- Setup base application
- Setup Webpack as asset driver
- Create base Models + Migrations
- Create basic styles, Logo
- Setup CI/CD
- Setup CI workflow
- Setup Deployment targets
- Create basic Docs
- Leverage cache to speed up container set-up time in CI/CD
- Can Manage Evaluation Criteria
- Enable CRUD in the GUI
- Add validation to prevent blank entries
- Can Manage Projects
- Enable CRUD in the GUI
- Can manage Evaluation Programs
- Enable CRUD in the GUI
- Manage ProgramCriteria
- Assign Projects
- Can manage Users and Roles
- Can invite new Users
- Can assign Roles to Users
- Can assign Users as Evaluators in a per-Program basis
- Can create and edit evaluations for each Project per Program
- Every evaluation automatically has the criteria assigned to the Program, and Users (Evluators) can Assign Scores per-Criterion.
- Establish and enforce validations for consistency
- Can see Results
- Can see each Project's results per-Program
- Enable and auto-calculate Project-Program Summaries
- Can see an overview of results per-Program
- Per-Program overview dashboards update in real-time (ActionCable)
- Establish and enforce rules to prevent results from changing when they shouldn't:
- When a Program has ended
- Prevent duplicate evaluations per-Project, per-User if
� - What to do with
- Can see each Project's results per-Program
- Can search for Projects and Programs using the Searchbar
- Write domain-specific docs for people to manage their own implementations of Evaluarium