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Face Recognition System

The following codebase is a face recognition toolkit. It consists of three endpoints: A communal endpoint that uploads the images given an ID, an endpoint which copies these images to the image databaase, and an endpoints which verifies the image.

In this documentn we'll explain how this codebase works.

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Endpoints API

After launching an instnce of on development mode, you can use Postman or in case you're in mood for CLI, cURL to run the following commands. They, given the accopanying data, will trigger a chain of functions and they, in turn, will perform an action.

The following table documents these three endpoints:

Endpoint Method Request Type Response Type Request Params Response Params
/upload_imgs?id=[id] POST form-data JSON *files, id (arg) upload_results, upload_code, upload_message, system_errors
/upload_db POST x-www-form-urlencoded JSON upload_id, name, delete_pickles, rebuild_db, in_place result_code, result_message, upload_results, system_errors
/verify POST x-www-form-urlencoded JSON upload_id, skip_verify, skip_db_search, skip_liveness recognition_code, recognition_message, recognition_results, system_errors

Here's how it works.

You first upload how many images you want using upload_imgs/?id=[reco_id] for example upload_imgs/?id=RECO_ID_000023. The JSON response, if successful, will return the name of a subdirectory inside your UPLOAD_FOLDER (see: Environment Variables). For example, RECO_ID_000023-13134.

/upload_imgs yields a JSON response which contain:

Parameter Yields
upload_results The result of the upload, containing scores, saved images, rejected images, and the upload_id which you have to give to the othre two endpoints.
upload_code The resulting code. Refer to codes to get a sense of them.
upload_message The message of the code.
system_errors See Environment Variables

Now you have two options:

Option 1: Use /upload_db and save the faces inside the images, and a few augmented versions (depending on AUG_NUM, again see: Environment Variables) to your DB_PATH under a subfolder called {given_name}-{RECO_ID}. The data wil lbe saved to MySQL.

The following form data can be passed to upload_db:

Parameter Job
delete_pickles Delete all the .pkl files inside DB_PATH. Necessary if you wish for the search model (and not the verification) to recognize your images.
rebuild_db Rebuild the .pkl files. It's not necessary, because the datbase will be rebuilt upon the first search. However, for faster speed, it's better to enable it.
in_place Whether to replace the files, if the ID exists in the database, or add to them. If the ID doesn't exist in the database, and you enable it, it will inform you that this action was unnecessary.
name The name of the person in the photos.
upload_id The folder id that was given to you by /upload_imgs

This endpoint will yield a JSON response containing the following keys:

Parameter Yields
result_code Refer to codes
result_message The message of the code.
upload_results Contains the results of the upload to images DB, such as the MySQL identifier, the resulting files, etc.
system_errors See Environment Variables

After upload to image DB is done, the folder will be renamed and it can't be used anymore.

Option 2: Use /verify, detect the faces, create augmented versions, and send the images down the verification pipline.

/verify accepts the following keys:

Parameter Job
upload_id The folder id given to you by /upload_imgs. If this folder has been used for uploading to image DB, then it can't be used.
skip_verify Skip verification, and just search the DB. Can be True or False.
skip_db_search If verification doesn't yield results, don't search the DB. Can be either True or False. Between this and the last one, one, or either must be false. Both can't be true!
skip_liveness Skip liveness detection.

This endpoint will return the following results:

Parameter Yields
recognition_code Refer to codes
recognition_message Resulting message.
recognition_results Results, containing the name and the distance.
system_errors See Environment Variables

Resulting Codes

The API will return codes. These codes are stored in The *_message will return the message of this code. You can view the message for each code here:

