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File metadata and controls

145 lines (134 loc) · 4.67 KB

Current "Best Practice" Conventions

  • ES6 class rather than ES5 to create class.

  • CSS declaration using csjs-inject.

  • HTML declaration using yo-yo.

  • opt is an input parameter, it contains the api and event object.

  • self._api = opts.api opts.api is an object which contains functions/features that the module needs.

  • contains events manager the module will listen on.

  • A module trigger events using event property:  self.event = new EventManager(). Events can then be triggered:  self.event.trigger('eventName', [param1, param2])

  • self._view is the HTML view renderered by yo-yo in the render function.

  • render() this function should be called:

    • At the first rendering (make sure that the returned node element is put on the DOM).

    • When some property has changed in order to update the view.

  • self.state contains state properties of the module. These properties are either given from the parent through òpts or   computed during the life of the object.

  • update(state) allow the parent to easily update some of the state properties.

  • for all functions / properties, prefixing by underscore (_) means the scope is private.

  • look them up, discuss them, update them.    

Module Definition (example)

// user-card.js
var yo = require('yo-yo')
var csjs = require('csjs-inject')
var EventManager = require('remix-lib').EventManager

var css = csjs`
  .userCard        {
    position       : relative;
    box-sizing     : border-box;
    display        : flex;
    flex-direction : column;
    align-items    : center;
    border         : 1px solid black;
    width          : 400px;
    padding        : 50px;  
  .clearFunds { background-color: lightblue; }

class UserCard {
  constructor (opts = {}) {
    var self = this

    self.event = new EventManager()
    self._api = opts.api
    self._view = undefined
    self.state = {
      title: opts.title,
      surname: opts.surname,
      totalSpend: 0,
      _nickname: opts.nickname,
      _funds: self._api.getUserFunds()
    var events =

    events.funds.register('fundsChanged', function (amount) {
      if (amount < self.state._funds) self.state.totalSpend += self.state._funds - amount
      self.state._funds = amount
    self.event.trigger('eventName', [param1, param2])
  render () {
    var self = this
    var el = yo`
      <div class=${css.userCard}>
        <h1> @${self.state._nickname} </h1>
        <h2> Welcome, ${self.state.title || ''} ${ || 'anonymous'} ${self.state.surname} </h2>
        <ul> <li> User Funds: $${self.state._funds} </li> </ul>
        <ul> <li> Spent Funds: $${self.state.totalSpend} </li> </ul>
        <button class=${css.clearFunds} onclick=${e=>, e)}> spend all funds </button>
    if (self._view) yo.update(self._view, el)
    else self._view = el
    return self._view
  update (state = {}) {
    var self = this
    if (!self._view) self._constraint('first initialize view by calling `.render()`')
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('title')) self.state.title = state.title
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('name')) =
    if (state.hasOwnProperty('surname')) self.state.surname = state.surname
  getNickname () {
    var self = this
    return `@${self.state._nickname}`
  getFullName () {
    var self = this
    return `${self.state.title} ${} ${self.state.surname}`
  _spendAll (event) {
    var self = this
  _constraint (msg) { throw new Error(msg) }

module.exports = UserCard

Module Usage (example)

var EventManager = require('remix-lib').EventManager
var funds = { event: new EventManager() }
var userfunds = 15
function getUserFunds () { return userfunds }
function clearUserFunds () {
  var spent = userfunds
  userfunds = 0
  console.log(`all funds of ${usercard.getFullName()} were spent.`)
  funds.event.trigger('fundsChanged', [userfunds])
  return spent
setInterval(function () {
  funds.event.trigger('fundsChanged', [userfunds])
}, 100)

var UserCard = require('./user-card')

var usercard = new UserCard({
  api: { getUserFunds, clearUserFunds },
  events: { funds: funds.event },
  title: 'Dr.',
  name: 'John',
  surname: 'Doe',
  nickname: 'johndoe99'

var el = usercard.render()
setTimeout(function () { usercard.update({ title: 'Prof.' }) }, 5000)