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System calls

System calls, abbreviated syscalls, are a type of KPC. They allow a process to ask the kernel to perform an action.

Technical overview

Syscalls are performed using CPU interruptions to notify the kernel.

A syscall is made of a 8-bit code, as well as up to 8 arguments with up to 64-bit value each.
When performing a syscall, the process will put in a specific CPU register an address poiting to a memory address containing in a row the syscall's code and its arguments. For most syscalls, code and arguments will be not be longer than 128 bits, but some may use larger arguments.

Some syscalls require the process to send a buffer of data. In such case, the process simply provides a pointer to the said buffer - so the argument's size will vary depending on the length of memory addresses.

After preparing the syscall's code and arguments, the process raises a specific exception that is caught by the kernel. When the syscall is complete, the kernel puts the result values in specific registers and resumes the process. This means that all syscalls are synchronous.

System calls always return two numbers: a 8-bit one (errcode) and a 8 bytes one (return value). If the errcode is not null, then an error occured during the syscall. The specific value indicate the encountered type of error:

  • 0x00: cannot read syscall's code or arguments (error while reading memory)
  • 0x01: the requested syscall does not exist
  • 0x02: at least one argument is invalid (e.g. providing a pointer to the 0 address)
  • 0x03: unmapped memory pointer (e.g. provided a pointer to a memory location that is not mapped yet)
  • 0x04: memory permission error (e.g. provided a writable buffer to an allocated but non-writable memory address)
  • 0x10 to 0x1F: Invalid argument(s) provided (constant checking)
  • 0x20 to 0x2F: Provided arguments are not valid in the current context (in relation with other arguments)
  • 0x30 to 0x3F: Provided arguments are not valid (after resources checking)
  • 0x40 to 0x4F: Resource access or modification error
  • 0x50 to 0x5F: Handled hardware errors
  • 0x60 to 0x6F: Other types of errors

System calls' code are categorized as follows:

  • 0x00 to 0x0F: signal handling
  • 0x10 to 0x1F: process management
  • 0x20 to 0x29: pipes
  • 0x2A to 0x2F: services communication
  • 0x30 to 0x3F: memory management
  • 0x40 to 0x4F: AMS management
  • 0x50 to 0x5F: processes management
  • 0x60 to 0x6F: threads management
  • 0x70 to 0x7F: hardware interaction
  • 0xA0 to 0xAF: applications-related syscalls
  • 0xD0 to 0xDF: reserved to system services

Note that advanced actions like permissions management or filesystem access are achieved through the use of IPC.

List of syscalls

You can find below the exhaustive list of system calls.


Register a signal handler.
If the address pointed by this syscall's is not executable by the current process when this signal is sent to the process, the signal will be converted to an HANDLER_FAULT signal instead.


  • Code of the signal to handle (1 byte)
  • Pointer to the handler function (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x10: The requested signal does not exist


Unregister a signal handler, falling back to the default signal reception behaviour if this signal is sent to the process.


  • Code of the signal to stop handling (1 byte)

Return value:



  • 0x10: The requested signal does not exist
  • 0x30: The requested signal does not have an handler


Check if a signal has a registered handler.


  • Code of the signal (1 byte)

Return value:

  • 0 if the signal is not handled, 1 if it is (1 byte)


  • 0x10: The requested signal does not exist

0x04 READY

Indicate the system this process has set up all its event listeners, so it can start dequeuing signals.

NOTE: When this signal is sent, all queued signals will be treated at once, so the instructions following the sending of this signal may not be ran until quite a bit of time in the worst scenario.

WARNING: Signals will not be treated until this syscall is sent by the process!



Return value:



  • 0x30: The process already told it was ready


Open a pipe with a process of the same application and running under the same user and get its SC.
The buffer size multiplier indicates the size of the pipe's buffer, multiplied by 64 KB. The default (0) falls back to a size of 64 KB.
The command code can be used to indicate to the target process which action is expected from it. It does not follow any specific format.
The target process will receive the SC/RC's counterpart through the RECV_PIPE signal, unless notification mode states otherwise.


