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Developer Guide


Welcome to PriorityQ’s developer guide! PriorityQ is a task manager for the modern power user who enjoys working primarily with the keyboard.

This guide aims to help you get familiarised with PriorityQ’s design so that you can extend or contribute to it. We also provide specifications on the development environment and testing.

Setting up


  1. JDK 1.8.0_60 or later

    Having any Java 8 version is not enough.
    This app will not work with earlier versions of Java 8.

  2. Eclipse IDE

  3. e(fx)clipse plugin for Eclipse (Do the steps 2 onwards given in this page)

  4. Buildship Gradle Integration plugin from the Eclipse Marketplace

Importing the project into Eclipse

  1. Fork this repo, and clone the fork to your computer
  2. Open Eclipse (Note: Ensure you have installed the e(fx)clipse and buildship plugins as given in the prerequisites above)
  3. Click File > Import
  4. Click Gradle > Gradle Project > Next > Next
  5. Click Browse, then locate the project's directory
  6. Click Finish
  • If you are asked whether to 'keep' or 'overwrite' config files, choose to 'keep'.
  • Depending on your connection speed and server load, it can even take up to 30 minutes for the set up to finish (This is because Gradle downloads library files from servers during the project set up process)
  • If Eclipse auto-changed any settings files during the import process, you can discard those changes.



The architecture diagram given above explains the high-level design of PriorityQ. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

Main has only one class called MainApp.

  • At app launch: It is responsible for initialising the components in the correct sequence, as well as linking them up.
  • At app exit: It is responsible for shutting down each component and invoking any clean-up methods.

Commons represents a collection of classes used by multiple other components. Two of those classes play important roles at the architecture level.

  • EventsCentre : This class (written using Google's Event Bus library) is used by components to communicate with other components using events (i.e. a form of Event Driven design)
  • LogsCenter : Used by many classes to write log messages to the App's log file.

The rest of PriorityQ consists four components.

  • UI : Displays GUI(Graphical User Interface) to user.
  • Logic : The command executor.
  • Model : Represents actual data in the program.
  • EventsCenter : Handles callbacks for event that’s happening from the model changing.
  • Storage : Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

Our architecture follows the MVC Pattern: UI displays data and interacts with the user; Logic listens to events from UI, and acts as the bridge between UI and Model; Model & Storage stores and maintain the data.


User Interface (UI)


The view component is the part of the application that directly interacts with the user. The view is created using information supplied from the controller. Thus, a major purpose of view objects is to display data from the application’s model objects and to enable the editing of that data.

To accomplish this, the view component communicates all user interactions through the controller component to the application’s model objects. In turn, any changes in model data are propagated through the application’s controller objects.

The diagram above gives an overview of the architecture of the UI component of PriorityQ. The UI consists of a MainController which encapsulates the root layout of the GUI. The MainController inherits from the abstract UiPart class and it can be loaded using the UiPartLoader. On start-up, the MainController initialises an AppViewController.

Subsequently, the AppViewController initialises the TaskViewController and the HelpViewController. The former is made up of a TaskList which displays TaskCards, while the latter is made up of a HelpList which displays HelpCards. Both of them implement the abstract Controller class which enforces the implementation of certain methods for initialisation and also provides common and useful controller methods needed by all such view controllers.

To display custom layouts to the user, the UI component uses JavaFx UI framework. The root layout is a StackPane from JavaFX.

UI parts are defined in matching .fxml files that are in the src/main/resources/view folder. For example, the root layout is specified in RootLayout.fxml, and the TaskList is specified in TaskList.fxml.

PriorityQ has its own custom stylesheet which makes the GUI clean and simple. You can find the css stylesheet in the same folder as the .fxml files.

In summary, the UI component:

  • Executes user commands using the Logic component.
  • Binds itself to data in the Model so that the UI can auto-update when data in the Model changes.
  • Responds to events raised from various parts of the App and updates the UI accordingly.
  • Raises events for certain user-initiated interactions so that other UI components can respond accordingly.



The Logic component acts as an intermediary between the view and any model/storage objects. Logic objects are thus a channel through which view components learn about changes in model objects and vice versa. Logic objects also handle the coordination of tasks in the system.

In PriorityQ, a logic object interprets user actions made in view objects, such as entering a command, and communicates these information to the model layer. When model objects change, a controller object relays these changes to the view objects so that they can display it to the users.

All valid user input are parsed into Command objects. Each command has a separate class (e.g. AddCommand, ListCommand, …), and all of them implement the Command interface. The interface acts as an abstraction layer so that Logic does not need to know the implementation details of each Command class, and makes sure that every command class follows the same architecture. The individual details of each command (command keywords, valid format, …) are defined in each Command class.

The parsing of user commands is done by Parser. Parser is invoked every time a command is entered. It first confirms that the given command is of the correct format. The command string is then passed to the individual parser of each command to return the appropriate Command object.

