Copyright(c) 2019
Author: Chaitanya Tejaswi ( License: GPL v3.0+
Personal Notes.
- Programming in Haskell (Hutton)
- Real World Haskell (O'Sullivan)
- Haskell In Depth (Bragilevsky)
is used to represent don't care variables.
It doesn't reference a variable, hence it cannot be used anywhere out of the expression.
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and True b = b
and False b = False
and :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and True b = b
and False _ = False
or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or True b = True
or b True = True
or b1 b2 = False
or :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or True _ = True
or _ True = True
or _ _ = False
nand :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
nand False _ = True
nand _ False = True
otherwise = False
- Greatest Common Divisor (GCD)
Determine the GCD (or HCF) of two numbers.
This example makes use of Euclid's division lemma.
``` hs
gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int
gcd m 0 = m
gcd m n
| m >= n = gcd n (mod m n)
| otherwise = gcd n m
- Largest Divisor
Determine the largest number
k; k<n
that dividesn
This example makes use of an auxiliary function (main function depends on another function for its result).
``` hs
- Integer Logarithm
Find the integer-logarithm of a number
`intlogn y = k` is the integer-only value of `logn y` ; i.e. `n^k = y; k is an integer`.
- Dividing y by n, k times gives a value >= 1.
- Dividing y by n, k+1 times gives a value < 1.
``` hs
- Reversing The Digits
Problem Statement.
Notes here.
``` hs
- Topic
Problem Statement.
Notes here.
``` hs
Lists are sequences of values of a uniform type. Unlike Python, which allows inclusion of multiple types in the same list, Haskell strictly takes only values of the same type.
(See Vid#9) reverse, head/tail, init/last, take/drop, length, sum.
List with values of type
has type[T]
eg. [1,2,3,4] :: [Int], [True, False, True] :: [Bool] -
Lists can be nested.
eg. [[2,3], [], [0,1,0]] :: [[Int]] -
Appending to List
eg. 1: [2,3] => [1,2,3], 1:2:[3] => [1,2,3] -
Decomposing List (head/tail)
eg. -
Defining functions on lists
Range of Values Arithmetic progressions, Counting backwards,
[1..10] => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] [1,3,..10] => [1,3,5,7,9] [2,5..20] => [2,5,8,11,14,17,20] [8..5] => [] [8,7..5] => [8,7,6,5]
Length of a list
myLength :: [Int] -> Int myLength [] = 0 myLength l = 1 + myLength (tail l) myLength :: [Int] -> Int myLength [] = 0 myLength (x:xs) = 1 + myLength xs >> myLength [1..10] 10
Sum of values in a list
mySum :: [Int] -> Int mySum [] = 0 mySum (x:xs) = x + mySum xs >> mySum [1..10] 55
Appending values to the right
Append values to the end of
.appendRight :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] appendRight n = [n] appendRight n (x:xs) = x : (appendRight n xs)
Merge two lists
myMerge :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int] myMerge [] l = l myMerge (x:xs) l = x : (myMerge xs l) >> myMerge [1..5] [5,4..1] [1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1] >> [1..5] ++ [5,4..1] [1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1]
Reverse a list
myReverse :: [Int] -> [Int] myReverse [] = [] myReverse (x:xs) = (myReverse xs) ++ [x]
Check if list is sorted
isSortedUp :: [Int] -> Bool isSortedUp [] = True isSortedUp [x] = True isSortedUp (x:y:ys) = (x <= y) && isSortedUp (y:ys) isSortedDown :: [Int] -> Bool isSortedDown [] = True isSortedDown [x] = True isSortedDown (x:y:ys) = (x >= y) && isSortedDown (y:ys)
Check if a list of integers is (strictly) alternating
Filter In/Out first n elements of a list
myTake :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] myTake _ [] = [] myTake n (x:xs) | n <= 0 = [] | n > 0 = x : (myTake (n-1) xs) myDrop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] myDrop _ [] = [] myDrop n xs@(y:ys) | n <= 0 = xs | n > 0 = myDrop (n-1) ys >> myTake 3 [1..5] [1,2,3] >> myDrop 3 [8..15] [11,12,13,14,15]
A character is of type Char. A string is a sequence of Char, and has the type String or [Char].
