The scripting language of Hydre offers a lot of powerful easy-to-use features. This allows to create complex script that are still very readable and maintanable.
- Running a command
- Comments
- Variables
- Value types
- Expressions
- Computing values
- Lists and maps
- Blocks
- Functions
- Nullable types
- Advanced types
- Data validation
- Event listeners
- Imports
- Commands input & output
- Running in background
- Environment variables
- Commands typing
- Native library
- Utilities
env(varname: string) -> any?
prompt(message: string) -> string
prompt_int(message: string) -> fallible int
prompt_float(message: string) -> fallible float
confirm(message: string) -> fallible bool
choose(options: list[string]) -> fallible int
retry_cmd(cmd: command, retries: int) -> fallible
last_failed() -> bool
rand() -> float
rand_int(low: int, up: int) -> fallible int
rand_float(low: float, up: float) -> fallible float
- All types
- Nullable types
- Characters
- Strings
string.chars() -> list[char]
string.codepoints() -> list[int]
string.len() -> int
string.bytes() -> int
string.parse_int(base = 10) -> fallible int
string.parse_float(base = 10) -> fallible float
string.upper_case() -> string
string.lower_case() -> string
string.reverse() -> string
string.concat(right: string) -> string
string.split(str: string, sep: string) -> string
- Lists
list[char].stringify() -> str
list[string].join(sep = ",") -> string
list[T].get(index: int) -> T?
list[T].expect(index: number, message: string) -> T
list[T].unshift(value: T)
list[T].push(value: T)
list[T].unshift() -> T?
list[T].pop() -> T?
list[T].sort(asc = true) -> list[T]
list[T].reverse() -> list[T]
list[T].len() -> int
list[T].concat(another: list[T]) -> list[T]
list[T].concat(lists: list[list[T]]) -> list[T]
- Maps
- Commands
- Streams
- Utilities
- Examples
- Native commands
Hydre uses an intuitive syntax. Commands are written like they would be in *-sh shells: the command name is followed by arguments, each separated by a space.
Arugments can either be positional (they are written directly), shorts (prefixed by a -
symbol and one-character long), or longs (prefixed by two -
symbols). Here is an example:
cmdname pos1 pos2 -a --arg1
This line runs the command called cmdname
, provides two positional arguments pos1
and pos2
, a short one a
and a long one arg1
Short and long arguments are called dash arguments.
It's possible to combine multiple short arguments in once by writing them one after the other:
cmdname -abc
This line is strictly equivalent to:
cmdname -a -b -c
Short and long arguments can also require a value. This value must be provided using an =
symbol or by simply using a space:
cmdname -s=1 --long=2
# or:
cmdname -s 1 --long 2
Comments can be written on a single line with the #
cmdname # single-line comment
Everything after the #
symbol is ignored. For multiple-line comments, it's required to use three #
is a
Variables are declared with the var
let age = 19
Here, we declare a variable age
with value 19
. As variables are typed, this variable will only be allowed to contain numbers from now on - no strings, no booleans, nothing else.
And to assign a new value to it:
age = 20
All arguments must match their expected type: if the command is expecting a number, we can't give it a list for instance.
Here is the list of all types and how they are written:
# Booleans (bool) (`true` or `false`)
_ = true
# Integers (int)
_ = 3
# Floating-point numbers (float)
_ = 3.14
# Characters (char)
_ = 'a'
# Strings (string)
_ = "abc"
# Lists of a given type (list[type])
_ = [ 3, 3.14 ]
# Maps (key-values) (map[key_type, value_type])
_ = { "a": 1, "b": 2 }
# Paths (path) - must contain at least one `/` to indicate clearly that it's a path and not a string or something else
_ = dir/file.ext
_ = ./file.ext
_ = /tmp
# Commands (used to run custom commands later in functions)
_ = @{ command "pos1" -s --long }
A string
is composed of multiple char
s, which are made of single codepoints. This means a grapheme cluster made of multiple codepoints will need to be encoded in a string
There is also the any
type which accepts values of all types, and stream
which we'll talk about later as it's a special type.
Finally, there is the void
type which cannot be written 'as is' but is used in special contexts like commands return values. It's a type that contains no data at all.
There are also flag arguments, which are dash arguments that take no value. The command will simply check if the argument was provided or not.
NOTE: In order to avoid writing errors, positional arguments cannot be provided after a flag argument.
For instance, considering pos1
and pos2
are positional arguments, --flag
a flag argument and --val
a non-flag long argument:
command pos1 pos2 --flag --val 2
command pos1 --val 2 pos2 --flag
command pos1 --flag --val 2 pos2
command --flags --val 2 pos1 pos2
# INVALID (we could think by reading this that "pos2" is the
# value of the non-flag argument "--flag")
command pos1 --flag pos2 --val 2
As you can see, suites of characters that do not start with a dash (-
) can be written without quotes when they're part of a command. Any special character (like spaces or dashes) can be escaped using the \
command this\ is\ the\ same\ \-\ argument
# Strictly equivalent to:
command "this is the same - argument"
Any variable can, inside a program, be replaced by a new variable with a same name but with a different type. This is called shadowing.
