_UID (Unique ID) is filtered out from global search (v. 1..7.9)
Several fields are filtered out by hardcoding in Search all individuals, Search family records and *Search the sources in FunctionsDb.php
I'm not a fan of hardcoding, so to these functions:
searchIndividuals(array $query, array $trees)
function searchFamilies(array $query, array $trees)
function searchSources($query, $trees)
function searchNotes(array $query, array $trees)
function searchRepositories(array $query, array $trees)
I had to add content from the configuration
global $WT_TREE;
$IgnoreNonGenealogyData = $WT_TREE->getPreference('IGNORE_NON_GENEALOGY_DATA');
//2017-06-22/EBP: Remove filter for _UID in global search
//$gedrec = preg_replace('/\n\d (_UID|_WT_USER|FILE|FORM|TYPE|CHAN|RESN) .*/', '', $record->getGedcom());
$gedrec = preg_replace('/\n\d ('.$IgnoreNonGenealogyData.') .*/', '', $record->getGedcom());
And expanded function findRin($rin)
//2017-06-22/EBP Extend findRin() to look for _UID and REFN as well >>>
if (!$xref) { // Only if XREF not found
$tag = 20 < (strlen($rin)) ? "_UID" : "REFN" ; // < 20: REFN, > 20: _UID
$xref = Database::prepare("SELECT i_id FROM `##individuals` WHERE i_gedcom LIKE CONCAT('% ', ?,' ', ?, '%') AND i_file=?")
->execute(array($tag, $rin, $WT_TREE->getTreeId()))
//EBP <<<