After that, the Command objects are executed by LogicManager. LogicManager implements the Logic interface, which also acts as an abstraction layer to other components of PriorityQ. LogicManager will call the execute method to execute the Commands objects. The result of the command execution is encapsulated as a CommandResult object which is passed back to the UI. This follows the Command Pattern: LogicManager executes commands without having to know the specific command type.

Command execution can affect the Model and Storage (e.g. adding an entry) and/or raise events.

Given below is the Sequence Diagram for interactions within the Logic component for the execute("delete 1") API call.

ArgumentTokenizer is a utility class which is used by Parser when parsing the user input. It allows more flexibility by tokenizing command parameters, so that no specific order has to be pre-defined.

Undoable Command History

The command history component facilitates the use of the undo and redo commands. It consists of two stacks, namely the UndoableHistoryStack and RedoableHistoryStack. Whenever an undoable command is successfully executed, the command is added to the UndoableHistoryStack. Every one of these undoable commands contains states and instructions that allows the changes made by the command to be undone.

When the user uses the undo command, the most recent undoable command is popped from the UndoableHistoryStack and the command’s unexecute() method is called, which reverses the changes made by the command. If the undo command is successful, the command’s state is now redoable and will be added into the RedoableHistoryStack.

Similarly, when the redo command is executed, the most recently added redoable command is popped from the RedoableHistoryStack and the reExecute() method is called. if the redo command is successful, the command is now undoable and it will be added back into the UndoableHistoryStack.

Whenever the user executes a new undoable command, the RedoableHistoryStack is refreshed which removes all redoable commands. This is to keep the history consistent which is similar to how page navigation works in web browsers. The UndoableHistoryStack holds a maximum of 20 undoable commands to guard against memory leak.

Model and Event


A model object encapsulates data that pertains to a particular application. For example, we have model objects which will represent tasks and events in the context of a to-do manager. In PriorityQ, a TaskList has many Entries which can be either a Task or Event. In addition, PriorityQ also keeps a list of Tags that are used to tag entries. These objects temporarily keep track of data which will ultimately be persisted through the Storage class. PriorityQ makes use of a text file in .xml format to persist user data. This data will then be loaded into the application when PriorityQ is first launched. Conversely, when any changes are made to the model object, the xml file will be updated to reflect these changes.

Since PriorityQ follows an MVC framework, user actions in the view layer are propagated to the model via the Logic component, which acts as a controller object. When a user creates a new task in PriorityQ, a Task model object is created. In PriorityQ, event-based programming is made use of via the EventsCenter. For example, model changes which might involve updating of other objects will be transmitted by informing the EventsCenter of a new event.

Certain GUI interactions are propagated to the logic component using the EventsCenter:

The list command supports filtering entries by multiple conditions (e.g. title, tags, due date). PredicateBuilder is a class in Model that chains these predicates to allow the combination of multiple search conditions. It follows the Singleton Pattern: PredicateBuilder has a private constructor, a static instance and a public getInstance method to access this only instance.



The storage component encapsulate the need of handling data read and write by any other component. The storage component also provide a facade that covers several storage such as the user preference storage and the task manager storage itself. By doing so, other component just need to interact with the facade storage and not the user preference storage or the task manager storage directly which may add complexity. The storage class itself is flexible as we can change our type of storage, such as Xml to Json easily without changing the whole component.

Common classes

Classes used by multiple components are in the seedu.addressbook.commons package. ju

Program workflow

This section gives an overview of PriorityQ’s program flow. PriorityQ uses the Model View Controller paradigm. It is a simple, yet reliable and commonly used method for structuring applications. It also suits the design need of our system. The flow of the program would look like this:



We are using java.util.logging package for logging. The LogsCenter class is used to manage the logging levels and logging destinations.

  • The logging level can be controlled using the logLevel setting in the configuration file (See Configuration)
  • The Logger for a class can be obtained using LogsCenter.getLogger(Class) which will log messages according to the specified logging level
  • Currently log messages are output through: Console and to a .log file.

Logging Levels

  • SEVERE : Critical problem detected which may possibly cause the termination of the application
  • WARNING : Can continue, but with caution
  • INFO : Information showing the noteworthy actions by the App
  • FINE : Details that is not usually noteworthy but may be useful in debugging e.g. print the actual list instead of just its size


Certain properties of the application can be controlled (e.g App name, logging level) through the configuration file (default: config.json):


Tests can be found in the ./src/test/java folder.

In Eclipse:

If you are not using a recent Eclipse version (i.e. Neon or later), enable assertions in JUnit tests as described here.

  • To run all tests, right-click on the src/test/java folder and choose Run as > JUnit Test
  • To run a subset of tests, you can right-click on a test package, test class, or a test and choose to run as a JUnit test.

