1. generate retinaface.wts from pytorch implementation https://github.com/wang-xinyu/Pytorch_Retinaface
git clone https://github.com/wang-xinyu/Pytorch_Retinaface.git
// download its weights 'Resnet50_Final.pth', put it in Pytorch_Retinaface/weights
cd Pytorch_Retinaface
python detect.py --save_model
python genwts.py
// a file 'retinaface.wts' will be generated.
2. put retinaface.wts into tensorrtx/retinaface, build and run
git clone https://github.com/wang-xinyu/tensorrtx.git
cd tensorrtx/retinaface
// put retinaface.wts here
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo ./retina_r50 -s // build and serialize model to file i.e. 'retina_r50.engine'
wget https://github.com/TencentYoutuResearch/FaceDetection-DSFD/raw/master/data/worlds-largest-selfie.jpg
sudo ./retina_r50 -d // deserialize model file and run inference.
3. check the images generated, as follows. result.jpg