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Cat Chenal, Reshama Shaikh: Automating Audio Transcription.

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Automating Audio Transcription.



Okay hello and welcome to Data Umbrella's webinar for October so I'm just going to go over the agenda I'm going to do a
brief introduction then there will be the workshop by Hugo and James and you can ask questions along the way in the chat
or actually the best place to ask questions is the Q&A and there's an option to upvote as well so yet asking the Q&A if
you happen to post it on the chat by mistake I can also transfer it over to Q&A so that would be fine too and this
webinar is being recorded briefly about me I am a statistician and data scientist and I am the founder of Data Umbrella
I am on a lot of platforms as Reshama so feel free to follow me on Twitter and LinkedIn we have a code of conduct we're
dedicated to providing harassment free experience for everyone thank you for helping to make this a welcoming friendly
professional community for all and this code of conduct applies to the chat as well so our mission is to provide an
inclusive community for underrepresented persons in data science and we are an all volunteer run organization you can
support Data Umbrella by doing the following things you can follow our code of conduct and keep our community a place
where everybody wants to keep coming to you can donate to our open collective and that helps to pay meet-up dues and
other operational costs and you can check out this link here on GitHub we have this new initiative where all the videos
are being transcribed and so is to make them more accessible so we take the YouTube videos and we put the raw there and
so we've had a number of volunteers help us transcribe it so feel free to check out this link and maybe if you do this
video maybe the two speakers will follow you on Twitter I can't promise anything but it's possible Data Umbrella has a
job board and it's at and once this gets started I'll put some links in the chat the job that we are
highlighting today is is the machine learning engineer job by development seed and development seat is based in
Washington DC and Lisbon Portugal and they do I'm going to go to the next slide what they do is they're doing social
good work and so they're doing for instance mapping elections from Afghanistan to the US analyzing public health and
economic data from Palestine to Illinois and leading the strategy and development behind data world bank and some other
organizations and I will share a link to their job posting in the chat as well as soon as I finish this brief
introduction check out our website for resources there's a lot of resources on learning Python and r also for
contributing to open source also for guides on accessibility and responsibility and allyship we have a monthly
newsletter that goes out towards the end of the month and it has information on our upcoming events we have two great
events coming up in November and December on open source so subscribe to our newsletter to be in the know we are on all
social media platforms as Data Umbrella Meetup is the best place to join to find out about upcoming events our website
has resources follow us on Twitter we also share a lot of information on LinkedIn and if you want to subscribe to our
YouTube channel we record all of our talks and post them there within about a week of the talk so it's a good way to get

00:04:03,110:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

OK and now we are ready to get started so I will hand it over to put myself on mute and I will hand it over to Hugo and
James and let you take over but thank you all for joining I just want to thank Reshama Christina and and everyone else
who tied all the tireless effort that that goes into putting these meet-ups and these online sessions together I I think
one thing I want to say is actually the the last in-person workshop I gave either at the end of February or early March
was data umbrellas in inaugural tutorial and Meetup if I if I recall correctly on on Bayesian Bayesian thinking and
hacker statistics and simulation and that type of stuff so it's it's just wonderful to be back particularly with my
colleague and friend friend James we're building really cool distributed data science products at coiled we'll say a bit
about that but we'll do some introductions in in a bit I just wanted to get you all accustomed to it was February thank
you Reshama we're working with Jupyter notebooks in a GitHub repository the repository is pinned to the top of the chat
this is what it looks like these are all the files this is the file system now we use something called Binder which is a
project out of and related to project project Jupyter which provides infrastructure to run notebooks without any local
installs so there are two ways you can you can code along on this tutorial the first is and I won't get you to do this
yet is to launch Binder the reason I won't get you to do that yet is because once you launch it we have 10 minutes to
start coding or the Binder session times out I've been burnt by that before actually several times I'm surprised I even
remembered it this time the other thing you can do is install everything locally by cloning the repository downloading
anaconda creating a conda environment if you haven't done that I suggest you do not do that now and you launch launch
the Binder James is going to start by telling us a few a few things about about GAs and distributed compute in general
my question for you James is if we get people to launch this now will we get to execute a cell code cell in 10 minutes I
would let's hold off for now maybe yep maybe I'll indicate when we should launch Binder OK fantastic cool and just what
I'm looking at right now is the GitHub repository on your browser OK exactly so I will not launch Binder now I will not
get you to now I've I'm doing this locally and we see that I'm in notebook zero and if you want to actually have a look
at this notebook before launching Binder it's in the notebooks Data Umbrella subdirectory and its notebook zero and
we're going to hopefully make it through the overview then chatting about Dask Dask delayed and and data framing and
machine learning great so we have Hashim has said you could open in VSCode as well you could I mean that would require
all your local installs and that that type of stuff as well but we're to introduce me and James we we work at coiled
where we build products for distributed compute in infrastructure as we'll see one of the big problems with like
bursting to the cloud is all the like Kubernetes AWS docker stuff so we build a one-click host of deployments for das
but for data science and machine learning in general James maintains task along with Matt Matt Rocklin who created Dask
with a team people who was working with Continuum Anaconda at the time and James is a software engineer at called and I
run data science evangelism marketing work on a bunch of product product stuff as well

