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Releases: CWolfs/MissionControl


10 Aug 14:29
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This very minor release just fixes some position issues in Blackout maps.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

NOTE: This release is only to officially release out the two hotfix files that were in the MC discord for over half a year. If you already have those there is no need for you to download this release.

🐛 Bug Fixes

🆙 Upgrade Instructions

This update is just a mod.json and two contractTypeBuild files update.

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • mod.json
  • Copy and overwrite:
    • contractTypeBuilds/Blackout/story2_badlandsparched.jsonc
    • contractTypeBuilds/Blackout/story7_lowlandsspring.jsonc

NOTE: There was no dll rebuild for this release so the version on that still says v1.5.1. This is not an issue.


24 Oct 07:27
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This release fixes a single bug mentioned below that caused an infinite spinner when returning from a contract that didn't have MC running on it.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.5.1 pull request.

🐛 Bug Fixes

🆙 Upgrade Instructions

This update is just a dll and mod.json update.

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json


17 Oct 09:08
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This release introduces a lot of new features and fixes some important bugs. It adds a lot more content for the existing custom contract types, adds a dialogue system that works with the combat dialogue for much more control and allows player pilots to talk in contracts. One of the main reasons for this release is to prepare the contract type build formats for the upcoming Mission Control Designer.

All website documentation has been updated to reflect all the new additions and changes so check there for specifics.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.5.0 pull request.


❗ Custom Contract Build Format Upgrade

As the Mission Control Designer is in a functional state I've been testing the Designer saving out the existing custom contract types (Duels & Blackout). For various reasons related to the Designer the existing custom contract type build files (files that are located under MissionControl/contractTypeBuilds) require an upgrade.

The upgrade is critical and must be done. - See the below Upgrade instructions on the process

🚀 Features

🚀 Features

⚡ Improvements

⚡ Improvements

  • Custom Contract Types: Build File Format Updated
    • The custom contract type build file format is updated as built by the Designer
  • Solo & Duo Duel: OpFor Moves To Engage Before Contact
    • Previously, the OpFor duelists would sit at their spawn point until contact was made, then they would move to engage the player
    • This led to a boring situation where the player would just jump the enemy
    • Now the OpFor moves to engage the player similar to how the player would move at the start of the contract
  • Extended Boundaries - Support use of only MapId
    • Previously, you could provide only ContractTypeName or provide ContractTypeName and MapId but you couldn't only provide MapId
    • You can now provide only MapId if required
  • Blackout: Fixed bad turret placement in Phase2 base in Story7 map
    • Often the turrets would destroy the buildings they were meant to protect
  • Additional Lances: Follow AI is restricted to Additional Lance lances
    • Previously, the FollowAI would be injected into the Core behaviour tree and Follow orders would be sent to all lance units that had the Employer tag
    • This correctly didn't affect things like Escort units or Defend Base engineers as they didn't use the Core AI behaviour tree
    • Now, the AI Follow order is sent to any lance units that have both Employer and AdditionalLance tags - so only the AL lances
    • This change purely keeps Mission Control's Follow AI influence to where it's required
  • Data Cleanup: Added new method for cleaning up data from Mission Control
    • This new method is now default
    • The old method can be turned on instead if there are some unforseen compatibility issues with other mods in the community
    • In settings.json, there is a new setting under Misc/ContractOverrideDataCleanupMethod
      • RestoreFromCopy is the default and the new cleaning method. It takes copies of LanceOverrides and ObjectiveOverrides and restores them after combat
      • ScrubData is the old method. It scans through the contract override and removes anything MC added.
  • Contract Type Builder - Added DurationType property to OccupyRegion Objective
🔧 Changes

🔧 Changes

  • Contract Type Builder - Refactored SetStateResult result to SetStatusResult
  • Contract Type Builder - Refactored SetStateAtRandomResult result to SetStatusAtRandomResult
🐛 Bug Fixes

🐛 Bug Fixes

Read more


23 Jun 07:12
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This release fixes a bug in Extended Lances and one in Additional Lances.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.4.2 pull request.

