Django has a "batteries-included" philosophy, with a fully-functional ORM out of the box, session handling, a default admin portal, url handling, middleware, and more. As a framework, it is accessible to beginners yet scalable to production demands.
As they put it, Django is "ridiculously fast, fully-loaded, reassuringly secure, exceedingly scalable, and incredibly versatile."
Other notable companies include Disqus, Spotify, YouTube, The Washington Post, BitBucket, DropBox, EventBrite, Mozilla, Prezi, & GenomOncology.
- Install Python & virtualenv |
- Start a project directory with a virtualenv |
pip install -m django
|django-admin startproject <project_name> .
|- Hey look! You've got a bunch of project files! |
django-admin startapp <app_name>
|- Hey look! You've got an app directory with more auto-generated files! |
Example repos: Testing Goat or MDN Local Library
Example project sites: Testing Goat or MDN Local Library
Beginner-friendly: DjangoGirls "Blog" tutorial
Intermediate: Django Documentation "Polls" tutorial
Advanced: MDN "Library" tutorial
Extension: Harry Percival's Test-Driven "To-Do Lists" tutorial
Non-traditional Django: Lightweight Django
Asynchronous Django: An outlook and an implementation
Awesome Django: No really, that's what it's called.
Check it out for yourself!