00:08:01,670:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

wear a bunch of different different hats occasionally there are many ways to think about distributed compute and how to
do it in in Python we're going to present hey James you're muted I'm taking it I went away based on what I see in the
chat you did you did but now we're back I've introduced you I've introduced me I've mentioned that there are many ways
to do distributed compute in the Python ecosystem and we'll be chatting about one called Dask and maybe I'll pass you in
a second but I'll say one thing that I really like about my background isn't in distributed compute my background's in
pythonic data science when thinking about bursting to larger data sets and larger models there are a variety of options
the thing that took me attracted me to desk originally I saw Cameron's note the ghost in the machine aren't playing nice
tonight I think that ain't that the truth is that dark plays so nicely with the entire PyData ecosystem so as we'll see
if you want to write dash code for data frames dash data frames it really mimics your Pandas code same with numpy same
with scikit-learn OK and the other thing is dark essentially runs the Python code under the hood so your mental model of
what's happening is actually corresponds to the code being being executed OK now I'd like to pass over to James but it
looks like he's disappeared again I'm still here if you can hear me I've just turned my camera off oh yeah OK great I'm
gonna turn my camera hopefully that will help yeah and I might do do the same for bandwidth bandwidth issues so if if
you want to jump in and and talk about dark at a high level I'm sharing my screen and we can scroll through yeah that
sounds great so that's sort of a nutshell you can think of it as being composed of two main well components the first we
call collections these are the user interfaces that you use to actually construct a computation you would like to
compute in parallel or on distributed hardware there are a few different interfaces that desk implements for instance
there's Dask array for doing nd array computations there's das data frame for working with tabular data you can think of
those as like GAsk array as a parallel version of numpy das data frame has a parallel version of Pandas and so on there
are also a couple other interfaces that we'll be talking about das delayed for instance we'll talk about that today
we'll also talk about the futures API those are sort of for lower level custom algorithms in sort of paralyzing existing
existing code the main takeaway is that there are several sort of familiar APIs that desk implements and that will use
today to actually construct your computation so that's the first part of desk it is these dash collections you then take
these collections set up your steps for your computation and then pass them off to the second component which are desk
schedulers and these will actually go through and execute your computation potentially in parallel there are two flavors
of schedulers that desk offers the first is a are called single machine schedulers and these just take advantage of your
local hardware they will spin up a a local thread or process pool and start submitting tasks in your computation to to
be executed in parallel either on multiple threads or multiple processes there's also a distributed scheduler or maybe a
better term for would actually be called the advanced scheduler because it works well on a single machine but it also
scales out to multiple machines so for instance as you'll see later we will actually spin up a distributed scheduler

00:12:00,150:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

has workers on remote machines on AWS so you can actually scale out beyond your local resources like say what's on your
laptop kind of scrolling down then to the image of the cluster we can see the main components of the distributed
scheduler and James I might get people to spin up the Binder now because we're going to execute codes now is a good
point yep so just here's a quick break point before you know a teaser for schedulers and what's happening there I'll ask
you to in the repository there's also the link to the Binder click on launch Binder I'm going to open it in a new tab
and what this will create is an environment in which you can just execute the code in in the notebooks OK so hopefully
by the time we've gotten gone through this section this will be ready to start executing code so if everyone wants to do
that to code along otherwise just watch or if you're running things locally also cool thanks James yeah yeah no problem
thank you so so yeah looking at the image for the distributed scheduler we're not gonna have time to go into the a lot
of detail about the distributed scheduler in this workshop so but we do want to provide at least a high level overview
of the the different parts and components of the distributed scheduler so the first part I want to talk about is in the
diagram what's labeled as a client so this is the user facing entry point to a cluster so wherever you are running your
Python session that could be in a Jupyter lab session like we are here that could be in a Python script somewhere you
will create and instantiate a client object that connects to the second component which is the das scheduler so each
desk cluster has a single scheduler in it that sort of keeps track of all of the state for all of the the state of your
cluster and all the tasks you'd like to compute so from your client you might start submitting tasks to the cluster the
schedule will receive those tasks and compute things like all the dependencies needed for that task like say you're
implementing you say you want to compute task c but that actually requires first you have to compute task b and task a
like there are some dependency structures there it'll compute those dependencies as well as keep track of them it'll
also communicate with all the workers to understand what worker is working on which task and as space frees up on the
workers it will start farming out new tasks to compute to the workers so in this particular diagram there are three das
distributed workers here however you can have as you can have thousands of workers if you'd like so the workers are the
things that actually compute the tasks they also store the results of your tasks and then serve them back to you and the
client the scheduler basically manages all the state needed to perform the computations and you submit tasks from the
client so that's sort of a quick whirlwind tour of the different components for the distributed scheduler and at this
point I think it'd be great to actually see see some of this in action Hugo would like to take over absolutely thank you
for that wonderful introduction to Dask and and the schedulers in particular and we are going to see that with dark in
action I'll just note that this tab in which I launched the Binder is up and running if you're going to execute code
here click on notebooks click on Data Umbrella oop and then go to the overview notebook and you can drag around we'll
see the utility of these these dashboards in a second but you can you know drag your stuff around to to make you know
however you want to want to structure it and then you can execute code in here I'm not going to do that I'm going to do
this locally at the moment but just to see dust in action to begin with I'm going to I'm actually

