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Releases: Capitains/MyCapytain


16 Jun 15:05
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  • Issue #135 : Added support for empty namespace in string expansion for structured metadata"
  • Upgraded travis script to work correctly on tag release


15 Jun 19:45
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  • Issue #133 : Fixed a limitation of CapiTainS that did not allow to use any other attribute than @n in MyCapytain local capitains text parser and getReffs"
  • Added a travis setting to upload directly to pypi on github release.


15 May 13:02
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2017-04-06 2.0.1rc1 @sonofmun

Corrected bug with the CtsCapitainsLocalResolver.__getText__ that it would stop if a text was mentioned in the metadata


28 Apr 13:55
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Main changes :

  • Metadata system is now backed up by a RDFLib graph object
  • Retriever is now doubled by resolvers to make it easier to work with different types of resources
  • Text (Textual content) and Collection (TextInventory types of resources) have now a much more complete inheritance system
  • The whole system is not CTS dependent anymore.
  • Space for a future DTS implementation
  • Object that can export to formats are now using Exportable as a base class. All object that can export uses obj.export(Mimetypes)

2017-04-06 2.0.0rc1 @PonteIneptique

  • Simplified Metadata object and its relation to other items. Metadata is now more of an helper to mediate with triple regarding an object (text, passage or collection)
  • Added support for CapiTainS Structured Metadata
  • (via @sonofmun) Added support for Commentary

2017-04-21 @PonteIneptique

Made a lot of renaming for clarity :

Old name New name
MyCapytain.common.constants.Exportable MyCapytain.common.base.Exportable
MyCapytain.common.constants.NS MyCapytain.common.constants.XPATH_NAMESPACES
MyCapytain.common.constants.NAMESPACES MyCapytain.common.constants.RDF_NAMESPACES
MyCapytain.resources.texts.api MyCapytain.resources.texts.remote
MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Passage MyCapytain.resources.texts.remote.cts.CtsPassage
MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Text MyCapytain.resources.texts.remote.cts.CtsText
MyCapytain.resources.texts.locals MyCapytain.resources.texts.local
MyCapytain.resources.texts.locals.tei MyCapytain.resources.texts.local.capitains.cts
MyCapytain.resources.texts.locals.tei.Text MyCapytain.resources.texts.local.capitains.cts.CapitainsCtsText
MyCapytain.resources.texts.locals.tei.Passage MyCapytain.resources.texts.local.capitains.cts.CapitainsCtsPassage
MyCapytain.resources.texts.locals.encodings MyCapytain.resources.texts.base.tei
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.TextPrototype MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsTextMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.EditionPrototype MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsEditionMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.TranslationPrototype MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsTranslationMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.WorkPrototype MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsWorkMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.TextgroupPrototype MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsTextgroupMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.TextInventoryMedata MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsTextInventoryMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.TextInventoryCollection MyCapytain.resources.prototypes.cts.inventory.CtsTextInventoryCollection
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Text MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsTextMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Edition MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsEditionMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Translation MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsTranslationMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Work MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsWorkMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Textgroup MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsTextgroupMetadata
MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.TextInventory MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.inventory.XmlCtsTextInventoryMetadata
MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5.CTS MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5.HttpCtsRetriever

Automatically moved all names matching "CTS\w+" to "Cts\w+"


20 Sep 14:00
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  • Added support for .update() on textgroup and work ( Issue #53 )
  • Fixed bug in Python 2 where URN != URN would not be the same as not URN == URN
  • Now parsing URN from XML on retrieval of inventory for XML Inventory
  • Added len to Work and Textgroup (Returns number of text in object)
  • Enhanced documentation
  • Added Pypy classifier


20 Sep 13:20
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  • Added benchmark
  • Changed / Updated some documentation
  • Added support for Objectified LXML
  • Moved to iteration instead of list for Python 3 performances in PassageLoop.


15 Apr 14:54
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  • Disabled automatic duplicate checking ( Fixed #79 )
  • Enabled range validreff checking ( Fixed #78 )


15 Apr 14:47
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  • Renamed MyCapytain.endpoints module to MyCapytain.retrievers


04 Apr 13:25
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Release 0.1.3

- Fixed #73 again : Ordered Nested Dict in place of NestedDict


04 Apr 10:20
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Release 0.1.2

Release 0.1.2
- Fixed #73 :  Add a nested_dict method to local.Text