Installation is incredibly simple.
Depending on your browser (Chrome or Firefox) you'll need to install Tampermonkey for either Google Chrome or Firefox, depending on your browser.
Go ahead and click here to install XHordes. Your userscript manager should then prompt you about installing XHordes. If you accept it, the userscript manager should install XHordes. And you're done! You can now go to Hordes and check it out!
Should for whatever reason you want to temporarily disable XHordes, all you have to do is click on the Tampermonkey icon while on, then click on the little slider to set it to "off" After that, you can just reload the page to have Hordes X-free!
If you want to renable XHordes after previously disabling it, head to the Hordes website and just click on the Tampermonkey icon once more and click the slider again, so that it reads "on" Just reload the page and you'll be able to use XHordes once more!
(Potentially Helpful [No guarantees though. :P])
- Display item stat maxes
- Change color of stats that are maxed out
- Mute/unmute commands
- Mention highlighting.
- Minimap
- Item comparisons
- "Texture packs"
- Different character models/colors
- Character ID storage
- Music
- Chat commands (Muting and such)
- Resize UI elements
- Completely close UI elements
- Token management
- Chat filtering
- Other random fun stuff we make up along the way :D
The official XHordes Discord server: