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#> Last Update: 2022-12-14
- Continue to implement PxStat features
Most functions now default to not using the cache.
Updated the package documentation with @docType as requested by CRAN last year
Fixed an issue with the cache on non-windows file systems
Fixed an issue with pivot_format = "tidy"
Fixed an issue with include_ids parameter
Fixed an issue with date-time format in cso_get_toc()
- Fixed an issue with pivot_format = "tidy"
Fixed issue where passing from_date = NULL would cause an error in cso_get_toc.
Added check for csodata directory in cache before attempting to flush it.
Switched from RESTful API to JSON RPC for sending requests to PxStat
Added new tidy data format
Deprecated the wide_format augment and replaced it with pivot_format
Various bug fixes and quality of life additions
- Minor bugfix in cso_geo_meta and quick_start_guide.
- Updated to newest Local Authority boundaries in cso_get_geo
- cso_get_meta now includes indicator if the dataset contains a geographical element
- Minor bugfix in cso_get_geo.
- Minor bugfix in cso_download_tbl.
- Implementing the active managment of saved tables in the cache.
- Now using PxStat API as the data resource.
- Fixed a bug in cso_get_geo.
- Added graceful failure when internet resources not available, in accordance with CRAN policies.
- Major increment to version number to reflect release on CRAN.
- Changed maintainer to Conor Crowley.
- Added suppress_messages option to cso_get_toc and cso_download_tbl.
- Caching of data now uses the LastModified field from the table of contents as part of the key so that a new version is only retrieved when the table is updated. Due to this all users should clear the cache with cso_clear_cache() or otherwise.
- Added two new options to cso_get_geo for updated NUTS shapefiles from the OSi website.
- Changed projection of new map files to Irish Grid system.
- Minor edits to meet CRAN requirements.
- Changed naming scheme from xx_cso_yy to cso_xx_yy.
- Added cso_disp_meta function.
- Added caching funtionality using R.cache package.
- General improvements to documentation.
- Implemented cso_get_geo function, to download geographic data from cso.ie.
- Separated cso_get_content into its own function, from cso_get_meta.
- New metadata functions, cso_get_vars, cso_get_interval and cso_get_content.
- Cache is now stored in a csodata subdirectory, and clear_cso_cache can be used to empty it.
- Added Mervyn and Conor to authors field on DESCRIPTION.
- Changed double backslashes (\\) to single forward slashes (/).
- Moved cso_get_toc to its own file.
- cso_search_toc function added.
- Added cso_get_var_values function.
- New geographic metadata functions, cso_get_meta_geo and cso_disp_meta_geo.
- Changed LastModified column of cso_get_toc from character format to datetime (POSIXct).
- New vignette, quick_start_guide.
- Added get_cso_meta function.
- Add NEWS.Rmd and README.Rmd.
- New id_list argument for get_cso_data.
- Changed get_cso_names to include last modified date and table name.
- Added "very_wide" option for wide_format in get_cso_data.
- Added roxygen2 documentation.
- Initial version based on previous R scipt.