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Redis API in Scylla

1. Overview

Redis is a very famous NoSQL in-memory data structure store that stores a mapping of keys to different types of values, and familiar to many developers. It supports data structures such as STRINGs, HASHes, LISTs, SETs, ZSETs(sorted sets), and other data structures. Redis has built-in replication, Lua scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of on-disk persistence. Now Redis as memory store service is provided by many cloud platforms.

In this document, the detailed design and implementation of Redis that build on top of Scylla is provided. At the beginning, the main feature, which is as a data structures store, is design and implmented. In the future, the reset features of Redis will be supported.

2. Motivation

In contrast, Scylla has advantage and amazing features:

  • Low and consistent latency
  • Data persistence
  • High availability
  • High throughtput
  • Highly scalable
  • Auto tuning

If Redis build on the top of Scylla, it has the above features automatically. It's achived great progress in cluster master managment, data persistence, failover and replication.

The benefits to the users are easy to use and develop in their production environment, and taking avantages of Scylla.

3. The Protocol Server

Redis clients communicate with the Redis server using a protocol called RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol). The protocol is binary-safe and easy to be implement at client side, which was designed specifically for Redis.

Redis server accepts commands composed of different arguments. Once a command is received, it's processed and a reply is sent back to the client. Two kind of Redis clients are widely used, the smart Redis client and simple Redis client. When using smart Redis client to connect the Redis cluster, it will send the commands to the right Redis server. Because the client will get the hash slots and server nodes mapping data at the bootrap time. When using simple Redis client, the server address is needed, and all the requests are sent to this address, and the requests only send to the single Redis server.

In Scylla terminology, the node receiving the request acts as the the coordinator, and often passes the request on to one or more other nodes, which hold copies of the requested data. Any node of Scylla cluster can process the request correctly. In other words, Client can send request to any node of Redis cluster built on the top of Scylla. Obviously, the simple client can accesses the Redis cluster built on the top of Scylla, when provided address is not an IP but rather a single domain name, which a client resloves a random Scylla node IP address. The smart Redis client queries the mapping information between hash slots and Server nodes. We just fill the mapping with random Scylla node IP address.

Before you can start using Scylla with Redis API, you must set the redis-port configuration option (visa the command line or YAML), to available port. By default, the Redis API is disabled. In Scylla, SSL for Redis API is supported. To enable it, you must set the redis-ssl-port configuration option to available port. This feature is disabled by default.

With Redis enabled, every Scylla node listens for Redis requests on the port. These requests, in RESP format over TCP, are parsed and result in calls to internal Scylla C++ functions.

4. Data Model

Out of box, every Redis cluster supports 16 databases. The default database is 0 but it allows us to change that to any number from 0-15 (and allow us to configure Redis to support more databases). Each database provides a distinct keyspace, independent from the others. Use SELECT n to change databases. Redis allows us to store keys that map to any one of five different basic data structure types: STRINGs, LISTs, SETs, HASHes, and ZSETs. (In fact, Now Redis has support other structure types, but the basic structure types are used widely).

In this proposal, We use the column family of Scylla to simulate the database within Redis. At the bootrap phase, the column familes with fixed name should be created (if not exists) or loaded.

We known that, Redis allows us to store keys that map to any one of the basic data structures. Scylla supports variant type, which allows us to define one table to store all kind of these Redis data. For example ,we create the table with the schame as follow:

    key text,
    value variant\<text, list\<text\>, map\<text\>\>,
    PRIMARY KEY(key)
)WITH ...

However, it's need to prefetch the whole elements of this type structure into memory in Scylla, even modifying only one element of the structures. The main limitation is that the size of the data structure is not allowed to be exceeded the limit of the server's memory size. And the operations will have more performance cost with bigger data structure.

In Redis, maximum length of a list is 23^2 - 1 elements (4294967295, more than 4 billion of elements per list). And maximum length of element (as a string) is 512MB. It's very common that the size of data structure is exceeded the server's memory size.

So single table to store all the data strucutures is not good idea, instead of five independent tables are created to hold the the different Redis structure types within each column family related Redis database. In other words, all of the STRINGs of the Redis will be stored in a table within the column family, and all of the LISTs' elements will be stored in anther table within the column family, and so on.

