MATLAB codes for simulating spatiotemporal hemodynamic responses across the cortical depth. The simulated responses are optimized to correspond to BOLD-fMRI responses in the visual cortex.
Add the repository to your MATLAB path and run Mainfunction.m. This will automatically create the stimulus, simulate the hemodynamic model, and plot the generated results. The parameters of the model (at hemodynamicConstants.m) can be changed to simulate say variability in responses or cortical region-specific responses. In addition, the input stimulus can be varied in appliedDrive.m (currently set to a Gaussian).
If you use our code in your research, please cite us as follows:
T.C. Lacy, P.A. Robinson, K.M. Aquino, and J.C. Pang, Cortical depth-dependent modeling of visual hemodynamic responses, bioRxiv (2020) (DOI:
Please contact [email protected] or [email protected] if you need any further details.