00:16:02,710:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

going to restart kernel and clear my outputs so I'm going to import from dash distributed the client the sorry the other
thing I wanted to mention is we made a decision around content for this we do have a notebook that we we love to teach
on schedulers but we decided to switch it out for machine learning for this workshop in particular we are teaching a
similar although distinct workshop at PyData global so we may see some of you there in which we'll be going more in
depth into schedulers as well so if you want to check that out definitely do so we instantiate the client which as James
mentioned is kind of what we work with as the user to submit our code so that will take take a few seconds OK it's got a
port in you so it's going going elsewhere what I'll just first get you to notice is that it tells us where our dashboard
is and we'll see those tools in a second tells us about our cluster that we have four workers eight cores between eight
and nine gigs of of ram OK now this is something I really love about Dask all the diagnostic tools if I click on the
little desk thing here and we've modified the Binder so that that exists there as well we can see I'll hit search and it
should that now corresponds to the the scheduler now I want to look at the task stream which will tell us in real time
what's happening I also want to look at the cluster map so we see here this is already really cool we've got all of our
workers around here and our scheduler scheduler there and when we start doing some compute we'll actually see
information flowing between these and the other thing maybe I'll yeah I'll include a little progress and that can be an
alternate tab to ask I'm wondering perhaps I also want to include something about the workers yeah OK great so we've got
a bunch of stuff that's that's pretty interesting there and so the next thing I'm going to do we've got a little utility
file which downloads some of the data and this is what it does is if you're in Binder it downloads a subset of the data
if you're anywhere else it loads a larger set for this particular example we're dealing with a small data set you see
the utility of dark and distributed compute when it generalizes to larger data sets but for pedagogical purposes we're
going to sit with a smaller data set so that we can actually run run the code there's a trade-off there so actually that
was already downloaded it seems but you should all see it download I'm actually going to run that in the Binder just to
you should start seeing downloading NYC flights data set done extracting creating json data etc OK now what we're going
to do is we're going to read in this data as a Dask data frame and what I want you to notice is that it really the das
code mimics Pandas code so instead of pd read csv we've got dd read csv we've got you know this is the file path the
first argument we're doing some parse date setting some data types OK we've got a little wild card regular expression
there to to join to do a bunch of them and then we're performing a group by OK so we're grouping by the origin of these
flight flight data we're looking at the the mean departure delay group by origin the the one difference I want to make
clear is that in das we need a compute method that's because das performs lazy computation it won't actually do anything
because you don't want it to do anything on really large data sets until you explicitly tell it tell it to compute so
I'm going to execute this now

00:20:01,510:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

and we should see some information transfer between the scheduler and the workers and we should see tasks starting
starting to be done OK so moment of truth fantastic so we call this a pew pew plot because we see pew pew pew we saw a
bunch of data transfer happening between them these are all our cause and we can see tasks happening it tells us what
tasks there are we can see that most of the time was spent reading reading csvs then we have some group bias on chunks
and and that type of stuff so that's a really nice diagnostic tool to see what most of your work is is actually doing
under dark work as you can see memory used CPU use more fine-grained examples there so I I'd love to know if in the Q&A
I'm going to ask were you able to execute this code and if you were in Binder just a thumb up a vote would be no would
be fantastic much appreciated so as we've mentioned I just wanted to say a few things about tutorial goals the goal is
to cover the basics of dark and distributed compute we'd love for you to walk away with an understanding of when to use
it when to not what it has to offer we're going to be covering the basics of Dask delayed which although not immediately
applicable to data science provides a wonderful framework for thinking about Dask how dark works and understanding how
it works under the hood then we're going to go into dark data frames and then machine learning hopefully due to the
technical considerations with we've got less time than than we thought we would but we'll definitely do the best we can
we may have less time to do exercises so we've had two people who are able to execute this code if you if you tried to
execute it in Binder and were not able to perhaps post that in the Q&A but we also have several exercises and I'd like
you to take a minute just to do this exercise the I I'm not asking you to do this because I want to know if you're able
to print hello world I'm essentially asking you to do it so you get a sense of how these exercises work so if you can
take 30 seconds to print hello world then we'll we'll move on after that so just take 30 seconds now and it seems like
we have a few more people who are able to execute code which which was great OK fantastic so you will put your solution
there for some reason I have an extra cell here so I'm just going to clip that and to see a solution I'll just get you
to execute this cell and it provides the solution and then we can execute it and compare it to the the output of what
you had OK hello world so as as we saw I've done all this locally you may have done it on Binder there is an option to
work directly from the cloud and I'll I'll take you through this there are many ways to do this as I mentioned we're
working on one way with coil and I'll explain the rationale behind that in in a second but I'll show you how easy it is
to get a cluster up and running on on AWS without even interacting with AWS for free for example you can follow along by
signing into coiled cloud to be clear this is not a necessity and it does involve you signing up to our product so I
just wanted to be absolutely transparent about that it does not involve any

