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File metadata and controls

83 lines (57 loc) · 4.11 KB


A number of relationship predicates used to describe relationships between spatial features in Loc-I and in the context of individual Loc-I datasets, as follows:


From GeoSPARQL the following geospatial-topological relationships are of interest

Relation definition
sfContains Exists if the subject SpatialObject spatially contains the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: T*****FF*
sfWithin Exists if the subject SpatialObject is spatially within the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: T*F**F***
sfOverlaps Exists if the subject SpatialObject spatially overlaps the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: T*T***T**
sfEquals Exists if the subject SpatialObject spatially equals the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: TFFFTFFFT
sfDisjoint Exists if the subject SpatialObject is spatially disjoint from the object SpatialObject. DE-9IM: FF*FF****

This is a subset of the Simple Features implementation of the DE-9IM relations. GeoSPARQL also provides Egenhofer and RCC8 implementations.


In ASGS the relationships that are specified between different ASGS structures are implemented by

Relation definition
isAggregationOf The context resource is an aggregation of (composed of) one or more of the target resources
aggregatesTo The context resource aggregates to the target resource


In Loc-I the following generalized topology relations are defined

Relation definition
isEquivalentTo* The target feature is intended to represent the same real-world entity as the context feature
contains* The context resource contains the target resource, in some geospatial, logical, ownership, governance, jurisidictional or compositional sense
isWithin* (inverse of contains) The context resource is within or is part of the target resource, in some geospatial, logical, ownership, governance, jurisidictional or compositional sense
isDisjointWith* The target resource does not touch or intersect with the context
sfRelation* A geospatial-topological relationship (utility property - superset of all the geo:sf* properties)

* indicates 'provisional'.

Dublin Core

Meanwhile Dublin Core provides the following general-purpose relations to describe either part-whole or versioning relationships between resources

Relation definition
relation A related resource
hasPart A related resource that is included either physically or logically in the described resource
isPartOf A related resource in which the described resource is physically or logically included
replaces A related resource that is supplanted, displaced, or superseded by the described resource
isReplacedBy A related resource that supplants, displaces, or supersedes the described resource
hasVersion A related resource that is a version, edition, or adaptation of the described resource
isVersionOf A related resource of which the described resource is a version, edition, or adaptation

Note that this is only a small subset of the full set of sub-properties of the Dublin Core relation property.

All relations hierarchy

The Dublin Core and Loc-I relations can join the GeoSPARQL and ASGS relations into a single sub-property hierarchy:

Loc-I Relations hierarchy

This will support more generalized queries across datasets and linksets in a Loc-I context.

Some additional notes, incomplete ...

Identity and revisions


More than one dataset (revision cycle) in ASGS

  • ABS structures - 5-yearly
  • non-ABS structures - annually

Do we treat URIs as a single dataset, with URI's being members of time-stamped datasets Or do we make the URI's time-stamped and then record feature equivalence relationships explicitly


Ontology needs a big refresh. Has time properties at entity level (StreetLocality incorrected modelled as sub-class of Street)