  • Target process' PID (8 bytes)
  • Command code (2 bytes)
  • Pipe type (1 byte): 0x00 to create a write pipe, 0x01 to create a read pipe
  • Buffer size multiplier (1 byte)
  • Transmission mode (1 byte): 0x00 to create a raw pipe, 0x01 to create a message pipe
  • Notification mode (1 byte): 0x00 to notify the process with the RECV_PIPE signal, 0x01 to skip it
  • Size hint in bytes (8 bytes), with 0 being the 'no size hint' value

Return value:

  • Pipe SC identifier (8 bytes)


  • 0x10: Invalid transmission mode provided
  • 0x11: Invalid notification mode provided
  • 0x30: The provided PID does not exist
  • 0x31: The target process is not part of this application
  • 0x32: The target process runs under another user
  • 0x33: Notification mode is enabled but the target process does not have a handler registered for the RECV_PIPE signal


Share an RC or SC identifier with another process.
This will trigger in the target process the RECV_PIPE signal, unless the notification mode tells otherwise.

When the target process writes through the received SC or read from the received RC, the performance will be equal to writing or reading through the original RC/SC identifier.


  • Pipe RC or SC identifier (8 bytes)
  • Target PID (8 bytes)
  • Notification mode (1 byte): 0x00 to notify the process with a pipe reception signal, 0x01 to skip the signal

Return value:



  • 0x30: Notification mode is enabled but the target process does not have a handler registered for the RECV_PIPE signal


Write data through a pipe.
Messages will always be sent at once when writing to message pipes.
If the data is 0-byte long, this pipe will return successfully without waiting, even if the target pipe's buffer is full or locked.


  • Pipe SC identifier (8 bytes)
  • Number of bytes to write (4 bytes)
  • Pointer to a readable buffer (8 bytes)
  • Mode (1 byte): 0x00 = block until there is enough space to write, 0x01 = fail if there is not enough space to write or if the pipe is locked, 0x02 = write as much as possible

Return value:

Encoded on 4 bytes:

  • If mode is 0x00: remaining capacity of the pipe
  • If mode is 0x01: 0x00 if the cause of failure was because the pipe was locked, 0x01 if it was because of of a lack of space in the target buffer
  • If mode is 0x02: number of bytes written


  • 0x10: Invalid mode provided
  • 0x30: The provided SC identifier does not exist
  • 0x31: The provided SC was already closed
  • 0x32: The provided SC refers to a message pipe but the provided size is larger than 64 KB
  • 0x33: The provided SC refers to a message pipe but the 0x02 mode was provided
  • 0x40: There is not enough space in the pipe to write all the provided data and the mode argument was set to 0x01


Read pending data or message from a pipe.
If the pipe was closed while the buffer was not empty, this syscall will still be able to read the remaining buffer's data - but the pipe will not be able to receive any additional data. Then, once the buffer is empty, the pipe will be made unavailable.


  • Pipe RC identifier (8 byte)
  • Mode (1 byte): 0x00 = block until there are enough data to read, 0x01 = fail if there is not enough data to read or if the pipe is locked, 0x02 = read as much as possible
  • Readable buffer pointer (16 bytes) (specify 0 bytes length to read as much data as possible)

Return value:

Encoded on 4 bytes:

  • If mode is 0x00: remaining bytes in the buffer
  • If mode is 0x01: 0x00 if the cause of failure was because the pipe was locked, 0x01 if it was because of of a lack of space in the target buffer
  • If mode is 0x02: number of read bytes


  • 0x10: Invalid mode provided
  • 0x30: The provided RC identifier does not exist
  • 0x31: The provided RC was already closed
  • 0x32: There is no pending data in the pipe and the mode argument was set to 0x01
  • 0x33: The provided RC refers to a message pipe but the 0x02 mode was provided


Get informations on a pipe from its RC or SC identifier.