00:24:01,510:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

credit card information or anything along those lines and in my opinion it does give a really nice example of how to run
stuff on the cloud to do so you can sign in at cloud dot coiled dot io you can also pip install coiled and then do
authentication you can also spin up this this hosted coiled notebook so I'm going to spin that up now and I'm going to
post that here actually yep I'm gonna post that in the ch chat if you let me get this right if you've if you've never
logged in to code before it'll ask you to sign up using gmail or GitHub so feel free to do that if you'd like if not
that's also also cool but I just wanted to be explicit about that the reason I want to do this is to show how Dask can
be leveraged to do work on really large data sets so you will recall that I had between eight and nine gigs of ram on my
local system oh wow Anthony says on iPad' unable to execute on Binder incredible I don't have a strong sense of how
Binder works on iPad' I do know that I was able to to check to use a Binder on my iPhone' several years ago on my way to
scipy doing code review for someone for Eric Maher I think for what that that's worth but back to this we have this NYC
taxi data set which is over 10 gigs it won't even I can't even store that in local memory I don't have enough ram to
store that so we do need either to do it locally in an out of core mode of some sort or we can we can burst to the cloud
and we're actually going to burst to the cloud using using coiled so the notebook is running here for me and but I'm
actually gonna do it from my local local notebook but you'll see and once again feel free to code along here it's
spinning up a notebook and James who is is my co-instructor here is to be I'm I'm so grateful all the work is done on
our notebooks in coiled you can launch the cluster here and then analyze the entire over 10 gigs of data there I'm going
to do it here so to do that I import coiled and then I import the dash distributed stuff and then I can create my own
software environment cluster configuration I'm not going to do that because the standard coiled cluster configuration
software environment works now I'm going to spin up a cluster and instantiate a client now because we're spinning up a
cluster in in the cloud it'll take it'll take a minute a minute or two enough time to make a cup of coffee but it's also
enough time for me to just talk a bit about why this is important and there are a lot of a lot of good good people
working on on similar things but part of the motivation here is that if you want to you don't always want to do
distributed data science OK first I'd ask you to look at instead of using dark if you can optimize your Pandas code
right second I'd ask if you've got big data sets it's a good question do you actually need all the data so I would if
you're doing machine learning plot your learning curve see how accurate see how your accuracy or whatever your metric of
interest is improves as you increase the amount of data right and if it plateaus before you get to a large data size
then you may as well most of the time use your small data see if sub sampling can actually give you the results you need
so you can get a bigger bigger access to a bigger machine so you don't have to burst to the cloud but after all these
things if you do need to boast burst to the cloud until recently you've had to get an AWS account you've had to you know
set up containers with docker and or Kubernetes and do all of these kind

00:28:00,630:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

of I suppose devopsy software engineering foo stuff which which if you're into that I I absolutely encourage you
encourage you to do that but a lot of working data scientists aren't paid to do that and I don't necessarily want to so
that's something we're working on is thinking about these kind of one-click hosted deployments so you don't have to do
all of that having said that I very much encourage you to try doing that stuff if if you're interested we'll see that
the the cluster has just been created and what I'm going to do we see that oh I'm sorry I've done something funny here
I'm I'm referencing the previous client anna James yeah it looks like you should go ahead and connect a new client to
the coil cluster and making sure not to re-execute the cluster creation exactly so would that be how would I what's the
call here I would just open up a new cell and say client equals capital client and then pass in the cluster like open
parentheses cluster yeah great OK fantastic and what we're seeing is a slight version this we don't need to worry about
this this is essentially saying that the environment on the cloud mis is there's a slight mismatch with my with my local
environment we're fine with that I'm going to look here for a certain reason the the dashboard isn't quite working here
at the moment James would you suggest I just click on this and open a new yeah click on the ecs dashboard link oh yes
fantastic so yep there's some bug with the local dashboards that we're we're currently currently working on but what
we'll see now just a SEC I'm going to remove all of this we'll see now that I have access to 10 workers I have access to
40 cores and I have access to over 170 gigs of memory OK so now I'm actually going to import this data set and it's the
entire year of data from 2019 and we'll start seeing on on the diagnostics all the all the processing happening OK so oh
actually not yet because we haven't called compute OK so it's done this lazily we've imported it it shows kind of like
Pandas when you show a data frame the column names and data types but it doesn't show the data because we haven't loaded
it yet it does tell you how many partitions it is so essentially and we'll see this soon das data frames correspond to
collections of Pandas DataFrames so they're really 127 Pandas DataFrames underlying this task data frame so now I'm
going to do the compute well I'm going to set myself up for the computation to do a group by passenger gown and look at
the main tip now that took a very small amount of time we see the IPython magic timing there because we haven't computed
it now we're actually going to compute and James if you'll see in the chat Eliana said her coil coiled authentication
failed I don't know if you're able to to help with that but if you are that would be great and it may be difficult to
debug in but look as we see we have the task stream now and we see how many you know we've got 40 cores working together
we saw the processing we saw the bytes stored it's over 10 gigs as I said and we