🐛 Bug Fixes

🆙 Upgrade Instructions

This update is just a dll and mod.json update.

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json


19 Feb 23:40
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This release fixes some bugs related to the newly upgraded Extended Lances.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.4.1 pull request.

🐛 Bug Fixes

🆙 Upgrade Instructions

This update is just a dll and mod.json update.

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json


18 Feb 18:57
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This release introduces Extended Lances version 2, a major upgrade to Extended Lances, and some minor bugfixes.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.4.0 pull request.

❗ Extended Lances v2 Upgrade ❗

As many of the features and fixes are related to EL - I'm drawing attention to it here. Some of the below fixes and improvements for EL v2 are covered below in the main changelog too.

  • Extended Lances v2 Upgrade
    • Extended Lances has been given a major upgrade. There were some fundamental issues and limitations with EL that preventing some modders achieving the results they wanted. Now EL should have fewer bugs and more flexibility.
    • Backwards compatible
    • Extensively tested

🚀 Features

  • Extended Lances: Support all other Teams
    • EL now supports TargetAlly, EmployerAlly, HostileToAll, NeutralToAll
    • This feature is on by default so modpacks might want to consider game balance
    • Support can be individually turned off in the settings.json in the EL section
    • Can be individually overridden with per-contract overrides
  • Extended Lances: Provide a way to force EL to allow specific LanceOverride set ups
    • A new settings.json property called ForceLanceOverrideSizeWithTag which controls this behaviour
    • When a LanceOverride (lance in the contract json) has this tag in its lanceTagSet/tagSetSourceFile then it will force EL to spawn this exact defined lance
    • lanceTagSet/tagSetSourceFile is not used in BattleTech so it's been adopted for this feature
  • Extended Lances: Provide a way to force EL to allow specific LanceDef set ups
    • A new settings.json property called ForceLanceDefSizeWithTag which controls this behaviour
    • When a LanceDef has this tag in its LanceTags/tagSetSourceFile then it will force EL to spawn this exact defined lance
    • LanceTags/tagSetSourceFile is not used in BattleTech so it's been adopted for this feature
  • Extended Lances: AutofillType setting
    • When EL autofills lances it has to decide how to handle units that are defined as empty (mechDef_None, vehicleDef_None)
    • A new settings.json property called AutofillType which controls this behaviour and it has two settings:
      • RespectEmpty is the legacy and still the default behaviour. When a LanceOverride or LanceDef has empty units defined (e.g. mechDef_None, vehicleDef_None) then it will respect those and not autofill them.
      • FillEmptyis a new autofill behaviour. When a LanceOverride or LanceDef has empty units defined (e.g. mechDef_None, vehicleDef_None) then it will autofill and replace them so units will spawn in those slots.
  • Extended Lances: AutofillStartingFromContractDifficulty setting
    • A new settings.json property under ExtendedLances called AutofillStartingFromContractDifficulty
    • To aid in a fairer early game, you can now control when Extended Lances autofills units in lances that are below the faction's EL LanceSize by setting a contract difficulty (real difficulty - not UI/visible difficulty) to start autofilling from
    • This does not affect LanceDefs that fill up to the faction's LanceSize themselves (e.g. modpack Clan LanceDefs up to 5 or 6 etc)
    • For those who don't want this feature - set it to 1
  • Extended Lances: AutofillUnitCopyType setting
    • At times EL needs to copy units to create a varied and interesting lance when autofilling it up to the Faction Size (or any overridden size). In this case EL tries to copy a 'Tagged' lance so to use this tagged UnitSpawnPointOverride and leverage the tags to provide variation. If there are no 'Tagged' lances available to copy it will use the defined behaviour in AutofillUnitCopyType in the settings.json.
    • A new settings.json property called AutofillUnitCopyType which controls this behaviour and it has two settings:
      • FirstInLance - The legacy behaviour. It would pick the first unit (index 0) and copy it (giving it new identify/clearing custom names etc)
      • RandomInLance - The new behaviour and is now the default behaviour. It picks a random unit from the Lance to copy (giving it new identify/clearing custom names etc)