When building Redis on top of Scylla, for every Redis database (16 databases as default), 1 column family with 5 tables in Scylla will be created.

The disadvantages of this proposal is that, we can not the TYPE command of Redis. The different type strutures are stored in the different Scylla tables, and each Scylla table provide the independent keyspace. In Redis, keys are unique in the database. However, the keys with column family of Scylla are not unique. Beacause the keys are splited into independent Scylla tables, it's different to original Redis.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The keys with database of Redis are not unique in this proposal, is the main difference with original Redis.

This limitation is acceptable. The top layer of bussness system knows the context of the keys.

In the rest of this section, the details of schema of tables within column family are provided.

4.1 Table Schema of STRINGs

In Redis, STRINGs are similar to strings that we see in other languages or other key-value stores. Every data item only has two parts, KEY and VALUE. The partition in the Scylla table owns the TTL property. We just need two columns in the table to store Redis STRING data.

The maximum allowed key and value size is 512 MB. Very long key size is not good idea.

Within the Scylla column family, we create the table named `STRINGs to store the string structure of Redis. The table STRINGs is created by following CQL:

    pkey text,
    data text,
    PRIMARY KEY (key)
) WITH ... ;

Every Key-Value pair is stored as one partition within STRINGs table. All commands of STRINGs and some shared commands will operate this table.

4.2 Table Schema of LISTs

In Redis, LISTs store an ordered sequence of strings which sorted by insertion order. It allows us to push items to the front and the back of the LIST with LPUSH/RPUSH, and to pop items from the front and back of the list with LPOP/RPOP, and to fetch an item at a given position with LINDEX, and to fetch a range of items with LRANGE.

Maximum length of a list is 23^2 - 1 elements (4294967295, more than 4 billion of elements per list). And maximum length of element (as a string) is 512MB.

As we known, Scylla supports 3 kinds of collections, lists, maps, and sets. We do not use the lists collection to store Redis LISTs structure. Because, the LISTs structure in Redis may contains many elements ( Maximum is more than 4 billion of elements per list). When updating the lists collection in Scylla, the whole elements will be loaded into memory.

The better way is that the LISTs of Redis are stored as the partition of the Scylla table. All commons of Redis LISTs will operate on this table, which is created by following CQL:

    pkey text,
    ckey text,
    data text,
    PRIMARY KEY(pkey, ckey)
) WITH ... ;

The pkey is mapped to Redis LISTs key, and ckey is the UUID of the insertion timestamp, which will be keep the right order as the insertion order. The element's value is stored in the data column within LISTs table.

4.3 Table Schema of HASHes

In Redis, HASHes are maps between the string fields and the string values. The fields are unique within a HASH structure in Redis. The values that can be stored in HASHes are the same as what can be stored as normal STRINGs.

HASHes provide constant time basic operations like HGET, HSET, HEXISTS etc.

As mentioned above, Scylla provides the 3 kinds of collection data type, including map. We do not use this collection type of Scylla to strore HASHes data with the same reason.

The better way is that the HASHes of Redis are stored as the partition of the Scylla table. All commons of Redis HASHes will operate on this table, which is created by following CQL:

    pkey text,
    ckey text,
    data text,
    PRIMARY KEY(pkey, ckey)
) WITH ... ;

The HASHes structure is stored as the partition of Scylla table. The pkey is the partition key. The HASHes structure's field is storted as ckey (cluster key in HASHes table). The HASHes structure's value is stored as data column.

4.4 Table Schema of SETs

In Redis, SETs allows us to store sequence of strings, and uses a hash table to keep all strings unique.

For the same reason as LISTs/HASHes, we do not use the collection type of Scylla to store Redis SETs data. The table is created by following CQL:

    pkey text,
    ckey text,
    PRIMARY KEY(pkey, ckey)
) WITH ... ;

Unlike HASHes, There is not data column in SETs table. Every SETs structure is stored as a partition in SETs table. We use the cluster key to store the item of Redis SETs.

