivateEndpoint /24 network
Subnet Postgresql /24 network

Code updates

  • Change directory to the mgmt-network folder.
  • In the file update the name and number of subnets as needed in the subnet_addrs module. Optionally add additional subnet blocks with the appropiate subnet_service_endpoints and subnet_delegations.
  • If you need to add or remove Service Endpoints, do so in the subnet_service_endpoints block. See for Service Endpoint options.
  • For the initial deployment, ensure the dns_servers line is commented out until the Domain controllers are online. Once the DC's are online uncomment and rerun an apply. Update to the appropriate version and storage accounts, see sample

terraform {
  required_version = ">= 1.1.7"
  required_providers {
    azurerm = {
      source  = "hashicorp/azurerm"
      version = "~> 3.45.0"
  backend "azurerm" {
    resource_group_name  = "prod-mp-core-rg"
    storage_account_name = "prodmpsatfstate"
    container_name       = "tfstatecontainer"
    environment          = "usgovernment"
    key                  = "network.tfstate"

Deployment steps

This module can be called as outlined below.

  • Change directories to the mgmt/mgmt-network directory.
  • From the terraform/azure/mgmt/mgmt-network directory run terraform init.
  • Run terraform plan to review the resources being created.
  • If everything looks correct in the plan output, run terraform apply.


provider "azurerm" {
  features {}

module "subnet_addrs" {
  source          = "hashicorp/subnets/cidr"
  base_cidr_block = var.mgmt_network_cidr
  networks = [
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-public-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-iam-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-cicd-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-secops-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-siem-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-monitor-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-bastion-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "AzureFirewallSubnet" #Per Azure docs, The Management Subnet used for the Firewall must have the name AzureFirewallManagementSubnet and the subnet mask must be at least a /26.
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-pe-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8
      name     = "${local.resource_prefix}-psql-sn-1"
      new_bits = 8

module "mgmt-vnet" {
  source              = ""
  vnet_name           = "${local.resource_prefix}-network-vnet"
  resource_group_name = data.terraform_remote_state.setup.outputs.network_rg_name
  address_space       = [module.subnet_addrs.base_cidr_block]
  subnets = {
    "${local.resource_prefix}-public-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-public-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-iam-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-iam-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-cicd-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-cicd-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-secops-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-secops-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-siem-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-siem-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-monitor-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-monitor-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

    "${local.resource_prefix}-bastion-sn-1" = {
      address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-bastion-sn-1"]
      subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

      "AzureFirewallSubnet" = {
        address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["AzureFirewallSubnet"]
        subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage"]

      "${local.resource_prefix}-pe-sn-1" = {
        address_prefix                                 = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-pe-sn-1"]
        subnet_service_endpoints                       = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.Sql", "Microsoft.ContainerRegistry"]
        enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies = true

      "${local.resource_prefix}-psql-sn-1" = {
        address_prefix           = module.subnet_addrs.network_cidr_blocks["${local.resource_prefix}-psql-sn-1"]
        subnet_service_endpoints = ["Microsoft.KeyVault", "Microsoft.Storage", "Microsoft.Sql"]
        subnet_delegations = {
          "Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL/flexibleServers" = ["Microsoft.Sql"]
        enforce_private_link_endpoint_network_policies = true

  diag_log_analytics_id = data.terraform_remote_state.core.outputs.core_la_id
  # storage_account_flowlogs_id     = data.terraform_remote_state.setup.outputs.storage_account_flowlogs_id
  #network_watcher_name            = data.terraform_remote_state.setup.outputs.network_watcher_name

  #Attach Vnet to Private DNS zone
  private_dns_zone_id = data.terraform_remote_state.core.outputs.core_private_dns_zone_id.0

  #Note: DNS servers should be left to Azure default until the DC's are up. Otherwise the VM's will fail to get DNS to download scripts from storage accounts.
  #dns_servers   = concat(data.terraform_remote_state.usgv-ad.outputs.ad_dc1_ip, data.terraform_remote_state.usgv-ad.outputs.ad_dc2_ip)
  #regional_tags = var.regional_tags
  #global_tags   = merge(var.global_tags, local.global_local_tags)
  tags = {
    Function = "Networking"
    Plane    = "Management"

Next steps

Application VNet (terraform/prod/{region}/mgmt/mgmt-network)


No requirements.


Name Version
azurerm n/a


Name Source Version
diag n/a


Name Type
azurerm_private_dns_zone_virtual_network_link.default resource
azurerm_subnet.subnet resource
azurerm_subnet_network_security_group_association.vnet resource
azurerm_subnet_route_table_association.vnet resource
azurerm_virtual_network.vnet resource
azurerm_resource_group.vnet data source


Name Description Type Default Required
address_space The address space that is used by the virtual network. list(string)
diag_log_analytics_id ID of the Log Analytics Workspace diagnostic logs should be sent to string n/a yes
dns_servers The DNS servers to be used with VNet. list(string) [] no
global_tags Global level tags map(string) {} no
nsg_ids A map of subnet name to Network Security Group IDs map(string) {} no
private_dns_zone_id The ID of the Private DNS Zone. string null no
regional_tags Regional level tags map(string) {} no
resource_group_name Name of the resource group to be imported. string n/a yes
route_tables_ids A map of subnet name to Route table ids map(string) {} no
subnets Map of maps with Subnet names and their configuration any n/a yes
tags The tags to associate with your network and subnets. map(string) n/a yes
vnet_name Name of the vnet to create string "acctvnet" no


Name Description
subnet_addresses Map with the cidr of subnets created inside the new VNet
vnet_address_space The address space of the newly created VNet
vnet_id The id of the newly created VNet
vnet_location The location of the newly created VNet
vnet_name The Name of the newly created VNet
vnet_subnets The ids of subnets created inside the new VNet


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