Arjun Sanyal ([email protected]) TODO: More tests, do qunit
Assuming your UI server in on localhost,
there are two main ways to run tests:
- "Stand-alone" in a browser
- automated, command line mode with envjs and selenium
NOTE: to use Google Chrome for testing you must start it with the "--disable-web-security" argument
Go to: http://localhost/jmvc/ui/test/funcunit/funcunit.html which:
- Reads the funcunit.html page loading the funcunit.js script in the same directory and default CSS
- The funcunit.js script loads the funcunit library via steal and defines the tests to be run which are scripts (foo_test.js) in this dir.
See the code in main_controller_test.js for examples. One thing to note is the different path to the "login" page based on if the test is being run in the browser or via envjs+selenium. This is a hack to get this to work. Feel free to fix it!
See the test syntax documentation:
Note: This is just javascript so you can use the standard javascript debugger statement and firebug!
This will run the tests via envjs+selenium on the commandline:
$ funcunit/envjs http://localhost/jmvc/ui/test/funcunit/funcunit.html
You should see output like (ignore the initial coudn't read settings warning):
$ funcunit/envjs http://localhost/jmvc/ui/test/funcunit/funcunit.html
STARTING *firefox
--Login as benadida--
steal.js INFO: Opening /login
steal.js INFO: Typing benadida on #username
steal.js INFO: Typing test on #password
steal.js INFO: Clicking #submit
done - fail 0, pass 0
--Page structure before data loading--
PASS logged in and can see #app_content
PASS #app_content_iframe is hidden on login
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #app_content
PASS #app_content is showing Healthfeed
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #header_fullname
PASS fullname filled in the header
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #healthfeed_li
PASS Healthfeed in app selector
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #inbox_li
PASS Inbox in app selector
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #sharing_list
PASS Sharing in app selector
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #get_more_apps_list
PASS Get more apps in app selector
done - fail 0, pass 8
--Page structure after data loading--
steal.js INFO: Waiting 2000
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #record_tabs_inner
PASS record tabs text includes Ben Adida
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #record_tabs_inner
PASS record tabs text includes Rita
steal.js INFO: Getting text on #record_tabs_inner
PASS record tabs text includes Max
done - fail 0, pass 3
steal.js INFO: Waiting 2000
done - fail 0, pass 0
steal.js INFO: Waiting 3000
steal.js INFO: Clicking #logout
PASS #username exists
PASS #username is typeable
steal.js INFO: Typing somebodyelse on #username
done - fail 0, pass 2
ALL DONE 0, 13
QUnit is the jQuery unit testing framework. It's access in a similar manner as funcunit above. Just go to http://localhost/jmvc/ui/test/qunit/qunit.html which will load qunit and run the tests specified in qunit.js.