00:32:01,509:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

see we were able to do our basic analytics we were able to do it on a 10 plus gig data set in in 21.3 seconds which is
pretty pretty exceptional if any any code based issues come up and they're correlated in particular so if you have
questions about the code execution please ask in the Q&A not in the chat because others cannot vote it and I will
definitively prioritize questions on technical stuff particularly ones that up that are upvoted but yeah I totally agree
thanks thanks very much so yeah let's jump into into data frames so of course we write here that in the last exercise we
used ask delayed to parallelize loading multiple csv files into a Pandas DataFrame we're not we we haven't done that but
you can definitely go through and have a look at that but I think perhaps even more immediately relevant for a data
science crowd and an analytics crowd is which is what I see here from the reasons people people have joined is jumping
into Dask data frames and as I said before adas data frame really feels like a Pandas DataFrame but internally it's
composed of many different different data frames this is one one way to think about it that we have all these Pandas
DataFrames and the collection of them is a dark data frame and as we saw before they're partitioned we saw when we
loaded the taxi data set in the dash data frame was 127 partitions right where each partition was a normal panda Pandas
DataFrame and they can live on disk as they did early in the first example dark in action or they can live on other
machines as when I spun up a coiled cluster and and did it on on AWS something I love about Dask data frames I mean I
ran about this all the time it's how it's the Pandas API and and Matt Matt Rocklin actually has a post on on the blog
called a brief history of Dask in which he talks about the technical goals of us but also talks about a social goal of
task which in Matt's words is to invent nothing he wanted and the team wanted the Dask API to be as comfortable and
familiar for users as possible and that's something I really appreciate about it so we see we have element element wires
on operations we have the our favorite row eyes selections we have loc we have the common aggregations we saw group
buyers before we have is-ins we have date time string accessors oh James we forgot to I forgot to edit this and I it
should be grouped by I don't know what what a fruit buy is but that's something we'll make sure the next iteration to to
get right at least we've got it right there and in the code but have a look at the dash data frame API docs to check out
what's happening and a lot of the time dash data frames can serve as drop in replacements for Pandas DataFrames the one
thing that I just want to make clear as I did before is that you need to call compute because of the lazy laser compute
property of das so this is wonderful to talk about when to use data frames so if your data fits in memory use Pandas if
your data fits in memory and your code doesn't run super quickly I wouldn't go to Dask I'd try to I'd do my best to
optimize my Pandas code before trying to get gains gains and efficiency but dark itself becomes useful when the data set
you want to analyze is larger than your machine's ram where you normally run into memory

00:36:01,510:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

errors and that's what we saw with the taxicab example the other example that we'll see when we get to [music] machine
learning is you can do machine learning on a small data set that fits in memory but if you're building big models or
training over like a lot of different hyper parameters or different types of models you can you can parallelize that
using using dark so there is you know you want to use dash perhaps in the big data or medium to big data limit as we see
here or in the medium to big model limit where training for example takes and takes a lot of time OK so without further
ado let's get started with das data frames you likely ran this preparation file to get the data in the previous notebook
but if you didn't execute that now we're going to get our file names by doing doing a few joins and we see our file is a
string data NYC flights a wildcard to access all of them dot dot csv and we're going to import our Dask Dask.dataframe
and read in our dataframe parsing some dates setting some sending some data types OK I'll execute that we'll see we have
10 partitions as we noted before if this was a Pandas DataFrame we'd see a bunch of entries here we don't we see only
the column names and the data types of the columns and the reason is as we've said it explicitly here is the
representation of the data frame object contains no data it's done Dask has done enough work to read the start of the
file so that we know a bit about it some of the important stuff and then further column types and column names and data
types OK but we don't once again we don't let's say we've got 100 gigs of data we don't want to like do this call and
suddenly it's reading all that stuff in and doing a whole bunch of compute until we explicitly tell it to OK now this is
really cool if you know a bit of Pandas you'll know that you can there's an attribute columns which prints out it's well
it's actually the columns form an index right the Pandas index object and we get the we get the column names there cool
Pandas in dark form we can check out the data types as well as we would in Pandas we see we've got some ins for the day
of the week we've got some floats for departure time maybe we'd actually prefer that to be you know a date time at some
point we've got some objects which generally are the most general on objects so generally strings so that's all pandasey
type stuff in addition das data frames have an attribute n partitions which tells us the number of partitions and we saw
before that that's 10 so I'd expect to see 10 here hey look at that now this is something that we talk about a lot in
the delayed notebook is really the task graph and I don't want to say too much about that but really it's a visual
schematic of of the order in which different types of compute happen OK and so the task graph for read csv tells us what
happens when we call compute and essentially it reads csv 10 ten times zero indexed of course because Python it reads
csv ten different times into these ten different Pandas Pandas DataFrames and if there were group buys or stuff after
that we'd see them happen in in the in the graph there and we may see an example of this in a second so once again as
with Pandas we're going to view the the head of the data frame great and we see a bunch of stuff you know we we see the
first first five rows I'm actually also gonna gonna have a

00:40:02,230:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

look at the the tail the final five rows that may take longer because it's accessing the the final I I there's a joke
and it may not even be a joke how much data analytics is actually biased by people looking at the first five rows before
actually you know interrogating the data more more seriously so how would all of our results look different if if our
files were ordered in in a different way that's another conversation for a more philosophical conversation for another
time so now I want to show you some computations with dark data frames OK so since dash data frames implement a Pandas
like API we can just write our familiar Pandas codes so I want to look at the column departure delay and look at the
maximum of that column I'm going to call that max delay so you can see we're selecting the column and then applying the
max method as we would with Pandas oh what happened there gives us some da scala series and what's happened is we
haven't called compute right so it hasn't actually done the compute yet we're going to do compute but first we're going
to visualize the task graph like we did here and let's try to reason what the task graph would look like right so the
task graph first it's going to read in all of these things and then it'll probably perform this selector on each of
these different Pandas DataFrames comprising the dash data frame and then it will compute the max of each of those and
then do a max on all those maxes I think that's what I would assume is happening here great so that's what we're what
we're doing we're reading this so we read the first perform the first read csv get this das data frame get item I think
is that selection then we're taking the max we're doing the same for all of them then we take all of these max's and
aggregate them and then take the max of that OK so that that's essentially what's happening when I call compute which
I'm going to do now moment of truth OK so that took around eight seconds and it tells us the max and I I'm sorry let's
let's just get out some of our dashboards up as well huh I think in this notebook we are using the single machine
scheduler Hugo so I don't think there is a dashboard to be seen exactly yeah thank you for that that that catch James
great is even better James we have a question around using dark for reinforcement learning can you can you speak to that
yeah so it depends on this I mean yeah short answer yes you can use GAs to train reinforcement learning models so
there's a package that Hugo will talk about called desk ML that we'll see in the next notebook for distributing machine
learning that paralyzes and and distributes some existing models using desks so for instance things like random forces
forest inside kit learn so so yes you can use das to do distributed training for models I'm not actually sure if GAskml
implements any reinforcement learning models in particular but that is certainly something that that can be done yeah
and I'll I'll build on that by saying we are about to jump into machine