It can be useful when converting data from a type to another, such as:
let names: list[string] = [ "Jack", "John" ]
let names: string = names.join(",") # this is called a _method_, we'll talk about them later
Here, we shadowed the names
variable to create a new one with a different type from the data we had before, which means we cannot access the original names
variable anymore.
To use a variable, we can directly use it like this::
tellage $age
So this code:
let age = 20
tellage $age
Is equivalent to this one:
tellage 20
It's also possible to perform computations using expressions:
let age = 20
let add = 12
tellage (age + add)
String, characters and numbers can also be inserted inside strings:
let name = "Jack"
echo "Hello, $name!" # Hello, Jack!
Other expressions require to use ${...}
. For instance, values in lists through their index (starting at 0):
let names = [ "Jack" ]
echo "Hello, ${names[0]}!" # Hello, Jack!
Values in maps through their key:
let ages = { "Jack": 28 }
echo "Jack is ${ages["Jack"]} years old!"
Note that getting an out-of-bound index will make the program panic, which means it exits immediatly with an error message.
let names = [ "Jack" ]
echo "Hello, ${names[1]}!" # Panics
In commands, expressions can be provided wrapped in (...)
echo (2 + 1) # Will display: "3"
It's also possible to compute values using operators. Each operator takes one or multiple operands, which can be either a variable or a literal value.
Mathematical operators all take two operands. If any of the operands is not a number, it will fail. If both operands are integers, the result will be an integer, but if at least one is a floating-point number, so will be the result.
The operators are:
: addition-
: substraction*
: multiplication**
: pow/
: division//
: floating-point division (gives a floating-point number even if the two operands are integers)%
: remainder (works only with two integers)
Bit-wise operators only take integer operands and produce an integer result:
bit-by-bit and|
bit-by-bit or^
bit-by-bit exclusive or<<
binary left shift operator>>
binary right shift operator~
one's complement - takes a single number
Logical operators take two operands and return a boolean:
Symbol | Name | Returns true if... |
&& |
and | a and b are true booleans |
|| |
or | a , b or both are true booleans |
== |
equal to | a is equal to b |
!= |
different than | a is different than b |
> |
greater than | a is greater than b |
< |
lower than | a is lower than b |
>= |
greater than or equal to | a is greater than or equal to b |
<= |
lower than or equal to | a is lower than or equal to b |
Finally, there is the !
operator, which takes a single operand on its right, and simply reverts a boolean.
The neutral assignment operator =
can be prefixed by any mathematical, bit-wise or logical operator's symbol(s). The operator's left operand will be the current variable's content, while the right one will be the value on the left of the assignment operator. The result will then be stored in the variable.
Note that for a variable to be modified, it must be declared as so:
# Immutable
let a = 3
# Mutable
let mut a = 3
Otherwise, re-assigning a value to the variable would fail.
# We declare the variable as mutable...
let mut a = 3
# ...and we can then re-assign to it
a += 1
a *= 8
a /= 2
echo $a # 16
Note that the result's type must also be compatible with the variable:
let a = 0
a &&= 1 # ERROR: Cannot assign a 'bool' to an 'int'
There are also the ++
and --
operators, which respectively increase and decrease the desired variable:
let a = 0
a ++
a ++
a --
echo $a # 1
Lists and maps behave in a similar way: while lists have indexes, which are handled behind-the-scenes, maps have keys, which are provided explicitly.
Here is how we declare a list or a map:
# Type: list[string]
let names = [ "Jack", "John" ]
# Type: map[string, int]
let ages = { "Jack": 28, "John": 29 }
To add a new value (requires the variable to be mutable):
# Lists
names[] = "Paolo"
# Maps
ages["Paolo"] = 26
To get a value:
# Type: int
# Type: int
To remove a value:
# Lists
delete names[0]
# Maps
delete ages["Paolo"]
To get the number of entries:
# Type: int
# Maps: int
Blocks allow to run a piece of code multiple times or if a specific condition is met. They are useful combined to comparison operators.
Conditionals uses the following syntax:
if # condition
When this block is ran, if condition
(which is an expression that must result in a boolean) is equal to true
, command1
is ran. Here is an example:
if 2 + 2 == 4
It's possible to specify multiple commands at once:
if 2 + 2 == 4
Note that all commands must be indented by one tabulation.
It's also possible to run a set of commands in case the condition isn't met too using else
if 2 + 2 == 4
Finally, conditions can be chained using elif
if 1 + 1 == 4
echo "Bizarre."
elif 1 + 1 == 3
echo "Bizarre!"
echo "Normal."
A switch allows to perform actions depending on a value. It's roughly equivalent to a combination of multiple if
and elif
switch rand_int(0, 10)
when 0
echo "It's zero!"
when 1
echo "It's one!"
echo "It's something else"
Note that, for blocks that only contain a single instruction, we can shorten this using the following syntax:
switch rand_int(0, 10)
when 0 => echo "It's zero!"
when 1 => echo "It's one!"
else => echo "It's something else!"
