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Releases: CMSgov/design-system


17 Feb 15:35
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💅 Changes

  • Removed relative positioning from grid column classes (ds-l-col) so a developer can position a child element relative to an ancestor farther up the chain. #240


16 Feb 00:21
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🚀 Added

  • Added <Review> component #237
  • Added an onClick prop to <SkipNav> component #239

💅 Changes

  • Update example text of <DateField> to use spaces instead of slashes #238

📦 Internal

  • Add font downloads to design folder


08 Feb 23:24
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💅 Changes

  • Added aria-pressed to Select All and Clear All buttons in <MonthPicker> for screen reader context #235
  • Change $color-muted to reference $color-gray, rather than $color-gray-medium. This means the muted color becomes darker and can now be combined with a background that is $color-gray-lightest while still being accessible.
Before After
image image
image image
image image


31 Jan 23:24
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🚀 Added

  • New ds-u-border--dark utility class to set the border to a dark gray.
  • New $border-color-dark Sass variable

💅 Changes

  • The markup of the MonthPicker component has been updated to improve accessibility. As part of those changes, a new headingLevel prop has been added to the component.

🛠 Fixed

  • Array.find polyfill added to the Autocomplete component to fix IE11
  • Locked uswds dependency version at 1.3.x. 1.4 renamed some variables that we depend on, which is a breaking change to our implementation.


17 Jan 19:18
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💅 Changes

  • variation prop on <Button> now accepts all strings

🛠 Fixed

  • Use Open Sans on ds-c-field inputs, rather than the system font 🙈
  • .ds-c-step__actions has had a margin-left: auto added to fix alignment on IE11
  • Removed the need for adding punctuation to <FormLabel>'s requirementLabel prop. This avoids adopters accidentally having a field description that says stuff like "Optional Enter the ID from your card", and should be more future-proof if we ever to decide to place the requirement label elsewhere.

📦 Internal

  • Now when you run yarn start:theme or yarn build:theme, the docs/ directory is placed into the theme's directory. This is useful for generating documentation for a theme and we'll use this for the site package's docs.


03 Jan 13:44
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🚀 Added

  • Added onComponentBlur prop to <DateField>
  • also added dayInvalid, monthInvalid, yearInvalid boolean props added to DateField to support error styling on the individual input elements

💅 Changes

  • <Autocomplete>'s items prop is now optional
  • Updated the DateField hint to include slashes, based on feedback from the CMS content team. It's now For example: 4/25/1986
  • Changed weight of requirementLabel in FormLabel from bold to normal

🛠 Fixed

  • Fixed invalid HTML in MonthPicker list #218
  • Some props that were passed through to a child component were stricter than the original PropType. These were loosened in most cases from string to node.
  • Added number as a valid PropType to TextField's defaultValue and value.


21 Dec 19:04
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💅 Changes

  • The <Autocomplete> component now passes any undocumented props directly to Downshift, which is used internally for controlling the autocomplete interactions and state.
  • Event handlers passed into the TextField child of Autocomplete are now used cloned so that they're not overwritten.
  • onInputValueChange prop was added as a documented prop to Autocomplete for gathering child input value


20 Dec 19:16
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🚀 Added

  • Added a <Dialog> React component to compliment the CSS/HTML Modal dialog component. #202
  • Added a <Autocomplete> React component. #201

💅 Changes

  • Removed the border from the primary button (ds-c-button--primary) so that it's background color can be controlled solely by the $button-primary-* variables. #209
  • The TextField component now accepts an id prop


15 Dec 21:20
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🛠 Fixed

  • Replaces relative image link with customizable $image-path variable for the Dialog's close icon.


15 Dec 03:07
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🚀 Added

  • Added <MonthPicker> component #196

  • Added <StepList> component #197

  • Added Dialog CSS component (.ds-c-dialog) and example HTML #198. A React component for this is coming soon

📦 Internal

  • Fixed Yeoman generator issue caused by Prettier #194
  • Refactored documentation generation to render React components separately in iframes #200 #203. Now supports Node 7 as well