['h','e','l','l','o'] == "hello"
"" = []
Capitalize a character
capitalize :: Char -> Char capitalize ch | (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') = chr (ord ch + (ord 'A' - ord 'a')) | otherwise = ch
Search for character in a string
myisChar :: Char -> String -> Bool myisChar _ "" = False myisChar c (x:xs) | c == x = True | otherwise = myisChar c xs
Convert a string to uppercase
mytoUpper :: String -> String mytoUpper "" = "" mytoUpper (x:xs) = (capitalize x) : (toUpper xs) capitalize :: Char -> Char capitalize ch | (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') = chr (ord ch + (ord 'A' - ord 'a')) | otherwise = ch
Get first position of character in string
myPosition :: Char -> String -> Int myPosition c "" = 0 myPosition c (x:xs) | c == x = 0 | otherwise = 1 + (myPosition c xs) >> myPosition 'w' "Hello World" 11 >> myPosition 'W' "Hello World" 6
Count the number of words in a string
-- Define whitespace whitespace :: Char -> Bool whitespace ' ' = True whitespace '\t' = True whitespace '\n' = True otherwise _ = False -- Define wordCounter wordCounter :: String -> Int wordCounter [c] = 0 wordCounter (c:x:xs) | (whitespace c) && not (whitespace x) = 1 + wordCounter (x:xs) | otherwise = wordCounter (x:xs) -- Append ' ' at beginning of string. wordCount :: String -> Int wordCount s = wordCounter (' ':s) >> wordCount "My name is Slim Shady." 5
Tuples are sequences of values of a different types.
- Type
("John Doe", 12, "18-12-1999") :: (String, Int, String)
[("John", 92), ("Jamie", 86), ("Jeany", 96)] :: [(String, Int)]
Sum of pairs of integers
sumPair :: (Int, Int) -> Int sumPair (x,y) = x + y sumPairs :: [(Int, Int)] -> Int sumPairs [] = 0 sumPairs ((x,y):zs) = x + y + sumPairs zs >> sumPair (2,3) + sumPairs [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] 17
Lookup marks by name
marksLookup :: String -> [(String, Int)] -> Int marksLookup s [] = -1 marksLookup s ((name, marks):xs) | (s == name) = marks | otherwise = marksLookup s xs >> marksList = [("John", 92), ("Jamie", 86), ("Jeanie", 96)] >> marksLookup "Jeanie" marksList 96
2D Points
type Point2D = (Float, Float) distance :: Point2D -> Point2D -> Float distance (x1, y1) (x2, y2) = sqrt( sqr (x2-x1) + sqr (y2-y1) ) where sqr :: Float -> Float sqr x = x * x >> distance (0,0) (2,3) 3.6055512
- Prime Numbers: Sieve of Eratosthenes
myPrimes n = sieve [2..n] where sieve (x:xs) = x:(sieve [y | y <- xs, mod y x > 0]) >> myPrimes 100 [2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97 *** Exception: test.hs:15:9-59: Non-exhaustive patterns in function sieve
- Length Of A List
myLength :: [Int] -> Int myLength [] = 0 myLength (x:xs) = 1 + myLength xs >> myLength [1,2,3] 3 myLength :: [Int] -> Int myLength l = foldr f 0 l where f _ x = x + 1 >> myLength [1,2,3] 3
: take/drop firstn
elements. -
: take/drop until criteria matches.myPermutations :: [a] -> [[a]] myPermutations [x] = [[x]] -- myPermutations (x:xs) = concat (map (interleave x) (myPermutations xs)) myPermutations (x:xs) = concatMap (interleave x) (myPermutations xs) >> myPermutations [1,2,3] [[1,2,3],[2,1,3],[2,3,1],[1,3,2],[3,1,2],[3,2,1]] >> myPermutations ["my name","is","Chaitanya"] [["my name","is","Chaitanya"],["is","my name","Chaitanya"],["is","Chaitanya","my name"],["my name","Chaitanya","is"],["Chaitanya","my name","is"],["Chaitanya","is","my name"]]