Loops allow to run a piece of code for a while. The most common loop is the range loop:
for i in 0..10
command $i
This will run command 0
to command 9
. To include the upper bound, we must add an =
for i in 0..=10
command $i
This will run command 0
to command 10
We can also iterate on a list:
let str = "Jack"
let list = [ "Jack", "John" ]
for name in list
echo $name
This will display Jack
and John
To get the indexes as well, we can do:
for i, name in list
echo "$i: $name"
This will display 0: Jack
and 1: John
For maps:
let ages = { "Jack": 28, "John": 29 }
for name, age in ages
echo "$name is $age years old!"
There is another type of loop, which runs a piece of code while a condition is met:
while # condition
If the condition
is false
when the loop is reached, the command
will not be ran once. Else, it will be ran as long as the condition
is true
Note that loops can be broke anytime using the break
for i in 0..10
command $i
if i == 2
This will run command 0
, command 1
and command 2
It's possible to iterate on a list of files and directories:
for file in (./*.txt)
echo "Found a text file: $file"
The pattern between parenthesis must be a glob pattern. Recursivity is supported to:
for file in (**/*.txt)
echo "Found a text file: $file"
When a variable is declared, it is scoped to the current block, meaning it doesn't exist outside of the current block:
# This variable is declared in the "global" block
# so it's available everywhere in the current script
let firstName = "Jack"
if firstName == "Jack"
# This variable is declared in an "if" block
# so it's not available outside of it
let lastName = "Sparrow"
echo $firstName # Prints: "Jack"
echo $lastName # ERROR ("lastName" is not in scope)
Also, variables are not shared between scripts.
Functions allow to split the code in several parts to make it more readable, as well as to re-use similar pieces of code across the script.
fn hello()
echo "Hello!"
Now we can call hello
this way:
hello() # Will print "Hello !"
Function can also take arguments, which must have a type.
fn hello (name: string)
echo "Hello, $name!"
hello("Jack") # Will print "Hello, Jack!"
Arguments can be made optional by providing default values. This also allows to get rid of their explicit type as it's now implicit:
fn hello (name = "Unknown")
echo "Hello, $name!"
hello() # Will print "Hello, Unknown!"
hello("Jack") # Will print "Hello, Jack!"
Note that a function's arguments do not require to wrap expressions between ${...}
as it's implicit. Which means we can write:
fn sayNumber (num: int)
echo "Number is: $num"
sayNumber(2 + 1) # Will print "Number is: 3"
We can also combine functions and blocks, for instance:
fn greet (names: list[string]) -> int
# .len() is called an _extension_, we will see more about that later
if names.len() == 0
echo "No one to greet :|"
for name in names
echo "Hello, $name!"
hello([]) # No one to greet :|
hello(["John", "Jack"]) # Hello, John! Hello, Jack!
Functions can also return values. In such case, they must specify the type of values they return, and ensure all code paths will return a value of this type:
fn add (a: float, b: float) -> float
return a + b
All value types expose specific functions that can be used with a dot after a variable of the given type, called methods:
let letters = "abcdef"
let letters = letter.split(",")
Here, we use the split
method of the string
type, which returns a list[string]
Functions can also fail to indicate something went wrong:
fn divide (a: float, b: float) -> fallible float
if b == 0
fail "Cannot divide by 0!"
return a / b
The fallible
keyword must be present before the return type to indicate the function may fail (even if the function doesn't return anything).
When a function fails, the program stops and print the provided error message. But it's also possible to handle the error:
fn handle_bad_div (a: float, b: float) -> float
catch divide(a, b)
ok result
echo "Divided successfully: $a / $b = $result"
err errmsg
echo "Division failed :("
echo "Here is the error message: $errmsg"
Note that you may handle only the success or error case depending on your needs ; you do not have to handle both cases.
This keyword also allows to catch errors from commands:
# Run a command and get error messages from CMDERR instead if the command fails
catch $(somecommand)
ok data => echo "Success: $data"
err msg => echo "Errors: ${msg.join("; ")}"
It's possible to retry a function until it succeeds using the retry
fn may_fail ()
if rand() > 0.5
fail "I don't like high numbers"
retry may_fail()
This will run may_fail
, and run it again if it fails, until it succeeds.
It's also possible to specify a maximum of retries:
retry(5) may_fail()
For information, here is the declaration of the native retry_cmd
command, which allows to try to run a command until it succeeds:
fn retry_cmd(cmd: command, retries: string) -> fallible
retry(retries) cmd()
if status() != 0
fail "Command did not suceed after $retries retries."
It can be used like this:
retry_cmd(@{ read "file.txt" }, 10)
A whole script can fail using this keyword, which will result in displaying the error message in CMDERR and exiting immediatly.
The failure may be handled using fallible
in the caller script.
Sometimes, it's useful to be able to represent a value that may be either something or nothing. In many programming languages, "nothing" is represented as the null
, nil
or ()
Nullable types are suffixed by a ?
symbol, and may either contain a value of the provided type or null
. Here is an example:
fn custom_rand() -> int?
let rnd = rand_int(-5, 5)
if rnd > 0
return rnd
return null
To declare a variable with an nullable type, we wrap its initialization value in the nullable operator ?(...)
let a = 1 # int
let b = ?(1) # int?
Or we explicitly give the variable a nullable type:
let b: int? = 1 # int?
To initialize the variable with the null
value instead, we must use the explicit version:
let c: int? = null # int?
Note that imbricated types are not supported, which means we cannot create int??
values for instance.
If we try to access an nullable value "as is", we will get a type error:
let a = ?(1)
let b = 0
b = a # ERROR: Cannot use an `int?` value where `int` is expected
We then have multiple options. We can use one of the nullable types' function:
let a = ?(1)
let b = 0
# Make the program exit with an error message if 'a' is null
b = a.unwrap()
# Make the program exit with a custom error message if 'a' is null
b = a.expect("'a' should not be null :(")
We can also detect if a value is null
by using the .isNull()
let a = ?(1)
let b: int? = null
echo ${a.isNull()} # false
echo ${b.isNull()} # true
There is also the .default(T)
method that allows to use a fallback value in case of null
let a = ?(1)
let b: int? = null
echo ${a.default(3)} # 1
echo ${b.default(3)} # 3
We can also use special syntaxes in blocks:
let a = ?(1)
if some a
# While we are in this block, 'a' is considered as an 'int'
# While we are in this block, 'a' is considered as 'null'
while some a
# Same here
Also, if the program exits in all cases when the argument is considered as null or non-null, the opposite type will be applied to the rest of the program:
let a = ?(1)
if some a
# 'a' is considered as 'null' here
let b = ?(1)
if none b
# 'b' is considered as 'int' here
When a command takes an optional argument, it's possible to provide a nullable value of the same type instead:
let no_newline = ?(false)
echo "Hello!" -n $no_newline
If the value is null
, the argument will not be provided. Else, it will be provided with the non-null value.
The any
type covers any type of values, meaning it accepts absolutely every single value, except the null
value. Indeed, any
is not nullable by default, so to make it accept null
values we must use any?
Structures map one or multiple fields to as many values. Here is an example:
fn sayHello(person: struct { firstName: string, lastName: string })
echo "Hello, ${person.firstName} ${person.lastName}!"
sayHello({ firstName: "Bat", lastName: "Man" }) # Prints: "Hello, Bat Man!"
In such a simple example, it's easier to directly use a firstName
and lastName
parameters instead of a struct
, but they are useful when returning heterogenous sets of data, for example in a list:
fn listRecursively(dir: path) -> list[struct { name: path, size: int }]
let list: list[struct { name: path, size: int }] = []
for item in $(ls $dir --details)
if item.isDirectory
list[] = { name: item.path, size: stats.sizeOf }
return list
But, as this is not very readable, it's better to use a type alias:
type fsItem = struct { name: path, size: int }
fn listRecursively(dir: path) -> list[fsItem]
let list: list[fsItem] = []
# ...
Closures are anonymous functions which are generally used to repeat the same group of operations.
let test: fn (string, int) = { a, b -> echo (a.repeat(b)) }
test("Hello world! ", 3) # Prints: "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! "
Note that closures can also return values implicitly:
let test: fn (string, int) -> string = { a, b -> a.repeat(b) }
echo (test("Hello world!", 3)) # Prints: "Hello world! Hello world! Hello world! "
Also, closures are not forced to take their declared parameters:
type testType = fn (string, int)
let test: testType = { a, b, c -> ### ... ### } # NOT VALID
let test: testType = { a, b -> ### ... ### } # Valid
let test: testType = { a -> ### ... ### } # Valid
let test: testType = { -> ### ... ### } # Valid
Here is a concrete usage example:
fn forEachFile(dir: path, callback: fn (path))
for item in $(ls $dir --details)
if item.isFile
forEachFile(./, { file -> echo "File: $file" })
An usual type for manipulating large data is stream
, which is notably used to treat a chunk of data that is either too large for the memory or is more easier to treat as things progress.
Some commands may return a value whose type cannot be predicted before runtime. For instance, a command fetching a JSON object from a remote server will, in case of success, return a value but whose type cannot be known beforehand.
Data validation is a feature allowing to scripts to check the type of an unknown value at runtime, using type assertions.
Here is an example:
let test: any = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
# 1. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
if test is list[int]
# 2. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "list[int]"
# 3. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
The isnt
keyword can also be used:
let test: any = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
# 1. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
if test isnt list[int]
# 2. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
# 3. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "list[int]"
If, in an "isnt" conditional, the script exits/fails in all cases (or returns if we're in a function), the value is considered with the asserted type for the rest of the script:
let test: any = [ 2, 3, 4 ]
# 1. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
if test isnt list[int]
# 2. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "any"
# 3. Here, "test" is considered to be of type "list[int]"
# > Because it's impossible for "test" to not be "list[int]" as in that case the program would have exited
This can be used to check complex structures as well:
# Considering we have a `fn fetchJson(url: string) -> any' function that fetches a JSON value from the web
type User = struct { id: int, firstName: string, lastName: string, email: string }
let json = fetchJson("https://mysuperapi.../users/all")
if json isnt User
fail "JSON doesn't have the correct structure"
# "json" is considered as a "User" here
Scripts can listen to events using the on
on keypress as keycode
echo "A key was pressed: $keycode"
This program will display a message each time a key is pressed.
If the event listener is registered in a function, the is automatically unregistered when that function returns. If it's registered outside a function, it is unregistered when the script ends.
fn test()
on keypress as keycode # (1)
# Do something
# Event listener (1) is unregistered here
on keypress as keycode # (2)
# Do something
echo "Hello world!"