Using Gradle:

We have two types of tests:

  1. GUI Tests - These are System Tests that test the entire App by simulating user actions on the GUI. These are in the guitests package.

  2. Non-GUI Tests - These are tests not involving the GUI. They include,

    1. Unit tests targeting the lowest level methods/classes.
      e.g. seedu.priorityq.commons.UrlUtilTest
    2. Integration tests that are checking the integration of multiple code units (those code units are assumed to be working).
    3. Hybrids of unit and integration tests. These test are checking multiple code units as well as how the are connected together.
      e.g. seedu.priorityq.logic.LogicManagerTest

Headless GUI Testing : Thanks to the TestFX library we use, our GUI tests can be run in the headless mode. In the headless mode, GUI tests do not show up on the screen. That means the developer can do other things on the Computer while the tests are running.
See to learn how to run tests in headless mode.

Dev Ops

Build Automation

See to learn how to use Gradle for build automation.

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI to perform Continuous Integration on our projects. See for more details.

Making a Release

Here are the steps to create a new release.

  1. Generate a JAR file using Gradle.
  2. Tag the repo with the version number. e.g. v0.1
  3. Crete a new release using GitHub and upload the JAR file your created.

Managing Dependencies

A project often depends on third-party libraries. For example, Address Book depends on the Jackson library for XML parsing. Managing these dependencies can be automated using Gradle. For example, Gradle can download the dependencies automatically, which is better than these alternatives.
a. Include those libraries in the repo (this bloats the repo size)
b. Require developers to download those libraries manually (this creates extra work for developers)

Known Issues

Natural language processing for recurring events

The natural language processing for recurring events has a few bugs. Currently, the recurrence feature can only handle user input with the format: “every X ”, i.e: “every 1 day”. This restricts the user’s freedom in typing in a command to create a recurring event.


The program will take longer to respond if a large number (e.g. a few thousand) of tasks are present in PriorityQ. A workaround is to regularly clear your completed tasks by using either the delete or clear command.

Future work

Google Calendar integration

Google Calendar offers a comprehensive user experience when it comes to organizing tasks on a calendar. Other features like email reminders, invitations and especially cross-platform synchronization can greatly benefit our users.


We want users to have their own personal touch in the app. Hence we’re looking forward to implement some features that users can customise such as changing theme color to suit user’s style. We will provide 10+ themes for use to select and modify to help make PriorityQ their own.

Email notification

Although this is not a main feature since we designed PriorityQ to be able to work 100% offline, it would be a nice-to-have.

Appendix A : User Stories

User Stories Likely/Not Likely
As a user I can add an entry by specifying a entry title only, so that I can record entrys that need to be done ‘some day’. Likely
As a user I can add entries that have a specific start and end time, so that I can record events with a specific duration. Likely
As a user I can add descriptions to my entries, so that I can add detail to my tasks. Likely
As a user I can edit an entry, so that I can make changes to entries as needed. Likely
As a user I can delete an entry, so that I can get rid of entries that I no longer care to track. Likely
As a user I can list all entries that are due, so that I can get an overview of all my entries. Likely
As a user I can find upcoming entries, so that I can decide what needs to be done soon. Likely
As a user, I can set a entry as completed, so that I can keep track of completed/uncompleted entries. Likely
As a user, I can add tags to the entries so that I can categorize entries together Likely
As a user I can search for an entry by different entry attributes, so that I can find specific entries. Likely
As a user I can undo a certain number of actions so that I can correct any mistaken actions. Likely
As a new user I can view more information about a particular command, so that I can learn how to use various commands. Likely
As an advanced user I can use shorter versions of a command, so that type a command faster. Likely
As a user, I can schedule a entry to be automatically added with a given frequency so that I don’t have to manually add entries every time. Likely
As an advanced user, I can specify a specific folder as the data storage location, so that I can choose to store the data file in a local folder controlled by a cloud syncing service, allowing me to access entry data from multiple computers. Likely
As a user, I can choose different views of all my tasks, e.g. “Due Today”, “Due This Week”, so that I can focus on what is important to me at that moment. Likely
As a user, I can use autocompletion of entry description so that I can quickly add entries that are similar to what I have added before Not Likely
As a user, I can personalize my app by changing the color scheme so that it fits my aesthetic requirements. Not Likely
As an advanced user, I can rebind default commands into my own keyboard shortcuts, so that I can use shortcuts that I am comfortable with. Not Likely
As a user, I can type in commands in a more ‘natural’ manner, so that I do not need to learn the command format. Not Likely

Appendix B : Use Cases

(For all use cases below, the System is the TaskManager and the Actor is the user, unless specified otherwise)

Use case: Delete entry

Use case: Create a floating task

Actors: User


  1. User request to create a new entry without specifying the start and/or end date and deadline
  2. TodoList add that particular floating task into Storage and save it

