This module, as the final module, mainly takes charge of two things:
- Extracting and wrapping the audio source from
the downloaded media source from the previous module (
- Filling the metadata and embedding the thumbnail of the extracted audio file
with the song information from the
JSON file
The output of this module is only a directory of audio files with metadata and thumbnail embedded.
If you haven't read the common document yet, please read it first: Common document
Besides the common prerequisites, you also need:
- Python3 (This module relies on some python codes to perform metadata manipulation)
pip install mutagen
(Run this command to install the mutagen library)
- FFmpeg (Highly recommended the yt-dlp's distribution)
- MediaInfo CLI
All configurations can be found in application.yml
Below is a copy of the content of the application.yml
file for your reference. However, make sure to check for any updates to
the file yourself:
io: # all fields are required |
# this must be pointing to the output directory of the previous module, the task producer module. In another word, the directory specified in the 'io.output-directory' field of the previous module |
# can be an absolute path or a relative path from the application current running directory |
input-directory: |
# the output directory of this module, can be an absolute path or a relative path from the application current running directory |
output-directory: |
# the error directory of this module, used for reporting errors for debugging, can be an absolute path or a relative path from the application current running directory |
error-directory: |
config: # configuration |
# all fields are required |
environment: |
# specify the launch CMD of each dependency as a list of string. |
# All commands will be executed using the root directory of the project as the current directory |
python-launch-cmd: |
ffmpeg-launch-cmd: |
mediainfo-launch-cmd: |
# all fields are required |
batch: |
# number of files to process in parallel, default is 0 which represents # of cores |
batch-size: 0 |
# all fields are required |
process: |
# This two fields control the timeout of each process in this module |
# Each process in this module should be run in fairly quick time, even a one-hour video should be run in less than 2 minutes |
# if you think you need more time, change the setting here |
timeout: 5 |
unit: minutes |
# all fields are required |
retry: |
retry-on-extraction: 2 # number of times to retry on audio extraction error |
retry-on-tagging: 2 # number of times to retry on audio file tagging error |
# optional fields |
current-time: |
# The module will modify the last modified time of the audio file to match the order of input tasks. |
# Specifically, a task with a smaller order number in the `-task` JSON file will have an earlier last modified time. |
# But the module needs a base timestamp to calculate the last modified time of each audio file |
# By default, this field is empty means using the time when this app is launched. |
# If you want to start from a specific time, change the setting here |
# The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, with the local time zone in this running device |
start-from: "" |
# spring setting, DON't touch. unless you know what you are doing |
spring: |
jackson: |
deserialization: |
fail-on-unknown-properties: true |
serialization: |
indent-output: true |
# default-property-inclusion: non_null # disabling for now, we want 3rd app read our json easily |
config: |
import: optional:file:./my-extractor-config.yml,optional:file:./my-extractor-config.yaml,optional:file:./my-extractor-config.properties |
logging: |
level: |
mikufan: info |