  • Pipe RC or SC identifier (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Status (1 byte):
    • Bit 0 (strongest): indicates if the pipe is opened
    • Bit 1: indicates if the pipe is a message pipe
    • Bit 2: indicates if the pipe's buffer is full
    • Bit 3: indicates if the pipe is locked
    • Bit 4: indicates if a writing request is pending (waiting for the pipe to be unlocked)
    • Bit 5: indicates if a reading request is pending (waiting for the pipe to be unlocked)
    • Bit 6: indicates if the provided identifier is an SC
  • Pipe's buffer's capacity (8 bytes)
  • Remaining data before the pipe's buffer is full (8 bytes)
  • Pipe's creator's PID (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: The provided RC or SC identifier does not exist


Close a pipe properly. The RC and SC parts will be immediatly closed.
The other process this pipe was shared with will receive the PIPE_CLOSED signal unless this pipe was created during a service connection.
If this syscall is not performed on a pipe before the process exits, the other process will receive the same signal with a specific argument to indicate the communication was brutally interrupted.


  • Pipe RC or SC identifier (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: The provided RC/SC identifier does not exist
  • 0x31: The target process already terminated
  • 0x32: The provided RC/SC identifier is part of a service pipe


Open a service socket.
Triggers the RECV_SERV_SOCK signal on the receiver process' side.


  • Client process PID (8 bytes)
  • Buffer size multiplier by 4 KB (2 bytes) - 0 fall backs to 4KB

Return value:

  • Socket identifier (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: Unknown PID provided
  • 0x31: Current process is not allowed to communicate with the provided process


Send a message through a service socket exchange.
This syscall can also be used to create a new exchange.

Sending a non-zero error code will close the exchange.


  • Socket identifier (8 bytes)
  • Exchange identifier (8 bytes) - 0 creates a new exchange
  • Method or notification code (1 byte) - non-zero value if not creating an exchange to close it with a non-error message
  • Error code (2 bytes)
  • Buffer pointer to the message's content (16 bytes)

Return value:

  • Exchange identifier (8 bytes)
  • Message counter for this exchange (4 bytes)


  • 0x30: Unknown socket identifier
  • 0x31: Socket is already closed
  • 0x32: Unknown exchange identifier
  • 0x40: Exchange has already been concluded


Read the pending message of a service socket.


  • Socket identifier (8 bytes)
  • Address of a writable buffer (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of written bytes (4 bytes)
  • 0x01 if a message was retrieved, 0x00 if none was pending (1 byte)
  • Status (1 byte):
    • Bit 0: set if this message did create a new exchange
    • Bit 1: set if this message is an error message
    • Bit 2: set if this message closed the socket


  • 0x30: Unknown socket identifier
  • 0x31: Socket is already closed
  • 0x32: Unknown exchange identifier
  • 0x40: Exchange has already been concluded


Close a service socket.
Triggers the SERV_SOCK_CLOSED signal on the receiver process' side.


  • Socket identifier (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: Unknown socket identifier
  • 0x40: Socket is already closed


Ask a service to etablish connection. The current process is called the service's client.

If the current process already has an active connection (a connection that hasn't been closed) to the target service, it will fail unless the flexible mode argument is set.

NOTE: When this signal is sent, the service's answer will be waited, so the instructions following the sending of this signal may not be ran until several seconds in the worst scenario.


  • Target application's ANID (4 bytes)
  • Target type (1 byte):
  • Scope name - filled with zeroes to access the default service (8 bytes)
  • Command code (2 bytes)

Return value:

  • Unique connection ID (8 bytes)
  • Service socket identifier (8 bytes)
  • Flexible mode (1 byte): 0x00 by default, 0x01 returns the existing connection ID if an active connection is already in place with the service instead of failing



Tell a service to properly close the connection. The associated service socke will immediatly be closed.


  • Unique connection ID (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: The provided connection ID does not exist
  • 0x40: This connection was already closed
  • 0x41: The associated service thread already terminated


Confirm the current service accepts the connection with a client.
A dedicated service socket identifier will be provided to communicate with the client.

This will create a new client thread in the current process, which is meant to be dedicated to this specific client.
The client thread will not receive any SERVICE_CONN_REQUEST signal, only dispatcher thread will.

When the associated client terminates, the SERVICE_CLIENT_CLOSED signal is sent to this thread.