Use Case Ends


1a. Entry is entered with invalid properties e.g. title

1a1. TodoList warns user that the entry is invalid and does not add it into Storage

Use Case Ends

1b. Entry already exists

1b1. TodoList warns user that the entry already exists and does not add it into Storage

Use Case Ends

Use case: Create an event

Actors: User


  1. User request to create a new entry while specifying the start and/or end date but not deadline
  2. TodoList add that particular event into Storage and save it

Use Case Ends

Use Case: Create a deadline

Actors: User


  1. User request to create a new entry while specifying the deadline but no start and/or end date
  2. TodoList add that particular deadline into Storage and save it

Use Case Ends

Use Case: Delete an entry

Actors: User


  1. User requests to delete an entry with a specified id
  2. TodoList deletes the entry

Use Case Ends


1a. Entry with the specified id does not exist

1a1. TodoList warns the user that the entry with the specified id does not exist

Use Case Ends

Use Case: List all entries

Actors: User


  1. User requests to list all entries
  2. TodoList shows a list of entries, sorted by date (oldest first)

Use Case Ends

Use Case: List entries with filters

Actors: User


  1. User requests to list entries with some filters
  2. TodoList shows a list of entries that satisfies the filters, sorted by date (oldest first)

Use Case Ends

Use Case: Add tags to a list of entries

Actors: User


  1. User requests to list a filtered list of entries
  2. User requests to add tags to the listed entries

Use Case Ends


2a. User attempts to add an invalid tag

2a1. TodoList tells the user that the tag name is invalid

Use Case Ends

Appendix C : Non Functional Requirements

  1. User should navigate the application primarily using the command line
  2. Should be easy to navigate through large numbers of tasks and events
  3. Should not have a response time more than 100ms
  4. Should have minimal data loss after an unexpected crash
  5. Should have consistent data
  6. Should be able to accommodate more than 1000 tasks and events
  7. Should be able to work offline
  8. Should not exceed 100MB of RAM when in use
  9. Should store data as files instead of in some relational database
  10. Storage file should be human-editable and human-readable

Appendix D : Glossary

Mainstream OS

Windows, Linux, Unix, OS-X

Appendix E : Product Survey



  • Geared towards task management: focus on only 1 thing
  • Covers various aspects of task management: deadline, assignees, descriptions, discussions
  • Designed to be collaborative
  • Unique UI, which gives a great overview of the tasks
  • Cross-platform


  • Missing ability to schedule recurring tasks
  • Poor integration with calendar
  • A bit cluttered for personal use, since it’s designed for collaborative work



  • All-in-one swiss army knife: Not only task management, can keep notes as well
  • Good in capturing tasks that need to be done before a specific date/time, or after a specific date/time, and items without specific times.
  • Can access tasks online and offline (if Jim is willing to pay for Evernote premium)


  • Needs a few clicks/keyboard shortcuts to add a new task
  • No way to “block” some time out except by explicitly writing it in a note.

Google Keep:


  • Compact UI that allows for many tasks to be viewed at once.
  • Colored tasks as visual aid.
  • Checkbox to indicate task completion. Alternatively, tasks can be archived to indicate completion.
  • Supports dynamic content such as links, images and drawings.
  • Sync through multiple gadget.


  • No options for viewing the list of tasks in different orders (most recent, deadline etc)
  • No calendar view.

Appendix F: Data Storage XML Example

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <title>Swim 1 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 1 apple</title>
    <title>Work on CS4224</title>
    <title>Swim 2 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 2 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS2103T</title>
    <title>Run 3 rounds</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 3 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS4224</title>
    <title>Run 4 rounds</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 4 pineapple</title>
    <title>Work on CS2103T</title>
    <title>Swim 5 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 5 grapes</title>
    <title>Work on CS2105</title>
    <title>Swim 6 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 6 apple</title>
    <title>Work on CS2101</title>
    <title>Swim 7 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 7 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS2101</title>
    <title>Do 8 push ups</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 8 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS4224</title>
    <title>Swim 9 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 9 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS2101</title>
    <title>Do 10 push ups</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 10 apple</title>
    <title>Work on CS4224</title>
    <title>Do 11 push ups</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 11 grapes</title>
    <title>Work on CS2103T</title>
    <title>Do 12 push ups</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 12 grapes</title>
    <title>Work on CS2105</title>
    <title>Swim 13 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 13 grapes</title>
    <title>Work on CS2101</title>
    <title>Run 14 rounds</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 14 pineapple</title>
    <title>Work on CS2105</title>
    <title>Swim 15 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 15 pineapple</title>
    <title>Work on CS2101</title>
    <title>Swim 16 laps</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 16 apple</title>
    <title>Work on CS2105</title>
    <title>Run 17 rounds</title>
    <description>Or just sleep...</description>
    <title>Buy 17 banana</title>
    <title>Work on CS2103T</title>