# Event listener (2) is unregistered here
Scripts may wait for a specific event before continuing. This can be achieved without a while
loop that consumes a lot of CPU, using the wait
wait condition
The script will block while the provided condition
is not true
. The checking interval is defined by the system, and the condition should as fast to check as possible to consume as little CPU as possible.
echo "Please press the <F> key to validate your choice"
let validated = false
on keypress as keycode
if keycode == KEY_F
validated = true
wait validated
echo "Thanks for validating your choice :D"
It's also possible to wait for a variable to not be null
echo "Please press a key"
let key: int? = null
on keypress as keycode
key = keycode
wait some key
echo "You pressed key: $key"
As you may already know, command names can be quite long and complicated. In order to prevent from having to repeat very long names that are not really readable, it's recommanded to use imports which are declared at the beginning of script with the form <dev>::<app>::<command>
import system::fs::read_file
read_file # ...
It's then possible to use the read_file
without prefixing.
To perform multiple imports at once:
import system::fs::{read_file, write_file}
It's also possible to only bind the application itself:
import system::fs
fs::read_file # ...
Imported commands can also be aliased:
import system::fs as sysfs
sysfs::read_file # ...
It's possible to import all commands from an application, with:
import system::fs::*
read_file # ...
But also to import all applications from a developer, with:
import system::*
fs::read_file # ...
Note that, if a name clash occurs - if two applications or commands with the same name are imported -, the script won't be able to run.
The non-clashing namespace is a namespace that can be imported, where live all commands whose name is unique across all applications.
For instance, let's imagine we have two applications:
, which exposes acmd_a
and acmd_z
command ;AppB
, which exposes acmd_b
and acmd_z
What happens here? While the cmd_z
command has a name clash between AppA
and AppB
, the cmd_a
and cmd_b
commands don't. This results in these last two commands being also put in the nonclashing
namespace, which can then be imported like a traditional application:
import shell::nonclashing
nonclashing::cmd_a # OK
nonclashing::cmd_b # OK
nonclashing::cmd_z # ERROR (not in namespace)
This means we can also import all commands that don't clash with other ones:
import shell::nonclashing::*
cmd_a # OK
cmd_b # ...
cmd_z # ERROR (not in namespace)
As volatile applications' commands are not exposed globally, there is a special import syntax for such applications, allowing to import their commands directly from their application package:
import ./app.nva::super_command
super_command # ...
# OR
import ./app.nva as app
app::super_command # ...
Commands output data through pipes. There are several output pipes that can be used:
- CMDOUT is the default output pipe, which returns typed values (the command declares its output type beforehand)
- CMDRAW allows to send a
, which is useful when dealing with a lot of data or with external data - CMDMSG allows to send
messages that are displayed in the terminal's windows - CMDERR allows to send
messages that are also displayed, but as error messages
There is a specific syntax to get the output from each pipe. To get the (typed) output from CMDOUT:
_ = $(echo "Hello!") # Contains: "Hello!"
This is called the typed reception operator. It can be used like this for instance:
echo ${$(echo "Hello!")} # Prints: "Hello!"
But, as this syntax is not very readable, evaluating a single command can be made without the ${...}
expression wrapper:
echo $(echo "Hello!") # Prints: "Hello!"
Note that this only work if the command supports piping through CMDOUT.
To get the result from CMDRAW instead (as a stream
), if the command supports it:
# '-b' makes 'echo' read from a stream
echo -b $@(streamify "Hello!") # Prints: "Hello!"
To get the output of CMDMSG instead (as a list[string]
echo $?(echo "Hello!") # Prints: "["Hello!"]"
To get the output of CMDERR (as a list[string]
echo $!(echo "Hello!") # Prints "[]"
To get the combined output of CMDMSG and CMDERR (as a list[string]
echo $*(echo "Hello!") # Prints "["Hello!"]"
Note that using the $(...)
operator will make the program panic if the command exits with a non-zero status code.
It's also possible to redirect the output of a command to a file, using the >
operator. The values are converted to strings before being written, except stream
values which are written as they are.
echo "Hello!" > ./test.txt
This works because echo
outputs by default to CMDOUT, not to CMDMSG. If it did, we could still perform the redirection this way:
echo "Hello!" ?> ./test.txt
The prefixes are the same as for the $(...)
for CMDOUT@>
for CMDRAW?>
for CMDMSG!>
for CMDERR*>
for CMDMSG and CMDERR combined
If a script is declared as a command, it gets its own CMDIN, CMDOUT and CMDRAW pipes (the CMDUSR, CMDMSG and CMDERR pipes remain as usual).
They can be accessed using three built-in commands: cmdin
, cmdout
and cmdraw
The cmdin
command simply writes in its CMDOUT the value provided in the shell's CMDIN. For instance:
# Considering this shell script accepts `string` values as input.
# If this shell script is called with 'Hello world!' as an input:
echo $(cmdin | length) # Prints: 12
The original type is preserved, which means we can perform typed operations on the input value.
The cmdout
command takes a typed value and writes it to the shell script's CMDOUT pipe. This also makes the program exit.