00:44:00,000:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

learning I don't think as James said I don't think there's reinforcement learning explicitly that that one can do but
you of course can use the das scheduler yourself to you know to distribute any reinforcement learning stuff you you have
as well and that's actually another another point to make that maybe James can speak to a bit more is that the dark team
of course built all of these high-level collections and task arrays and dust data frames and were pleasantly surprised
when you know maybe even up to half the people using dust came in all like we love all that but we're going to use the
scheduler for our own bespoke use cases right yeah exactly yeah the original intention was to like make basically a num
like a parallel numpy so that was like the desk array stuff like run run numpy and parallel on your laptop and and yeah
so in order to do that we ended up building a distributed scheduler which sort of does arbitrary task computations so
not just things like you know parallel numpy but really whatever you'd like to throw at it and it turns out that ended
up being really useful for people and so yeah now people use that sort of on their own just using the distributed
scheduler to do totally custom algorithms in parallel in addition to these like nice collections like you saw Hugo
presents the dash data frame API is you know the same as the panda's API so there is this like familiar space you can
use things like the high-level collections but you can also run whatever custom like Hugo said bespoke computations you
might have exactly and it's it's been wonderful to see so many people so many people do that and the first thing as
we'll see here the first thing to think about is if if you're doing lifestyle compute if there's anything you can you
know parallelize embarrassingly as they say right so just if you're doing a hyper parameter search you just run some on
one worker and some on the other and there there's no interaction effect so you don't need to worry about that as
opposed to if you're trying to do you know train on streaming data where you may require it all to happen on on on the
same worker OK yeah so even think about trying to compute the standard deviation of a of a a univariate data set right
in in that case you can't just send you can't just compute the standard deviation on two workers and then combine the
result in some some way you need to do something slightly slightly more nuanced and slightly slightly clever more clever
I mean you still can actually in in that case but you can't just do it as naively as that but so now we're talking about
parallel and distributed machine learning we have 20 minutes left so this is kind of going to be a whirlwind tour but
you know whirlwinds when safe exciting and informative I just want to make clear the material in this notebook is based
on the open source content from Dask's tutorial repository as there's a bunch of stuff we've shown you today the reason
we've done that is because they did it so well so I just want to give a shout out to all the das contributors OK so what
we're going to do now is just break down machine learning scaling problems into two categories just review a bit of
scikit-learn in passing solve a machine learning problem with single Michelle single Michelle I don't know who she is
but single Michelle wow single machine and parallelism with scikit-learning joblib then solve an l problem with an ML
problem with multiple machines and parallelism using dark as well and we won't have time to burst for the cloud I don't
think but you can also play play around with that OK so as I mentioned before when thinking about distributed compute a
lot of people do it when they have large data they don't necessarily think about the large model limit and this
schematic kind of speaks to that if you've got a small model that fits in

00:48:00,470:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

ram you don't need to think about distributed compute if your data size if your data is larger than your ram so your
computer's ram bound then you want to start going to a distributed setting or if your model is big and CPU bound such as
like large-scale hyper-parameter searches or like ensembl blended models of like machine learning algorithms whatever it
is and then of course we have the you know big data big model limit where distributed computer desk is incredibly handy
as I'm sure you could imagine OK and that's really what I've what I've gone through here a bird's-eye view of the
strategies we think about if it's in memory in the bottom left quadrant just use scikit-learn or your favorite ML
library otherwise known as scikit-learn for me anyway I was going to make a note about XGBoost but I but I won't for
large models you can use joblib and your favorite circuit learn estimator for large data sets use our dark ML estimators
so we're gonna do a whirlwind tour of scikit-learn in in five minutes we're going to load in some data so we'll actually
generate it we'll import scikit-learn for our ML algorithm create an estimator and then check the accuracy of the model
OK so once again I'm actually going to clear all outputs after restarting the kernel OK so this is a utility function of
scikit-learn to create some data sets so I'm going to make a classification data set with four features and 10 000
samples and just have a quick view of some of it so just a reminder on ML x is the samples matrix the size of x is the
number of samples in terms of rows number of features as columns and then a feature or an attribute is what we're trying
to predict essentially OK so why is the predictor variable which we're where which we're or the target variable which
we're trying to predict so let's have a quick view of why it's zeros and ones in in this case OK so yep that's what I've
said here why are the targets which are real numbers for regression tasks or integers for classification or any other
discrete sets of values no words about unsupervised learning at the moment we're just going to support we're going to
fit a support vector classifier for this example so let's just load the appropriate scikit-learn module we don't really
need to discuss what support vector classifiers are at the moment now this is one of the very beautiful things about the
scikit-learn API in terms of fitting the the model we instantiate a classifier and we want to fit it to the features
with respect to the target OK so the first argument is the features second argument is the target variable so we've done
that now I'm not going to worry about inspecting the learn features I just want to see how accurate it was OK and once
we see how accurate it was I'm not gonna do this but then we can make a prediction right using estimator dot predict on
a new a new data set so this estimator will tell us so this score will tell us the accuracy and essentially that's the
proportion or percentage a fraction of the results that were that the estimator got correct and we're doing this on the
training data set we've just trained the model on this so this is telling us the accuracy on the on the training

