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Job Submission State

Eric Lopatin edited this page Aug 12, 2022 · 5 revisions

Obtaining Submission State

Merritt ingests content in Batches. A Batch is simply a way to describe an amount of work for the system to process. Batches may have one or more Jobs within them. Each Job can be considered an individual unit of this work which results in the creation of a digital object in a Merritt collection.

Collections in Merritt can be configured to POST Job submission state, or status, to a user-provided endpoint. The status message takes the form of JSON and provides the following information:

  • Submission Date: Timestamp indicating when the job began processing.
  • Version ID: Version of the object.
  • Object Title: Title of the resulting object.
  • Persistent URL: A persistent URL that can be used to locate the resulting object.
  • Job ID: Unique job identifier internal to the Merritt system.
  • Primary ID: Primary identifier for the resulting object, which takes the form of an Archival Resource Key (ARK).
  • Completion Date: Timestamp indicating when the job was completed.
  • Package Name: Name of the file or container submitted.

State information is posted upon failure or completion of an individual Job.

User Requirements

  • Must provide Callback endpoint
  • Expect to receive a POST with the following pathname to the endpoint for every object <endpoint>/mc/<job ID>
  • Can provide Basic Authentication credentials associated with the endpoint (username/password only)
  • Can IP filter access to endpoint. Merritt has a defined set of workers that will contact endpoint.
  • Payload will be in JSON format

Sample Payload

{"job:jobState":{"xmlns:job":"","job:submissionDate":"2022-08-11T14:15:10-07:00","job:jobStatus":"COMPLETED","job:versionID":1,"job:objectTitle":"Test local callback server","job:persistentURL":"","job:jobID":"jid-d16551c6-1c0f-4626-be0b-dd5ad50fa482","job:primaryID":"ark:/99999/fk4f20h55p","job:retainTargetURL":false,"job:completionDate":"2022-08-11T14:15:11-07:00","job:packageName":"test.file"}}