Obviously, this part of the documentation can lead to the LOSS OF DATA. Make sure you have copies of all data that you care about.
Assuming that docker images
shows the rsd/
images, and docker ps -a
shows the rsd-
docker containers, add the environment variables to the
docker-compose up -d && docker-compose logs --follow
In a new terminal,
docker-compose exec database /bin/sh
Run the mongo
command inside the database
container to start the Mongo
shell there.
In Mongo shell, tell Mongo you want to use the rsd
use rsd
Ask for the list of collections that Mongo knows about:
show collections
For every collection that you want to delete, e.g. commit
and project
For reference, here is the Link to the Mongo shell documentation: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteMany/#db.collection.deleteMany
Type Ctrl-D to exit the Mongo shell.
After you are done making changes to the collections, you will want to update
the data in /database/db-init
. The data in this directory is part of the
GitHub repo and serves as sample data for when people do a git clone
. Now
that you have emptied some collections, that initial data needs to be updated,
as follows:
Dump the contents of the rsd
database to a directory by running (still from
within the database
mongodump --db rsd
The dump files should be located at /dump/rsd/
(inside the database
container). Verify that the files are there and then leave the database
container with:
You should now be back in the original terminal. From there, copy the database dump files from inside the container to outside the container:
docker cp rsd-database:/dump/rsd/ database/db-init/
Move the data to the appropriate place (./database/db-init
) and delete the rsd
cd database/db-init
mv rsd/* .
rm -r rsd
cd ../..
Update your git repository with:
git branch updated-data
git checkout updated-data
git add database/db-init/*
git commit
git push origin updated-data
After that, people who do a new git clone
of your fork of the Research Software
Directory, should get the updated sample data.