The cmdraw
command takes a stream
value and writes it to the shell script's CMDRAW pipe. Only one stream can be piped at a time, so if cmdraw
is called while another is pending, the command will simply fail (this can be caught with catch
Some commands accept inputs through the command pipe |
operator. They can be used this way:
echo "Hello world!" > ./somefile.txt
read ./somefile.txt # Prints: "Hello world!"
read ./somefile.txt | length # Prints: 12
How does this work exactly? First, read
reads the file and outputs it to CMDOUT as a string
, which is then passed to length
which happens to accept strings as an input. It then computes the length of the provided input and writes it to CMDOUT, as an int
. Which means we can do that:
echo ${ $(read ./somefile.txt | length) * 2 } # Prints: 24
The input may be typed and only accept specific types of values. For instance length
only accepts strings, so if we try to give it something else:
echo $(pass 2 | length) # ERROR
What happens here is that we use the builtin pass
command which writes to CMDOUT the exact same value we gave it as an input. Then we give it to length
, which fails because it doesn't accept int
There's also a shorthand syntax for providing a file's content as CMDIN to a command:
echo $(length < ./somefile.txt) # Prints: 24
For commands that only accept string
inputs, the file is automatically decoded and converted to a string. Else, it's kept as a stream
It's possible to run multiple commands in parallel by using background commands. A background command runs, as the name suggests, in the background, and so its output isn't visible. If it fails, it won't generate any error nor affect the status()
To run a command in backgroud, we use the bg
bg hello = sleep 5 -x { i -> echo "Counter: $i" }
This will declare an hello
variable and put an int
value inside it, which is the background command's identifier (BGID). The command will be started and run in parallel of the current program. For instance, the following program:
bg hello = sleep 5 -x { i -> echo "Counter: $i" } --end { -> echo "Counter completed!" }
for i in 1..=5
sleep 1
echo "Loop: $i"
echo "Loop completed!"
Will print:
Counter: 1
Loop: 1
Counter: 2
Loop: 2
Counter: 3
Loop: 3
Counter: 4
Loop: 4
Counter: 5
Loop: 5
Counter completed!
Loop completed!
It's possible to wait for a background command by making it run back in the foreground:
bg hello = sleep 5 # The command runs in background
fg hello # The commands comes back to the foreground
# The program pauses until it completes like for a normal command
It's also possible to let the command run even when the program finishes with detach
bg hello = sleep 5
detach hello
Or to stop the background command with kill
bg hello = sleep 5 -x { i -> echo "Counter: $i" }
sleep 3
kill hello
echo "Killed."
### Output:
Counter: 1
Counter: 2
Counter: 3
<Program stops>###
While traditional variables are always scoped, environment variables are variables that are provided to the script when it starts, and are forwarded to all scripts the main scripts calls, recursively.
They are mostly used to share configuration between programs.
They are usually set:
- Globally, using Central
- For the terminal, using the terminal application's settings
- For the current script, by providing them when running the script
The third case is the most common, here is what it looks like:
# Without environment variables
# With environment variables
with MESSAGE="Hello world!" run ./myscript.ns
The environment variable will then be provided to ./myscript.ns
, and will also be available in all scripts this script calls.
Environment variables cannot be accessed like traditional variables, they must be retrieved through the env
builtin function:
# In "myscript.ns"
let message = env("MESSAGE") # any?
As the variable may not be defined, the function returns a nullable value, so we must check if the variable is indeed defined:
let message = env("MESSAGE")
if none message
fail "MESSAGE environment variable was not provided"
Now we are sure that message
is defined, we get an any
value, because we don't know the type of the environment variable. So we must use type assertions for that:
let message = env("MESSAGE")
if none message
fail "MESSAGE environment variable was not provided"
if message isnt string
fail "MESSAGE environment variable is not a string"
# Here, "message" is a string
Perfect! Note that, if you want to check if the environment variable exists and is of a specific type at the same time, you can skip the first checking, which is only here to perform specific actions in case the environment variable isn't even defined:
let message = env("MESSAGE")
if message isnt string
fail "MESSAGE environment variable was not provided or is not a string"
# Here, "message" is a string
For script files to be called as commands, they must define a main
function and declare a command description.
Here is an example of command description:
author "Me <my@email>" # Optional
license "MIT" # Optional
help "A program that repeats the name of a list of person"
return void
# Declare a positional argument named 'names' with a help text
pos "names"
type list[string]
help "List of names to display"
# If this argument is omitted, the command will expect the list of names to be provided through CMDIN
if absent
cmdin list[string]
# Declare a dash argument named 'repeat'
dash "repeat"
type int
short "r"
long "repeat"
# Get the time this command took to complete
flag "duration"
short "d"
long "duration"
# Conditional return type
# 'present()' also accepts an optional argument name to check if another argument is present
if present
return int
Arguments type can be any existing type, or:
: accepts any type of argument exceptstream
, which will be converted to astring
when the command is called (which means the argument will be astring
from the command's point of view)
The enum
type for arguments indicate the argument only accepts a subset of values (whose type is inferred), which must be specified as a constant. This means the caller cannot use a variable as this argument's value, because the return type may depend on it.
Syntax is: enum[value1 | value2 | value3]
It may also be used as a list of custom values by wrapping the enumeration into a list[...]
The command's return type can be any existing type.