  • Connection's unique request ID (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • 0x00 if the current process is now the associated client's thread, 0x01 else
  • Service socket identifier (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: This request ID does not exist
  • 0x40: The process which requested the connection already terminated
  • 0x41: Answer was given after the delay set in the registry's system.processes.service_answer_delay key (default: 2000ms)


Reject a connection request to the current service.


  • Connection's unique request ID (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: This request ID does not exist
  • 0x40: The process which requested the connection already terminated
  • 0x41: Answer was given after the delay set in the registry's system.processes.service_answer_delay key (default: 2000ms)



  • Target application's ANID (4 bytes)
  • Scope name (8 bytes) - fill with zeroes to check the default service

Return value:

  • 0x01 if the application has a service for the provided scope, 0x00 otherwise



Allocate a contiguous block of memory. In case of large allocations, a large memory page may be allocated instead of multiple small ones.

WARNING: Allocated memory will not be zeroes unless it previously belonged to another process. Therefore the caller process shall ensure memory is used correctly.


  • Number of bytes to allocate (8 bytes)
  • Permissions (3 bits, from the weakest):
    • 0b001: Read-only
    • 0b010: Write-only
    • 0b011: Read-write
    • 0b100: Exec-only
  • 0x01 to ensure the zone is zeroed before allocating, 0x00 else (1 byte)

Return value:

  • Pointer to the newly-allocated block of memory (8 bytes)


  • 0x10: Invalid permission
  • 0x40: The kernel could not find a contiguous block of memory of the requested size


Unallocate a contiguous block of memory.

Shared memory pages must first be unshared through the UNSHARE_AMS syscall.
Mapped memory pages must be unmapped through the UNMAP_AMS syscall.

WARNING: Memory will not be zeroed, therefore the caller process shall ensure critical informations are zeroed or randomized before freeing the memory.


  • Pointer to the start address to unallocate the memory from (8 bytes)
  • The number of pages to unallocate (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x10: The provided start address it not aligned with a page
  • 0x30: The provided start address is out of the process' range
  • 0x31: The provided size, added to the start address, would exceed the process' range
  • 0x32: One or more of the provided pages was not allocated (e.g. unmapped page or memory-mapped page)
  • 0x33: One or more of the provided pages are shared with another process


Create an abstract memory segment (AMS) from a part of the current process' address space.


  • Address of the first page to register in the AMS (8 bytes)
  • Number of bytes to register (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • AMS ID (8 bytes)


  • 0x10: Start address is unaligned
  • 0x11: Number of bytes is unaligned
  • 0x30: Address is out of range


Create an abstract memory segment (AMS) backed by the READ_BACKED_AMS and WRITE_BACKED_AMS signals.

Copy-on-write support can be enabled to allow the receiver process to write data in its own memory space. Written pages will be allocated by the kernel and won't be backed anymore by the READ_BACKED_AMS signal. The backer process won't be able to see these changes, and the WRITE_BACKEND_AMS signal won't be trigerred on its side.


  • Length of the AMS (8 bytes)
  • Copy-on-write mode (1 byte): 0x00 to disable, 0x01 to enable


  • 0x10: Invalid COW mode provided
  • 0x11: Provided length is unaligned


Share an abstract memory segment (AMS) with another process.

This will trigger in the target process the RECV_SHARED_MEM with the provided command code, unless the notification mode states otherwise.

The mutual mode allows both processes to access the memory, with the sharer setting the permissions for the receiver to limit its access. Copy-on-write can also be enabled to allow the receiver process to write data without affecting the sharer process' memory.

The exclusive mode allows, only when sharing AMS made from existing memory pages from its original process, to unmap the original pages from the said process to let the exclusive access to the target process. This is useful when transferring temporarily large chunks of data to another process. Also, access permissions are ignored when using exclusive mode.

The returned AMS ID is common for both the sender and the receiver, allowing to use it in exchanges.


