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Consuming Notifications

erinspace edited this page Dec 23, 2014 · 14 revisions

If you want to use the data flowing out of the SHARE Notification Service we consider you a "consumer" of the service. We provide a number of ways to consume notifications:

  • query the json API using date ranges, source names, and keywords, using lucene query syntax
  • RSS and Atom provide a quick and easy ways to see what is up with the feed.
  • PubSubHubbub provides a more robust subscription to data from the service, but is a bit more complicated to set up than RSS.
  • ResourceSync takes advantage of an emerging archives standard to provide access to notifications. It actually uses PubSubHubbub under the covers.
  • OSF Search allows you to search the archive of research release event reports using the Open Science Framework's search capacity.

You may need the list of short "provider names" to scope these subscription methods to only notifications from particular sources.

The RSS feed is meant more as a way to explore the service than as a serious subscription tool. The remainder of these are in early stages of development. If you do end up consuming these notifications, please let us know how it goes.


Technical Overview

Creating a Harvester

Running Harvesters with ScrAPI

Consuming Notifications - Feed Options

Issues & Using the Issue Tracker

Metadata Schema


Provider Names

Statistics Snapshot

Experimental Push API

Use Cases

SHARE is a project of the ARL, AAU, and APLU. Development of the SHARE Notification Service is being carried out in partnership with the Center for Open Science and is supported by generous funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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