The options for each argument are:
: Required, the type of the argument (nullable types are forbidden)help
: A help message indicating what the argument doesshort
: Short name for a dash argumentlong
: Long name for a dash argumentoptional
: Indicate the optional can be omitted (the type will be converted to a nullable one)default
: Make the value optional, but with a default value (so the type will not be nullable)requires
: Indicate one or several other arguments are required to use this dash oneconflicts
: Indicate this dash argument cannot be used when one or several other specific arguments are already in useenum
: Allow only a subset of values
For dash arguments, at least short
or long
must be provided. Also, optional
and default
cannot be provided at the same time.
For flag arguments, at least short
or long
must be provided. Also, type
, optional
, default
and enum
are not accepted.
Conditions can also use the elif
and else
keywords, and use the present()
and absent()
operators as well as usual relational operators like ==
or <
for constant values like enums.
Here is an example that uses all these options:
# ...
dash "repeat"
type int
enum [1 | 2 | 3 | 4]
help "How many times to repeat the names"
short "r"
long "repeat"
default 1
requires "arg1"
conflicts "arg2" "arg3"
# ...
The main
function takes arguments with the same name as described in the cmd
block, and in the same order:
fn main(names: list[string], repeat: int?)
for i in 0..=repeat.default(1)
echo (names.join(", "))
The script can then be called like any command, with the default $(...)
operator returning the script's return value:
./myscript.ns ["Jack", "John"] -r 1
# or
let result = $(./myscript.ns ["Jack", "John"] -r 1)
Also, know that scripts can fail
too. This allows errors to be handled when the script is run as a function:
# main(names: list[string], repeat: int?) -> fallible
catch $(myscript ["Jack", "John"])
ok _ => echo "Everything went fine :)"
err _ => echo "Something went wrong :("
The native library is a list of functions that are provided by the shell.
All types have extensions, which are functions that can be called using the .
symbol, like my_list.extension()
Get an environment variable.
Returns null
if the environment variable cannot be found.
Ask the user a string.
Ask the user an integer number. Fails if the provided input is not a number. Fails if the shell is not interactive.
Ask the user a floating-point number. Fails if the provided input is not a floating-point number. Fails if the shell is not interactive.
Ask the user to confirm a message using an [Y/n]
Fails if the shell is not interactive.
Ask the user to pick a value from a list and get the index of the chosen value. Fails if the shell is not interactive.
Run a command and retry it a given number of times if it fails. Fails if the command still fails after all allowed tries.
Make the program exit.
Check if the previous command failed.
Returns 0
if no command was ran since the beginning of the script.
Generate a random floating-point number between 0 and 1.
Generate a random integer between low
and up
Fails if low
is not strictly less than up
Generate a floating-point number between low
and up
Fails if low
is not strictly less than up
Turns the provided value into a string, depending on the value's type:
_ = (true).str() # true
_ = (3).str(3) # 3
_ = (3.14).str() # 3.14
_ = ('B').str() # B
_ = ("Yoh").str() # Yoh
_ = @{ command --arg1 -c 2 -d=4 }.str() # command --arg1 -c 2 -d 4
_ = ["a","b"].str() # [ "a", "b" ]
_ = @{ streamify "Hello world!" }.str() # "<stream>"
Check if the value is null
let a: int? = 1
let b: int? = null
echo ${a.isNull()} # false
echo ${b.isNull()} # true
Use a fallback value in case of null
let a: int? = 1
let b: int? = null
echo ${a.default(3)} # 1
echo ${b.default(3)}
Make the program exit with an error message if the value is null.
let a = ?(0) # int?
let b = a.unwrap() # int
Make the program exit with a custom error message if 'a' is null
let a = ?(0) # INt?
let b = a.expect("'a' should not be null :(") # int
Indicate if a character is made of a single codepoint.
Get the codepoints composing a character.
Get the number of codepoints composing a character.
Get the size of a character, in bytes.
Get the characters composing a string.
Get the codepoints composing a string.
Get the number of codepoints composing a string.
Get the size of a string, in bytes.
Tries to parse the provided string as a number in the provided base.
Leading zeroes are accepted.
symbol followed by b
, o
, d
or x
is accepted for bases 2, 8, 10 and 16 respectively.
Fails if the string does not represent a number in this base.
_ = ("2").parse_int() # 2
_ = ("A").parse_int() # <FAIL>
_ = ("A").parse_int(16) # 11
Identical to string.parse_int(base)
but with floats.
Convert a string to uppercase.
_ = ("aBc").upper_case() # "ABC"
Convert a string to lowercase.
_ = ("aBc").lower_case() # "abc"
Reverse a string.
_ = ("abc").reverse() # "cba"
Concatenate two strings (equivalent to "$left$right"
_ = ("a").concat("b") # "ab"
Split a string into a list.
split("ab", "") # [ "a", "b" ]
split("a b", " ") # [ "a", "b" ]
Turns a list of characters to a string.