Code Message
176 There was problem with .env file on the server.
143 Both skip_verify and skip_db_search set to True.
153 At least one of the images doesn't exist. Consult log.
111 Length of img_paths is zero.
630 Could not detect a face in any of the images.
126 Regex matched ID.
127 Regex didn't match ID.
119 Files uploaded successfully.
117 Length of uploaded files was zero.
155 Database connection error. Consult log.
100 None of the matching IDs in the DB matched what was given.
134 After a search in the DB, the ID matched with what was found.
116 Problem getting ID, please check MySQL settings.
113 Path in the MySQL database doesn't exist in the image database.
200 Image successfully verified.
500 Image failed to verify and DB search was not enabled or was not a success.
150 Insert into MySQL failed. Please check your settings.
152 Failed to detect face in any of the images or all contained more than one face.
178 Problem loading liveness detection model. Check your URL.
560 All faces were spoof.
143 Both skip_verify and skip_db_search set to True. One must be False.
900 ID already exists in db and in_place was set to true. Folder deleted and DB path replaced.
838 ID successfully inserted into DB. in_place was needlessly enabled.
800 ID successfully inserted to db.
850 ID successfully inserted to db. in_place was disabled, so the files were added to the previous ones.
189 Folder already uploaded to DB. Can't verify to upload again. Or it does not exist at all!
107 Endpoint request needs to be www-form-urlencoded, or form is empty.
108 Acceptable upload_db endpoint www-form-urlencoded keys
109 Acceptable verify endpoint www-form-urlencoded keys
110 No args provided for upload_imgs endpoint, or id arg must be provided through upload_imgs?id=
120 All the files were rejected due to not meeting score criteria.
193 There was a problem with base64 string.

Run Development Mode

For now, until I deploy this codebase to server and make a frontend for it, please test it by running it on your local machine. To do that:

  1. Install Mini Conda.
  2. Create an environment by conda create -n face-reco python=3.9
  3. Activate the environment by conda activate face-reco
  4. Navigate to the main folder and run pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Make sure the Environment Variables are set and port 8001 is free.
  6. Make sure MySQL is installed on your system and the schema and the table exist to what is specified in .env.
  7. Run python
  8. Download Postman from the link earlier in this document.
  9. Send requests.
  10. If you run into any problems contact either me (Chubak#7400), Szymon, or Felix.
  11. You may need to install dlib.

You can use this file to test. This file is also used in unit tests.

Note: Your table schema should look like this:

Types: PK, VARCHAR(12), VARCHAR(200), VARCHAR(500)

Names of columns can change BUT THEIR ORDER CAN'T.

Environment Variables

In order for this application to run, it requires a long list of environment variables. This file is validated, and if a key doesn't exist in it, or doesn't match the desired pattern, the endpoint will return system_errors. This key maps to two sub-keys, not_in_env which lists all the keys that are not in .env file, and env_errs, which contains all the errors generated from not matching the .env file.

So create a file in the root called .env and make sure it contains the following keys, separted by a newline. Each key must be assigned with an equal sign (KEY=VALUE).

Env Var Key Description Example
MODEL_PATH Path to the liveness model. bin/model
MODEL_URL URL to the liveness model on Google Drive. It should be the example
MODEL_NAME Name of your liveness model. Make sure you change it every time you change the model URL liveness_best.h5
SQL_URI URI of your MySQL installation. localhost
SQL_USER Your MySQL username. root
SQL_PASS Your MySQL password. lasvegas
SQL_SCHEMA Schema your MySQL table is in. Must exist. world
SQL_TABLE Your MySQL table. Must exist. reco_table
ID_COL Name of the Recognition ID column in the table. Must exist. reco_id
PATH_COL Name of the images path column in DB in the MySQL table. Must exist. reco_path
NAME_COL Name of the name column in MySQL table. Must exist. reco_name
DB_PATH Path to your images DB. Must exist. I:\face_reco\db
TARGET_WIDTH The width of the images in DB. 224
TARGET_HEIGHT The height of the images in DB. 224
SELECTED_MODELS Face recognition models you wish to use. Can be VGG-Face, Facenet, OpenFace, DeepFace, DeepID, ArcFace or Dlib. Facenet,ArcFace,VGG-Face
ID_REGEX The regex pattern for IDs. RECO_ID_\d+
NUM_AUG Number of augmentations. 4
SIM_FUNC Distance function to use. Can be cosine, euclidean, or euclidean_l2. Note that some models, such as Facenet, don't work with Euclidean. cosine
LOG_LOC Location to the log file. Can be non-existent. I:\face_reco\faceapp.log
VER_TOL Real image verification tolerance. As in, how many real images need to be verified until the code returns true. 2
VER_TOL_AUG Same as above, but for augmented images. 20
SUPER_PASSWORD It's not in use yet. But needs to be there, and needs to be complex. Spr!ngf!3ld_0h!0
SCORE_TOL Minimum score acceoptable for uploaded images. Needs to be a decimal number. 7.000
UPLOAD_FOLDER Uploaded images folder. Needs to exist. I:\face_reco\static