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This document contains the STEPS code testing guidelines. It should answer any questions you may have as an aspiring STEPS contributor.

Test suites

STEPS has four test suites:

  • C++ unit tests located in test/unit/cpp
  • Python unit tests located in test/unit/py
  • Minimal integration tests in test/validation
  • Validation tests located in CNS-OIST/STEPS_Validation repository.

Writing new tests

Most code changes will fall into one of the following categories.

Writing tests for new features

New code should be covered by unit tests. If the code is difficult to test with a unit tests then that is a good sign that it should be refactored to make it easier to reuse and maintain.

Writing tests for bug fixes

Bugs fixes should include a unit test case which exercises the bug.

A bug fix may also include new assertions in an existing integration tests for the API endpoint.

Validation tests

FIXME: define guidelines

Running tests

Unit tests

To run the unit test suite:

cd /path/to/build/path
make check

To execute only one test: ctest --output-on-failure -R TEST_NAME

Integration tests

To run the integration test suite, follow instructions of CNS-OIST/STEPS_Validation repository.

Code Analysis

Code coverage

Code coverage provides report to know how much the STEPS code is executed by unit tests. Analysis provides detailed reports in both HTML and XML showing the number of times every line of code is executed when running unit tests.


Following tools are required: gcov, lcov, gcovr

Run coverage

Compilation with gcc is required to perform code coverage.

cd /path/to/STEPS
mkdir _build && pushd _build
make -j all coverage_init test coverage

Under the hood:

  1. all: compilation phase is different: every object file is attached to a .gcno file, containing information to reconstruct the basic block graphs and assign source line numbers to blocks.
  2. coverage_init: creates .gcda count data file for every .gcno, with counters reset to 0
  3. test: counters in .gcda files are updating while executing the test suite.
  4. coverage: generate both XML and HTML reports based on .gcno and .gcda


Valgrind is an instrumentation framework to build analysis from running applications.

Instrument unit test suite

It is strongly advise to run C++ unit-tests with valgrind memory checker activated.

cd /path/to/STEPS
mkdir _build && pushd _build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DVALGRIND=valgrind ..
export VALGRIND_OPTS="--tool=memcheck --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --verbose"
make test

Selectively suppress errors

Simply add suppression files to test/ci/valgrind directory with .supp extension to manually remove some warnings.

Generate suppression files

To generate a suppression file:

  1. Instrument your program with the following valgrind option: --gen-suppressions=all --log-file=report.log
  2. Extract all { } sections from the log file your want to permanently ignore
  3. Put them in .supp files in test/ci/valgrind/ directory. Typically, you should have one file per library or namespace.

CMake won't detect that test/ci/valgrind has been modified, so it is required to run cmake . explicitly after adding or removing a .supp file.


ASAN on Blue Brain 5

  1. setup the required build environment, for instance with spack: spack build-env steps@develop bash --norc

  2. Load the most recent LLVM module: module load unstable llvm Ensure the CC and CXX environment variables point to this compiler.

  3. Configure STEPS with the sanitizer enabled:

    mkdir build-asan ; pushd build-asan
    cmake -DSTEPS_SANITIZERS:STRING="address" \
          -DPython_EXECUTABLE=`which python3` \
  4. Build STEPS: make -j

  5. Execute the tests with sanitizer enabled: ctest To execute an arbitrary Python script using STEPS, mimic the environment variables set by ctest to run the tests, see ctest -VV to have the full command written to the standard output.

Known issues:

  • with srun/ASAN on BB5: MPT ERROR: Unable to restrict trim threshold for heap. The solution is to set the environment variable: SUPPRESS_XPMEM_TRIM_THRESH=1