_ = ([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ].str() == "abc") # true
Join a list of strings with a separator.
join([ "a", "b" ]) # "a,b"
join([ "a", "b" ], "; ") # "a; b"
Try to get an item from the list, without panicking if the index is out-of-bounds.
let names = [ "Jack", "John" ]
names.get(0) # "Jack"
names.get(1) # "John"
names.get(2) # null
Get an item from the list, and panic with a custom error message if the index is out-of-bounds.
let names = [ "Jack", "John" ]
names.expect(2, "Third item was not found")
Insert a new value at the beginning of the list.
Push a new value at the end of the list.
Remove the first value from the list and return it.
Remove the last value from the list and return it.
Sorts a list.
_ = [ 2, 8, 4 ].sort() # [ 2, 4, 8 ]
_ = [ 2, 8, 4 ].sort(false) # [ 8, 4, 2 ]
Reverse a list.
_ = [ 2, 8, 4 ].reverse() # [ 4, 8, 2 ]
Count the number of entries in a list.
_ = [ 2, 8, 4 ].len() # 3
Concatenate two lists.
_ = [ 1, 2 ].concat([ 3, 4 ]) # [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Concatenate multiple lists.
_ = [ 1, 2 ].concat([ [ 3, 4 ], [ 5, 6 ] ]) # [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
Check if a key exists in a map.
Get a value without panicking if the key doesn't exist.
Get all keys of a map.
Get all values of a map.
Turn a map into a list.
Get an item from the map, and panic with a custom error message if the key doen't exist.
Delete a key, returns false
if the key didn't exist in the map, or true
Count the number of entries in a map.
Run the command and gets its status code after exit.
Run the command and fail if the status code after exit is not 0.
Equivalent to calling the command with simple parenthesis like cmd()
Run the command and get its stringified return value.
Run the command and get its CMDRAW output.
Run the command and get its CMDMSG output.
Run the command and get its CMDERR output.
Run the command and get its CMDOUT and CMDERR outputs combined.
Check if the stream is still pending. If the pipe is complete (which means if its pipe is closed), false
will be returned.
Get the stream's size hint. If no size hint was provided for this stream, null
will be returned.
while true
let won = false
let secret = rand_int(0, 100)
echo "Secret number between 0 and 100 has been chosen."
while !won
let user_input = retry prompt_int("Please input your guess: ")
if user_input < secret
echo "It's higher!"
elif user_input > secret
echo "It's lower!"
echo "You guessed the number \\o/!"
won = true
tries = retry(5) confirm("Do you want to play again?")
if !(retry(5) confirm("Do you want to play again?"))
echo "Goodbye!"
The native commands are commands that are available in every program without import.
Display a value to CMDOUT.
# echo [-n] { <anystr> | -b <stream>}
# "-b": print a stream as UTF-8
# "-n": don't put a newline break at the end of the content
echo "Hello world"
echo -n "Hello world!"
echo -b $(streamify "Hello world!")
Write a content to a file.
# wt [-a] [-n] [-c] <path> <anystr>
# "-a": append to the end of the file
# "-n": don't append a newline symbol at the end of the content
# "-c": fail if the file doesn't exist instead of creating it
Note that sometimes it can be clearer to use a redirection pipe:
# Overwrite file
echo "Hello world!" > ./test.txt
# Append to file
echo "Hello world!" >> ./test.txt
Read a file as a string
# rd [-s] [--stream-size <int>] <path>
# "-s": read a stream instead of reading the full content
# "--stream-size": specify the size of the stream when "-s" is provided (rounded to higher pipe buffer multiplier)
Create a new directory.
# mkd [-s] <path>
# "-s": fail if the directory already exists
Rename a filesystem item.
# re [-m] <oldname: path> <newname: path>
# "-m": move if the 'newname' is located inside another directory
# mv [-n] <file: path> <dest_dir: path>
# "-n": create the target directory if it does not exist
Remove a filesystem item.
# rm [-r | --recursive] [-n | --non-empty] [-t | --trash] {<path> | -l <list[path]>}
# "-r": allow removing empty directory
# "-n": allow removing even non-empty directories
# "-l": remove a list of paths
# "-t": move the item to the user's trash
List filesystem items.
# ls [-t | --tree] [-r | --recursive] [-h | --hidden] [--file-only | --dir-only] [<path>]
# "-t": display as a tree (implies "-r")
# "-r": list recursively
# "-h": list hidden files
# "--file-only": only display files
# "--dir-only": only display directories
Find filesystem items matching provided criterias.
# fd [-t | --types enum["dir" | "file" | "symlink" | "device"]]
# [-a | --absolute]
# [-L | --follow]
# [-e | --extension <string>]
# [-n | --name <string>]
# [-r | --regex <string>]
# [-i | --ignore-case]
# [-x | --exec <command>] <path>
# "-t": only list items of a given type (by default, only files and symlinks are shown)
# "-a": list absolute file paths instead of relative ones
# "-L": follow symbolic links
# "-e": only list files with the provided extension (directory will be excluded)
# "-n": only list items whose name contain the provided string (`^` and `$` can be used for indicating items must start or end by it)
# "-r": only list items matching a provided POSIX regex
# "-i": ignore case (requires "-n" or "-r")
# "-x": execute a command for each found item
Manage symbolic links.
# sl {-r | --read} <path>: check a symlink's target
# sl [-u | --update] <srcpath> <targetpath>: create a symlink
# "-u": update the symlink to the new target path if it already exists instead of failing