  • Target process' PID (8 bytes)
  • AMS ID (8 bytes)
  • Command code (2 bytes)
  • Notification mode (1 byte): 0x00 to notify the process with the RECV_SHARED_AMS signal, 0x01 to skip it
  • Mode (1 byte):
    • Mutual: 0 b 0 0 0 0 <1 to enable copy-on-write> <1 to enable read> <1 to enable write> <1 to enable exec>
    • Exclusive: 0 b 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 <1 to unmap original pages>

Return value:



  • 0x10: Invalid notification mode provided
  • 0x11: Invalid mode provided
  • 0x12: Invalid exclusive mode provided
  • 0x20: Access permissions were not set but the sharing mode is set to mutual
  • 0x21: Access permissions were provided but the sharing mode is set to exclusive
  • 0x40: There is not enough contiguous space in the receiver process' memory space to map the shared memory


Get informations about a shared abstract memory segment (AMS).


  • AMS ID (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Sharer process' PID (8 bytes)
  • Receiver process' PID (8 bytes)
  • Sharing mode (1 byte): 0x00 for mutual mode, 0x01 for exclusive mode
  • Pointer to the shared buffer (16 bytes)
  • Command code (2 bytes)
  • Access permissions (1 byte): for mutual sharings, strongest bit for read, next for write, next for exec ; for exclusive sharings, 0x00


  • 0x30: Unknwon AMS ID provided


Stop sharing an abstract memory segment (AMS) started by SHARE_AMS. Note that exlusive sharings cannot be unmapped.

This will trigger in the target process the UNSHARED_AMS signal.


  • AMS ID (8 bytes)
  • PID to stop sharing with (8 bytes) - 0 to stop sharing with all processes

Return value:



  • 0x30: Unknown AMS ID provided
  • 0x21: Provided AMS ID is exclusive
  • 0x32: Provided AMS was not shared with the provided process

0x45 MAP_AMS

Map an abstract memory segment (AMS) in the current process' address space.


  • AMS ID (8 bytes)
  • Address to map the AMS from (8 bytes)
  • Mapped buffer pointer (16 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: Unknown AMS ID provided
  • 0x31: Provided mapping address or address+length is out-of-range in the AMS
  • 0x32: Provided address to map or address+length is out-of-orange in this process' address space


Unmap an abstract memory segment (AMS) from the current process' address space.
If the AMS is mapped at multiple addresses of this process, only one of the mappings will be unmapped by default.


  • AMS ID (8 bytes)
  • Mapping address (8 bytes) - 0 to unmap from all addresses

Return value:



  • 0x10: Unknown AMS ID provided
  • 0x30: Provided AMS it not mapped at this address


Create a child process from the current one. The new process gets a separate memory space.

Communication can be done through standard IPC.

The initialization data is joined as part of the application's execution context.

If the parent process is part of a container, the child process will be part of the same one.


  • Initialization data (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Child process identifier (8 bytes)
  • Identity (1 byte): 0x00 if the current thread is the parent, 0x01 for the child
  • Initialization data (8 bytes) - 0 for the parent


  • 0x30: The current process is not an application process
  • 0x40: Failed to create a new process due to hardware problem (cannot allocate memory, ...)


Wait for a child process to terminate.


  • Process identifier (8 bytes)
  • Timeout in milliseconds (2 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: The provided PID does not exist or does not belong to the current application


Kill a child process, which will first receive the WILL_TERMINATE signal.


  • Process identifier (8 bytes)
  • Timeout in milliseconds (2 bytes) - if 0, will use the system's global default value (registry's system.processes.terminate_delay)

Return value:

  • Process' exit data (provided through EXIT_PROCESS, 0 otherwise)


  • 0x40: Failed to create a new process due to hardware problem (cannot allocate memory, ...)

0x53 GET_PID

Get the current process' PID.



Return value:

  • Current process' PID (8 bytes)




Suspend the current process or a child process.


  • PID to suspend (8 bytes) - 0 for the current process

Return value:

  • Amount of time the process was suspended, in milliseconds (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: the current process is not an application process
  • 0x31: the current PID was not found or is not a child of the current process


Unsuspend a child process.

Will trigger the UNSUSPENDED signal on the child process' side.


  • PID to unsuspend (8 bytes) - 0 for the current process

Return value:

  • Amount of time the process was suspended, in milliseconds (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: the current process is not an application process
  • 0x31: the current PID was not found or is not a child of the current process


End this process' cycle.

