"trx" : {
"trx" : {
"delay_sec" : 0,
"actions" : [
"name" : "trade",
"authorization" : [
"permission" : "active",
"actor" : "admin"
"data" : {
"tokensell" : {
"contract" : "everipediaiq",
"quantity" : "5.232 IQ"
"tradenonce" : 1,
"amount" : 3076391,
"admin" : "admin",
"takerfee" : 104,
"amountsell" : 5232,
"makersig" : "001f78ae6874276220346ea694a3af6408c63f6660f7fbc8fe2db2824ee0f8a2d0e757b5a61ad485af10cd233618ebbbe3282e2d7267547ed5ac43bd03f59653b801",
"makerfee" : 30763,
"nonce" : 1,
"taker" : "taker1",
"amountbuy" : 3076391,
"feeaccount" : "uberdex.fee",
"takersig" : "001f59e94a3139768669e8d04e35eea45f5da8b84255777d60252d36e83edc9c97196f1a5a4409878b7346ad544f491a330a1223b780dccef7860f668f554118d5bb",
"tokenbuy" : {
"contract" : "eosio.token",
"quantity" : "307.6391 EOS"
"maker" : "maker1"
"hex_data" : "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",
"account" : "exchange"
"expiration" : "2018-11-08T05:28:21",
"transaction_extensions" : [],
"ref_block_num" : 5307,
"ref_block_prefix" : 4166983230,
"max_cpu_usage_ms" : 0,
"max_net_usage_words" : 0,
"context_free_data" : [],
"context_free_actions" : [],
"signatures" : [
"receipt" : {
"cpu_usage_us" : 8910,
"trx" : [
"packed_trx" : "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",
"compression" : "none",
"packed_context_free_data" : "",
"signatures" : [
"net_usage_words" : 46,
"status" : "executed"
"last_irreversible_block" : 964601,
"block_time" : "2018-11-08T05:27:22.000",
"traces" : [],
"block_num" : 857278,
"id" : "375bbf189209f3107831c745cb2aa60081ccd72637919b635e669ced47eb1f1b"
MethodID: trade 0: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006a2147ceaa14651c4ed 1: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007d322ff9719600a 2: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002e630 3: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002d 4: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006a2147ceaa14651c4ed 5: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000046f 6: 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000038d7ea4c68000 7: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001950b996dfce70 8: 000000000000000000000000a849eaae994fb86afa73382e9bd88c2b6b18dc71 9: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 10: 000000000000000000000000f0ec187925afd056711a95cccecf4af984fe5a4c 11: 000000000000000000000000951c7c87537d236bb54c178b091073a36e0a3b8b 12: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001c 13: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001c 14: 3d3b7b2f84f600ff8e3cd079e73a438211a91d003275c44a3fa7343f9c12cc49 15: 2ea0431b220783c91f1637b7de31eb655d932de72a176805d4ed58f2c4c70fd9 [16]: a911812b43c220f2bd8100718ade043b70e5257f8bf47db99fd2625fbc0c79ba [17]: 6748478f13d9fc78163adfab0d138dba7e3e42dbf381a2b09cd79ba4fd161b1d
This is the soliditySha3 hash of the function signature: trade(uint256[8],address[4],uint8[2],bytes32[4])
0 - amountBuy
This is the amount of the token being bought by the maker if the whole order were to be filled, signed by the maker
Example: Hex --> Int (31324047749915079722221) of tokenBuy)
1 - amountSell
This is the amount of the token being sold by the maker if the whole order were to be filled, signed by the maker
Example: Hex --> Int (563832859498471434 of tokenSell)
2 - expires
This is a currently unused field, always set to 190000, but inactive. In the future it will represent a block number after which the order can no longer be filled, signed by the maker
3 - nonce
This is a one time integer between 1 and 2^256 used to make the order unique while preventing replay attacks, signed by the maker
Example: Hex --> Int 45
4 - amount
This it the amount (<= amountBuy) that the order is being filled for, signed by the taker
Exmaple: Hex --> Int 31324047749915079722221
5 - tradeNonce
This is the nonce that the taker signs
Eample: Hex --> Int 1135
6 - feeMake
This is the fee taken from the maker as a proportion of 1 ether, in units of tokenBuy
Example: Hex --> Int 1000000000000000 -> divide by 1000000000000000000 == 0.1% fee
7 - feeTake
This is the fee taken from the taker as a proportion of 1 ether, in units of tokenSell
Example: Hex --> Int 7125632448188016 -> divide by 1000000000000000000 approximately = 0.7125632448188016#% fee
8 - tokenBuy
Address of the token being bought by the maker, sold by the taker.
Example: Hex --> Address 0xa849eaae994fb86afa73382e9bd88c2b6b18dc71 (MVL)
9 - tokenSell
Address of the token being sold by the maker, bought by the taker.
Example: Hex --> Address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (this is the null address, which denotes Ether)
10 - maker
Address of the maker
Example: Hex --> Address 0xf0ec187925afd056711a95cccecf4af984fe5a4c
11 - taker
Address of the taker
Example: Hex --> Address 0x951c7c87537d236bb54c178b091073a36e0a3b8b
12 - maker v
The signature "v" value of the maker signature.
Example: Hex --> Int (27 or 28) 28
13 taker v
The signature "v" value of the taker signature.
Exmaple: HEx --> Int (27 or 28) 28
14 maker r
The signature "r" value of the maker signature.
Exmaple: Hex --> Bytes32 0x3d3b7b2f84f600ff8e3cd079e73a438211a91d003275c44a3fa7343f9c12cc49
15 maker s
The signature "s" value of the maker signature.
Exmaple: Hex --> Bytes32 0x2ea0431b220783c91f1637b7de31eb655d932de72a176805d4ed58f2c4c70fd9
The signature "r" value of the taker signature.
Example: Hex --> Bytes32 0xa911812b43c220f2bd8100718ade043b70e5257f8bf47db99fd2625fbc0c79ba
The signature "s" value of the taker signature.
Exmaple: Hex --> Bytes32 0x6748478f13d9fc78163adfab0d138dba7e3e42dbf381a2b09cd79ba4fd161b1d