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Consensus Algorithm Summary

Gene Hoffman edited this page Dec 3, 2020 · 14 revisions

NOTE: The core consensus components of Chia are changing to version 1.1 as documented in our new consensus working doc.

The Chia blockchain and consensus algorithm aims to provide a more environmentally friendly, decentralized, and secure alternative to proof of work or proof of stake, while maintaing some of the key properties that make Nakamoto consensus desirable. The full description of the algorithm can be reviewed in the Chia Network greenpaper.

The main idea is that mining nodes called Farmers (as opposed to Bitcoin's miners), use their disk space to compete on finding blocks. Whereas in Bitcoin, owning 5% of the hashpower, or CPU power allows you to win 5% of the blocks, in Chia having 5% of the allocated hard drive space will allow you to win these blocks. Furthermore, coinbase rewards and fees in blocks are given to the farmers (and/or pools).

This allocated hard drive space is stored in a series of files referred to as "plots". Plots are lookup tables filled with hashes and pointers, which allow farmers to efficiently look up and find proofs of space, cryptographic proofs of storage of data. Farmers can create plots through the plotting process, which can take days of intesive CPU and disk usage, but after that, they can farm with almost no cpu or electricity usage. More information on proofs of space and the exact construction can be found here and the running source code is in the chiapos repository.

Whenever a new block is propagated through the network, all farmers check their hard drives to see if they have any very good proofs of space (analogous to someone checking their bingo card to see if they've won), and propagate these proofs if they've found a lucky number. Farmers also propagate a block with these proofs, and sign it with a private key that is associated with their plot.

In order to prevent grinding attacks and long range attacks amongst others, these proofs of space must be put through a proof of time as well. Each block has one proof of space and one proof of time. Proofs of time, or verifiable delay function proofs ("VDFs"), are cryptographic proofs that a sequential computation was performed on a given input, for a given number of iterations. These proofs of time create time between blocks, and make generating an alternative blockchain take a very long time. The nodes that create proofs of time are called Timelords, and they don't get any direct rewards for doing this. The idea is that they help the network operate, and as long as there is one honest timelord that is close enough to the fastest timelord, then grinding resistance is preserved.

A block which does not yet have a proof of time on it, is called an unfinished block.

In summary, blocks are created by farmers/timelord with only a proof of space, and the best ones are sent to timelords which can add proofs of time to them, where the time required is a random number that depends on the block time, difficulty, proof of space quality, etc.

Difficulty and Iterations

In Chia, there is also a difficulty parameter which is a constant factor that can increase or decrease the number of iterations required for the proof of time, and therefore change expected block times. The formula for the proof of space iterations required to finish a block is below:

Iterations required = min_iters + difficulty * -ln(0.H(qual_str)) / expected_plot_size(k)
  • min_iters is the minimum required iterations for each proof of time. This is calculated as the total iterations in the previous epoch divided by 10. Epochs are groups of 2048 blocks starting at block 0 (genesis). This allows farmers some time to fetch all their qualities and proofs from disk.

  • difficulty is a number that is also changed every epoch, starting at block i+512 where i%2048 is 0. The difficulty parameter allows us to increase or decrease the number of iterations, in order to get closer to the target block time of 5 minutes. If blocks came much faster or much slower than expected in the previous epoch, the difficulty is adjusted based on the formula in the greenpaper. Source code is in src/ The difficulty is increased regardless of which component improved, the space or the time. If a large farmer came into the network, blocks will come faster and thus increase the difficulty. Same thing if a faster timelord joins the network.

  • -ln(x) negative log is applied to a number between 0 and 1, to make proportion of space in the network equal to the proportion of blocks won. This is computed using a simple Pade approximation for log, which is very accurate for values close to 1.

  • 0.H(x) this is a conversion from a hash (32 byte sha256 output) to a value between 0 and 1, by taking all the bits of the hash "xxxxx.." and representing a decimal in binary as 0.xxxxx... In the code, we actually skip this step and use integers directly in the Pade approximation, to avoid floating points.

  • qual_str is the quality string, is a variable sized bytestring that can be efficiently retrieved from the plot (it's actually a subset of the proof of space). This allows farmers to efficiently check whether a proof of space is "good" (requires low iterations), without fetching the whole proof from disk. A quality lookup takes around 50ms on a slow HDD, while a proof of space lookup takes around 500ms. Note that this is like finding a good hash in Bitcoin, but does not require elecricity, and can be done instantly.

  • k is an integer between 32 and 50 which determines the size of a plot. For testnet k may be a lower value.

  • expected_plot_size is a function from k to the number of bytes on disk to store a plot of that size. Increasing k by one roughly doubles the size of the plot.

Whenever a farmer sees a new block in the network, she retrieves the quality and computes the iterations, which when divided by ips, yields the expected time to finalize that block. If this number is close enough to the expected block time (5 minutes), the entire proof of space is fetched from disk, the unfinished block is created, and then it is propagated through the network. The threshold for looking up proofs of space can be configured in config.yaml.

As farmers in the network receive new blocks, and find their qualities and proofs of space, they will propagate them and timelords will receive them. The proofs of space on block i will determine the number of iterations that the proof of time on block i must have, but it is not included in the challenge for block i. Therefore the timelord can start iterating on their VDF as soon as block i-1 is finalized by another timelord. More information is given in the Greenpaper.

Difficulty formula


Propagation rules

Peers transmit blocks and unfinished blocks between each other. Unfinished blocks are usually created very quickly by farmers after a block has been created at the previous height, since proofs of space are fast to create.


When a full node receives a new block, it is propagated if it is valid and if it is one of our 3 tips. The tips are the three connected valid blocks with the highest weight, where ties are broken by the order of receipt.

For example, if we see 2 blocks at height 1000 and then 2 blocks at height 2000, A, B, C, and D, then the three tips are blocks C, A, B. Therefore, there is a limit to how many valid blocks will get propagated at each height, and therefore how many disk lookups farmers must perform. This is an important network parameter that is talked about extensively in the greenpaper, since a low tip number will increase the advantage of large farmers.

Unfinished Blocks

When a full node receives an unfinished block, it is propagated if:

  1. It is a child of one of the tips
  2. Is the current unfinished block leader, or not expected to be finished much slower than the leader

The unfinished block leader is the unfinished block of greatest height which is expected to finish first, according to the number of iterations required, and the current network IPS.

The next document in the tutorial is the Block Format.

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