00:52:01,750:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

data set OK so it's 90 accurate on the training data set if you dive into this a bit more you'll recognize that if we we
really want to know the accuracy on a holdout set or a test set and it should be probably a bit lower because this is
what we use to fit it OK but all that having been said I expect you know if if this is all resonating with you it means
we can really move on to the distributed stuff in in a second but the other thing that that's important to note is that
we've trained it but a lot of model a lot of estimators and models have hyper parameters that affect the fit but you
that we need to specify up front instead of being learned during training so you know there's a c parameter here there's
a are we using shrinking or not so we specify those we didn't need to specify them because there are default values but
here we specify them OK and then we're going to look at the score now OK this is amazing we've got 50 accuracy which is
the worst score possible just think about this if if you've got binary classification task and you've got 40 accuracy
then you just flip the labels and that changes to 60 accuracy so it's amazing that we've actually hit 50 accuracy we're
to be congratulated on that and what I want to note here is that we have two sets of hyper parameters we've used one's
created 90 actual model with 90 accuracy another one one with 50 accuracy so we want to find the best hyper parameters
essentially and that's why hyper parameter optimization is is so important there are several ways to do hyper parameter
optimization one is called grid search cross validation I won't talk about cross validation it's essentially a more
robust analogue of train test split where you train on a subset of your data and compute the accuracy on a test on a
holdout set or a test set cross validation is a as I said a slightly more robust analog of this it's called grid search
because we have a grid of hyper parameters so we have you know in this case we have a hyper parameter c we have a hyper
parameter kernel and we can imagine them in a in a grid and we're performing we're checking out the score over all this
gr over this entire grid of hyper parameters OK so to do that I import grid search csv now I'm going to compute the
estimator over over these train the estimator over over this grid and as you see this is taking time now OK and what I
wanted to make clear and I think should be becoming clearer now is that if we have a large hyper parameter sweep we want
to do on a small data set das can be useful for that OK because we can send some of the parameters to one worker some to
another and they can perform them in parallel so that's embarrassingly parallel because you're you're doing the same
work as you would otherwise but sending it to a bunch of different workers we saw that took 30 seconds which is in my
realm of comfort as a data scientist I'm happy to wait 30 seconds if I had to wait much longer if this grid was bigger
I'd start to get probably a bit frustrated but we see that it computed it for c is equal to all combinations of these
essentially OK so that's really all I wanted to say there and then we can see the best parameters and the best score so
the best score was 0.098 and it was c10 and the kernel rbf a radial basis function it doesn't even matter what that is
though for the purposes of this so we've got 10 minutes left we're going to we're going to make it I can feel it I

00:56:00,390:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

have a good I have a good sense a good after the I mean this demo is actually going incredibly well given the initial
technical hurdles so touchwood Hugo OK so what we've done is we've really segmented ML scaling problems into two
categories CPU bound and ram bound and I I really I can't emphasize that enough because I see so many people like
jumping in to use new cool technologies without perhaps taking it being a bit mindful and intentional about it and
reasoning about when things are useful and and when not I suppose the one point there is that sure data science is a
technical discipline but there are a lot of other aspects to it involving this type of reasoning as well so we then
carried out a typical sklearn workflow for ML problems with small models and small data and we reviewed hyper parameters
and hyper parameter optimization so in this section we'll see how joblib which is a set of tools to provide lightweight
pipelining in Python gives us parallelism on our laptop and then we'll see how dark ML can give us awesome parallelism
on on clusters OK so essentially what I'm doing here is I'm doing exactly the same as above with a grid search but I'm
using the quark the keyword argument n jobs which tells you how many tasks to run in parallel using the cause available
on your local workstation and specifying minus one jobs means the it just runs them the maximum possible OK so I'm going
to execute that great so we should be done in a second feel free to ask any questions in the chat oh Alex has a great
question in the Q&A does das have see a sequel and query optimizer I'm actually so excited that [music] and James
maybe you can provide a couple of links to this we're really excited to have seen dark dust SQL developments there
recently so that's dark hyphen hyphen SQL and we're actually we're working on some some content and a blog post and
maybe a live live coding session about that in in the near future so if anyone if you want updates from from coil feel
free to go to our website and sign up for our mailing list and we'll let you know about all of this type of stuff but
the short answer is yes Alex and it's getting better and if James is able to post post a link there that would be that
would be fantastic so we've done link in the chat fantastic [music] and so we've we've seen how we have [music]
single machine parallelism here using the using the end jobs quark and in the final minutes let's see multiple multi-
machine parallelism with Dask OK so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do my imports and create my client incentive my
client and check it out OK so once again I'm working locally I hit search and that'll task is pretty smart in terms of
like knowing which which client I want to check out do the tasks stream because it's my favorite I'll do the cluster map
otherwise known as the pew pew map and then I want some progress we all we all crave progress don't we and maybe my
workers tab OK great so we've got that up and running now I'm going to do a slightly larger hyper parameter search OK so
remember we had just a couple for c a couple for kernel we're going to do more we have some for shrinking now I'm
actually going to comment that out because I don't know how long that's going to take if you're coding them on Binder
now this May actually take far far too long for you but we'll we'll see so I'll execute this code and we should see just
sick no we shouldn't see any work happening yet but what I'm doing here is oh looks like OK my clusters back up great
we're doing our grid search but we're going to use Dask as as the back end right and this is a context manager where
we're asserting that and and we can just discuss the the syntax there but it's not particularly important currently I'm
going to execute this now and let's see fantastic we'll see all this data transfer happening here we'll see our tasks
happening here we can see these big batches of fit and score fit so fitting fitting the models then finding how well
they perform via this k-fold cross validation which is really cool and let's just yep we can see what's happening here
we can see we currently have 12 processing we've got seven in memory and we have several more that we need to do our
desk workers we can see us oh we can see our CPU usage we can see how we can see CPU usage across all the workers which
is which is pretty cool seeing that distribution is is really nice whenever some form of b swarm plot if you have enough
would would be useful there or even some form of cumulative distribution function or something like that not a histogram
people OK you can go to my Bayesian tutorial that I've taught here before to hear me rave about the the horrors of
histograms so we saw that talk a minute which is great and we split it across you know eight cores or whatever it is and
now we'll have a look once again we get the same best performer which is which is a sanity check and that's pretty cool
I think we have a we actually have a few minutes left so I am gonna just see if I can oh let me think yeah I will see if
I can burst burst to the cloud and and and do this that will take a minute a minute or two to create the cluster again
but while we're while we're doing that I'm wondering if we have any any questions or if anyone has any feedback on on
this workshop I very much welcome welcome that perhaps if there are any final messages you'd you'd like to say James
while we're spinning this up you can you can let me know yeah sure I just also first off wanted to say thanks