🐛 Bug Fixes

📝 Documentation / Website

  • Added ModTek v2 information in the setup page
  • Added per-contract override page
  • Added settings.json override with settings.modpack.json and settings.user.json in the settings page
  • Added SwapPlacement type EncounterStructure subtype node information in the contract builder API nodes area
  • Added CombatState type DisablePilotDeath subtype node information in the contract builder API nodes area
  • Updated Extended Lances information for version 2
  • Removed HBS mod loader information

🆙 Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json
      • config/Contracts/My_Contract_ID_Example.json
      • config/Contracts/My_FP_Contract_ID_Example.json

Add the following to your settings.json:

Under ExtendedLances add:

"EnableForTargetAlly": true,
"EnableForEmployerAlly": true,
"EnableForHostileToAll": true,
"EnableForNeutralToAll": true,
"AutofillType": "RespectEmpty",
"AutofillUnitCopyType": "RandomInLance",
"AutofillStartingFromContractDifficulty": 3,
"ForceLanceOverrideSizeWithTag": "mc_force_extended_lance",
"ForceLanceDefSizeWithTag": "mc_force_extended_lance",

and update SkipWhenExcludeTagsContain to have mc_no_extended_lance:

"SkipWhenExcludeTagsContain": ["mc_no_extended_lance", "no_extended_lance"],

Under ExtendedBoundaries/Overrides add:

  "ContractTypeName": "AmbushConvoy",
  "IncreaseBoundarySizeByPercentage": 0.2


22 Dec 17:49
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This release fixes a major bug relating to v1.3.1 breaking the MC pathfinder system.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.3.2 pull request.

Bug Fixes

Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json


13 Dec 18:32
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This release focuses on compatibility enhancements and some minor bug fixes.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be at the v1.3.1 pull request.

Bug Fixes


Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json
      • overrides/contracts/duoduel/DuoDuel_FestiveCouple.json


27 Oct 17:29
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This release fixes various bugs and adds various enhancements.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

The full release diff can be seen here

Bug Fixes


Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json
      • config/Contracts/My_FP_Contract_ID_Example.json
      • contractTypeBuilds/Blackout/common.jsonc
      • contractTypeBuilds/Blackout/mountainhold_lunar.jsonc
      • contractTypeBuilds/DuoDuel/common.jsonc
      • contractTypeBuilds/SoloDuel/common.jsonc
      • overrides/contracts/duoduel/DuoDuel_FestiveCouple.json
      • overrides/contracts/duoduel/DuoDuel_YearlyTussle.json
      • Edit settings.json (and/or your settings.user.json / settings.modpack.json overrides) with the following:

Add the following under the AdditionalLances/DropWeightInfluence block

  "EnemySpawnInfluenceMax": 0.9,
  "AllySpawnInfluenceMax": 0.9,

Specific for RT modpack

Since you had an early release with the Drop Weight Influence maximum - no need to change your custom config for that feature.


23 Jun 14:40
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This is a minor bug fix release for some edge case bugs.

For detailed documentation, visit the Mission Control Website.

Bug Fixes


Upgrade Instructions

  • If you're using MC without a modpack and none of your own changes, just delete the MC folder and move the new one into your mods folder
  • If you're using MC as part of a modpack, let the modpack authors update MC for you (using the below guide)
  • If you're using MC without a modpack but you've made some of your own changes to the configs, or you're a modpack author:
    • Copy into your Mods/MissionControl folder
      • MissionControl.dll
      • mod.json
      • Edit settings.json (and/or your settings.user.json / settings.modpack.json overrides) with the following:

Add the following Misc block under the top-level Spawners block

  "Misc": {
    "LanceSelectionDivergenceOverride": {
      "Enable": true,
      "Divergence": 20

Specific for RT modpack

For RT modpack authors, or any modpack that uses custom high difficulty value lances like RT, use this block instead (or experiment with much higher divergence values):

  "Misc": {
    "LanceSelectionDivergenceOverride": {
      "Enable": false