Used to indicate to the kernel the current process has no additional work to do for now (e.g. waiting for asynchronous I/O data).



Return value:





Kill the current process.

A SERVICE_CLIENT_CLOSED signal is sent to all services connection the process has.
If the current process is a service, a SERVICE_SERVER_QUITTED signal is sent to all active clients.


  • Exit data (8 bytes)

Return value:

None (never returns)




Create a thread from the current one. The new thread will share the current one's memory space.


  • Initialization data (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Child thread identifier (8 bytes)
  • Identity (1 byte): 0x00 if the current thread is the parent, 0x01 for the child
  • Initialization data (8 bytes) - 0 for the parent


  • 0x40: Failed to create a new thread due to hardware problem (cannot allocate memory, ...)


Create a TLS slot.



Return value:

  • TLS slot identifier (8 bytes)


  • 0x40: Maximum number of TLS slots was reached
  • 0x41: Could not allocate memory for a new TLS slot


Read from a TLS slot.


  • TLS slot identifier (8 bytes)
  • Writable buffer (16 bytes) (specify 0 bytes length to read the entire data at once)

Return value:

  • Number of bytes written (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: Unknown TLS identifier


Write to a TLS slot.


Return value:



  • 0x30: Unknown TLS identifier
  • 0x40: Failed to allocate enough memory for the written data


Delete a TLS slot.


  • TLS slot identifier (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: Unknown TLS identifier


Kill the current thread and all of its children threads.


  • Exit data (4 bytes)

Return value:

None (never returns)




Read data from the physical I/O port a device, if authorized as a driver.

Complete access is granted to the sys::hw service.


  • KDI of the device to read data from (8 bytes)
  • Relative I/O port number (2 bytes)
  • Writable buffer pointer (16 bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of bytes read from the I/O port (8 bytes)

Error codes:

  • 0x30: This device is not registered in this process' drivable devices attribute
  • 0x31: The provided device KDI was not found
  • 0x32: The provided I/O port does not exist for the provided device
  • 0x33: The provided I/O port is an output port


Write data to the physical I/O port a device, if authorized as a driver.

Complete access is granted to the sys::hw service.


  • KDI of the device to read data from (8 bytes)
  • Relative I/O port number (2 bytes)
  • Readable buffer pointer (16 bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of bytes written (8 bytes)

Error codes:

  • 0x30: This device is not registered in this process' drivable devices attribute
  • 0x31: The provided device KDI was not found
  • 0x32: The provided I/O port does not exist for the provided device
  • 0x33: The provided I/O port is an input port


Trigger a hardware interruption on a device, if authorized as a driver.

Complete access is granted to the sys::hw service.


  • KDI of the device to trigger an interrupt on (8 bytes)
  • Relative I/O port identifier (2 bytes)
  • Interrupt code (1 byte)

Return value:


Error codes:

  • 0x30: This device is not registered in this process' drivable devices attribute
  • 0x31: The provided device KDI was not found
  • 0x32: The provided I/O port does not exist for the provided device
  • 0x33: The provided I/O port is an input port


Create an abstract memory segment (AMS) from a device's memory through Mapped Memory Input/Output (MMIO).

Read data from the physical input/output port a device, if authorized as a driver.

Complete access is granted to the sys::hw service.


  • KDI of the device to map in memory (8 bytes)
  • Start address in the device's memory (8 bytes)
  • Number of bytes to map (8 bytes)
  • Start address to map in this process' memory (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • AMS ID (8 bytes)


  • 0x10: The mapping's start address is not aligned with a page
  • 0x11: The mapping's length is not a multiple of a page's size
  • 0x12: The mapping's size is null (0 bytes)
  • 0x30: This device is not registered in this process' drivable devices attribute
  • 0x31: The provided device KDI was not found
  • 0x32: The provided device is not compatible with MMIO


Allow or disallow a device to access a range of addresses through Direct Memory Access (DMA) in the current process' address space.

Read data from the physical input/output port a device, if authorized as a driver.

Complete access is granted to the sys::hw service.


  • KDI of the device to map in memory (8 bytes)
  • Start address in the current process' address space (8 bytes)
  • Length (8 bytes)
  • Authorization (1 byte): 0x00 to allow the device to use this range, 0x01 to cancel an authorization

Return value:



  • 0x10: The range's start address is not aligned with a page
  • 0x11: The range's length is not a multiple of a page's size
  • 0x12: The range's size is null (0 bytes)
  • 0x30: This device is not registered in this process' drivable devices attribute
  • 0x31: The provided device KDI was not found
  • 0x32: The provided device is not compatible with DMA


Get informations from the application's execution context.


  • Information to get (1 byte):

    • 0x00: all the context
    • 0x01: startup reason
    • 0x02: context header
    • 0x03: command-line arguments
  • Pointer to a writable buffer (8 bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of written bytes (8 bytes)


  • 0x10: Invalid information number provided
  • 0x30: Caller process is a system service


Syscall resserved to the sys::process service.

Create a userland process.


Return value:

  • PID (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::process service
  • 0x31: Code location token was not accepted by the sys::fs service
  • 0x32: Application context is not valid


Syscall resserved to the sys::process service.

Manage a userland process.


Return value:



  • 0x10: Invalid action code provided
  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::process service
  • 0x31: Unknown PID
  • 0x32: Process is already in the requested state


Syscall resserved to the sys::process service.

Manage a process' attributes.


For value-based attributes:

  • Attribute code (1 byte):

    • 0x00: PID
    • 0x01: Process' priority
    • 0x02: Running user's ID
    • 0x03: Parent application ID
    • 0x04: Execution context (startup reason)
    • 0x05: Execution context (header)
    • 0x06: Execution context (arguments)
    • 0x07: Container ID
  • Action code:

For list-based attributes:

  • Attribute code (1 byte):

    • 0x00: Memory mappings
    • 0x01: Permissions
    • 0x02: Drivable devices
  • Action code (1 byte) followed by its optional arguments:

    • 0x00: Get the number of elements
    • 0x01: Get the value at a given index => index (4 bytes)
    • 0x02: Update the value at a given index => index (4 bytes) + value (? bytes)
    • 0x03: Insert a value at a given index => index (4 bytes) + value (? bytes)
    • 0x04: Push a value at the end of the list => value (? bytes)
    • 0x05: Remove a value from the list => index (4 bytes)
    • 0x06: Remove the last value from the list
    • 0x10: Check if the list contains a given item => value to look for (? bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of written bytes (if applies) (8 bytes)
  • 0x00 is all data was written, 0x01 otherwise (1 byte)


  • 0x10: Invalid action code provided
  • 0x11: Invalid attribute number provided
  • 0x12: Asked to write a read-only attribute
  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::process service
  • 0x31: This system service is not allowed to access or edit this attribute
  • 0x32: Provided index is out-of-bounds


Syscall resserved to the sys::hw service.

List devices with a provided connection interface identifier (CII).

For each device, its raw device descriptor (RDD) (up to 260 bytes) is written to the provided address.

By prodiving a pattern with all bits set and a full CII, it is possible to retrieve informations from a single connection port.


  • Pattern type (1 byte):
    • Bit 0: match all connection types
    • Bit 1: match all buses
    • Bit 2: match all port numbers
  • CII pattern of the devices to list (4 bytes)
  • Writable buffer (16 bytes)

Return value:

  • Number of devices found with the provided criterias (4 bytes)
  • 0x00 is all devices were written, 0x01 otherwise (1 byte)


  • 0x10: Invalid connection type in CII
  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::hw service


Create a container.



Return value:

  • Container ID (8 bytes)


  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::proc service.


Make a hardware device available to a previously-created container.

The device may be a real hardware device or a virtual one.


  • KDI of the device to link (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::proc service.
  • 0x31: Unknown KDI provided


Destroy a previously-created container as well as all its children.


  • Container ID (8 bytes)

Return value:



  • 0x30: Caller process is not the sys::proc service.
  • 0x31: Unknown conatiner ID provided