This is a bookstore demo of class CS5244 Web Application.
Demo can be viewed here
server: Backend
- Api: api& cors filter file
- Business: codes about data model and database connection
client: front end
- Assets - css/js resources
- Components - self defined components
- router: path configuration
- Services: ApiService, configure the path of the api from backend
- Store: data accessing code. Accessing data from backend using store for better managing.
- Views: pages that we access.
- App.vue: main view of vue
- main.ts: app configuration, start app
- vue.config.js: Path configuration of the whole frontend project.
Technologies | Description |
Vue.js | Frontend tools |
Element UI | Frontend framework |
JDBC | database connection |
MySQL | Database |
Java | Backend Language |
Pinia | VUE store tools |
Typescript | frontend |
Figma | Design tool |
Category page
Shopping cart
Checkout Page
Confirmation Page
Empty cart