01:04:01,109:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

everyone for attending and like bearing bearing with us with the technical difficulties really appreciate that real
quick I'm just yeah so if you have if you have questions please post in the Q&A section while the cold cluster's
spinning up Theodore posted in the last largest example of grid search how much performance gain did we get from using
das and not just in jobs hmm that's a great question and we actually didn't see let's see so it took 80 seconds ah let
me get this they're actually not comparable because I did the grid search over a different set of hyper parameters I did
it over a larger set of hyper parameters right so when I did end jobs I did it there were only it was a two by two grid
of hyper parameters whereas when I did it with with Dask it was a one two three four five six six by three so let's just
reason about that this one was eighteen six by three is eighteen which took eighty seconds and this one was two by two
so it was four and it took 26 seconds so a minor gain I think with this hyper parameter search if you multiply that by
by four you'll well 4.2 4.5 you'll need that would have taken maybe two minutes or something something like that so we
saw some increase in efficiency not a great deal but James maybe you can say more to this part of the reason for that is
that we're doing it on kind of a very small example so we won't necessarily see the gains in efficiency with a data set
this size and with a small hyper parameter suite like this is that right yeah yeah and yeah exactly and I guess also
this is more of an kind of an illustrative point here I guess so you're just using directly using in jobs with something
like joblib by default we'll use local threads and processes on like whatever machine you happen to be running on so
like in this case on Hugo's laptop one of the real advantages of using joblib with the das back in will actually
dispatch back to to run tasks on a Dask cluster is that your cluster can expand beyond what local resources you have so
you can run you know you can basically scale out like for instance using the coil cluster to have many many CPUs and a
large amount of ram that you wouldn't have on your locally table to run and there you'll see both large performance
gains as well as you'll be able to expand your the set of possible problems you can solve to larger than ram scenarios
so you're out of out of core training exactly and thank you Jack this was absolutely unplanned and we didn't plan that
question but that's a wonderful segue into me now performing exactly the same compute with the same code using the Dask
as the parallel back end on a on a coiled cluster which is an AWS cluster right so we can I'm more currently anyway so I
will execute this code and it's exactly the same as we did whoa OK great so we see our tasks task stream here you see
once again we see the majority is being batch fit and and getting the scores out similarly we see the same result being
the best I'll just notice that for this for this small task doing it on the cloud took 20 seconds doing it locally for
me took 80 seconds so that's a four-fold increase in performance on a very small task so imagine what that does if you

01:08:00,230:: 4 minutes mark -> new paragraph

take the same code as you've written here and burst to the cloud with with one click or however however you do it I
think that that's incredibly powerful and that the fact that your code and what's happening in the back end with Dask
generalizes immediately to the new setting of working on a cluster I personally find very exciting and if you work with
larger data sets or building larger models or big hyper parameter sweeps I'm pretty sure it's an exciting option for all
of you also so on that note I'd like to reiterate James what James said and thanking you all so much for joining us for
asking great questions and for bearing with us through some some technical technical hurdles but it made it even even
funner when when we got up and running once again I'd love to thank Mark Christina and and the rest of the organizers
for doing such a wonderful job and doing such a great service to the data science and machine learning community and
ecosystem worldwide so thank you once again for having us thank you Hugo and James I have to say like with all the
technical difficulties I was actually giggling because it was kind of funny yeah but we're very sorry and we thank you
for your patience and sticking through it and I will be editing this video to you know make it as efficient as possible
and have that available Tim supercard thank you great and I'll just ask you if you are interested in checking out coiled
go to our website if you want to check out our product go to we started building this company in February
we're really excited about building a new product so if you're interested reach out we'd love to chat with you about
what we're doing and what we're up to and it's wonderful to be in the same community as you all so thanks