diff --git a/design/aws-build/README.md b/design/aws-build/README.md
index 48e452f..311022f 100644
--- a/design/aws-build/README.md
+++ b/design/aws-build/README.md
@@ -285,190 +285,9 @@ graph TD
S3_Private -.-> Lambda
-## Artifact Build Dependencies
-### Stage/Production Deployments
-graph TD
- DOCKIT[Docker Maven IT Images]
- JAR[Jar: Merritt Libraries]
- WAR[War: Merritt Services]
- GEM[Gem: Merritt Libraries]
- LAMBDA(Docker Merritt Lambda)
- RUBY[Ruby App Code]
- RUBYDEPLOY(Merritt Ruby App - Bundled on Deploy)
- JAVADEPLOY(Merritt Tomcat App)
- DOCKIT -.-> |IT test| JAR
- JAR --> WAR
- DOCKIT -.-> |IT test| WAR
- GEM --> RUBY
-### Development Testing
-graph TD
- DOCKIT[Docker Maven IT Images]
- DOCKSTACK[Docker Stack Generic Services]
- DOCKSERVICE[Docker Stack Merritt Services]
- JAR[Jar: Merritt Libraries]
- WAR[War: Merritt Services]
- GEM[Gem: Merritt Libraries]
- RUBY[Ruby App Code]
- DOCKTEST(Docker Development Stack)
- DOCKIT -.-> |IT test| JAR
- JAR --> WAR
- DOCKIT -.-> |IT test| WAR
- GEM --> RUBY
-### Build Sequence
-1. Build Docker Maven IT Images --> ECR
-2. Build Docker Stack Generic Services --> ECR
-3. Build JAR files --> Code Artifact
-4. Ruby libraries and gems - build from github tag rather than from a gem
-5. Build WAR files --> Code Artifact
-6. Build Docker Stack Merritt Services (Tomcat and Rails) --> ECR
-7. Build Lambda Docker Images --> ECR
## Anticipated Outputs
- https://merritt.uc3dev.cdlib.org/index.html
- [html source](https://github.com/CDLUC3/merritt-tinker/blob/main/aws/uc3-mrt-devresources/index.html)
-## Permission Needs
-### Maven settings.xml file
-The following settings.xml file allows a maven task to utilize assets from a CodeArtifact repo.
-This file is stored in `~/.m2/settings.xml` by defualt.
- cdlib-uc3-mrt-uc3-mrt-java
- aws
- cdlib-uc3-mrt-uc3-mrt-java
- true
- cdlib-uc3-mrt-uc3-mrt-java
- https://cdlib-uc3-mrt-${env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}.d.codeartifact.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/maven/uc3-mrt-java/
-### Set Up: CodeBuild Job
-The following Environment variables will be set.
- EnvironmentVariables:
- - Name: 'S3CFBUCKET'
- Value: !Ref S3CFBucketId
- - Name: 'S3PRIVBUCKET'
- Value: !Ref S3MrtPrvId
- Value: !Ref CloudfrontDistroId
- - Name: 'AWS_ACCOUNT_ID'
- Value: !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}'
- - Name: 'AWS_REGION'
- Value: !Sub '${AWS::Region}'
- - Name: 'ECR_REGISTRY'
- Value: !Sub '${AWS::AccountId}.dkr.ecr.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com'
- Value: !Sub 'https://cdlib-uc3-mrt-${AWS::AccountId}.d.codeartifact.${AWS::Region}.amazonaws.com/maven/uc3-mrt-java/'
-Each buildspec.yml file will contain the following
- - cp settings.xml ~/.m2/
- - export CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN=`aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain cdlib-uc3-mrt --domain-owner $AWS_ACCOUNT_ID --region us-west-2 --query authorizationToken --output text`
- - aws ecr get-login-password --region $AWS_REGION | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin ${ECR_REGISTRY}
-### Set Up: Main Account Jobs
-- Create a ~/.m2/settings.xml file with the UC3 DEV account number hard-coded
-- Set CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN using the UC3 DEV account number (see above)
-- Set ECR_REGISTRY using the UC3 DEV account number (see above)
-- Run `aws ecr get-login-password ...`
-## Code Artifact
-### Push to CodeArtifact
-The following is added to pom.xml files.
- cdlib-uc3-mrt-uc3-mrt-java
- cdlib-uc3-mrt-uc3-mrt-java
- https://cdlib-uc3-mrt-${env.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}.d.codeartifact.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/maven/uc3-mrt-java/
-#### CodeBuild Job
-- `mvn deploy` will be supported
-#### Main Account Sessions
-- `mvn deploy` will NOT be supported
-### Read from CodeArtifact
-#### CodeBuild Job
-- mvn tasks should use CodeArtifact resources
-#### Main Account Sessions
-- mvn tasks should use CodeArtifact resources
-- delete ~/.m2/settings.xml to ignore CodeArtifact
-## ECR
-- Merritt images should live exclusively in EITHER Main Account ECR or UC3 DEV ECR.
-- Individual Images should not reside in both.
-- Production and Stage Lambda code should initially remain in the Main Account ECR. Migration can be considered later.
-### Push to ECR (UC3 Account)
-#### Build Jobs
-- Enabled
-#### Main Account Session
-- Perhaps we should only PULL
-### Pull from ECR (UC3 Account)
-#### CodeBuild Job
-- Enabled
-#### Main Account
-- Enabled (see setup instructions above)