4.5 Table Schema of ZSETs(Sorted SETs)

In fact, ZSETs in Redis is similar to HASHes, which maps the STRINGs key to value. Like HASHes, the keys (called MEMBERS) are unique. But the values (called SCORES) are limited to floating-point numbers. ZSETs have the unique property in Redis of being able to be accessed by member (like aHASH), but items can also be accessed by the sorted order and values of the scores.

Essentially speaking, the ZSETs looks like special SETs. The SETs structure maps a key (as STRING) to a collection of STRINGs. But the ZSETs structure maps a key (as STRING) to a collection of ITEMs which associated with a score. It allows us to fetch data by score.

To store ZSETs data, the scylla table is created by following CQL:

    pkey text,
    ckey double,
    data text,
    PRIMARY KEY(pkey, ckey)
) WITH ... ;

Like other stutures mentioned above, a ZSETs strucutre is stored as a partition within the ZSETs table.

5. Implementation of Commands

In Scylla, high write performance is achieved by ensuring that writes do not require reads from disk. However, in Redis, the object level atomic updates is supported, and the transaction is supported (e.g. CAS). In this proposal, the commands, which require a read before the write (a.k.a read-modify-write), are implemented in an unsafe way, that simply performs a read before the write.

Fortunately, the LWT is soon comming to Scylla. By then the read-modify-write commands will be implemented based on LWT.


The commands, that require a read before the write, are not atomic. It's anther difference with original Redis.

5.1 RMW Command

The RMW Commond is that the sequence of operations (Read-Modify-Write) require by this command needs to be performed atomically.

For instance, APPEND command of STRINGs, is typical RMW command. First, read the key from database, modify it's value (based on the exists value), and write the new value back. These sequence of operations should be performed atomically.

As mentioned above, Scylla currently does not support LWT. The RMW commands are implemented in an unsafe way in this proposal. It simply performs a read before the write.

Asumming Scylla has supported the LWT, there is no difference with the original Reids about the RMW commands.

5.2 Non-RMW Command

The Non-RMW command only performs a single read or write operation. For instance, The SET, GET, EXISTS of STRINGs strucutures. The behaviour of these commands are not difference with the original Redis.

5.3 Transaction

For the same reason as RMW command, the transaction is not supported currently.

In fact, some commands (e.g. MSET of STRINGs) are also not supported, which also need the transcation mechanism.

5.4 Time to Live (TTL)

In Redis, the TTL is only specified to entrie key-value pair. Scylla has compaction mechanism to remove expired data. We can set the TTL the partition for the given partition key. We also can rewrite the partition with new TTL value.

The partition ( stores the key-value pair of Redis strucutres) will be deleted eventually, when the associated TTL is older than current timestamp.

5.5 Consistency

Redis Cluster is not able to guarantee strong onsistency.

In Scylla, data is always replicated automatically. Read or write operations can occur to data stored on any of the replicated nodes. The Consistency Level (CL) determines how many replicas in a cluster that must acknowledge read or write operations before it is considered successful.

We can use the fault tolerance mechanism of Scylla, to make the consistency of Redis operations configurable.

5.6 Implementation of Shared Commands

In Redis, data strucutures have the shared commands (e.g. DEL, EXISTS). And other commands usually operate on special one data structure of Redis. As mentioned above, we split the key set into 5 different Scylla table. The shared commands should operate on these tables in parallel. For instance, DEL command, which allows user to remove any key in Redis database, should delete the given key from 5 different Scylla tables.

6 API Reference


The Redis API in Scylla supports the following subset of the Redis commands.

Command Description
ECHO message Echo a message back to the client. The server returns `message´ as a response.
PING [message] Check connection liveness or measure reponse time. The server returns PONG as a response.
SELECT index Select logical database database for the current connection.
DEL key [key ...] Delete key from the database.
EXISTS key [key..] Check if key exists in the database.
TTL key Get the time to live (TTL) for key.
String data type
GET key Get the value for a key.
SET key value [EX seconds|PX milliseconds] [NX|XX] [KEEPTTL] Set the value of key.
SETEX key seconds value Set the value and the expiration of key.
LOLWUT [VERSION version] Return Redis version.