This application is written as a web app that is built into a complete HTML, which means it can be run from the local file system without getting CORS errors or needing a server.
The main technologies used in this application are:
- npm (Package Management)
- TypeScript (The language used for development)
- Vite (The build tool)
- Vue 3 (The application framework)
- Pinia (The recommended data store for Vue 3)
- PrimeVue (The component library used)
- ESLint (For code linting)
- Prettier (For code formatting)
Before you start you will need to install the correct Node and npm versions (currently v18.12.0
and 8.19.2
The easiest way to ensure you have the right versions installed and enabled is to use Node Version Manager (nvm). With nvm
installed, you can use the .nvmrc
file in this directory to install the correct versions.
nvm use
With Node
and npm
configured, you can install the required packages by running this command:
npm install
You will need to re-run this command whenever the packages are updated in the package.json
To run a development server with hot-reloading, run the following command:
npm run dev
This will start a development server at http://localhost:5173 and will automatically reload the page whenever you make changes to the source code.
To create a static build that can be run in the browser:
npm run build
This will build the files to the dist
directory. You can then run the build by opening the index.html
file in your browser.
Lint with ESLint
You can run ESLint to check for errors by running the following command:
npm run lint
Format the code with Prettier
You can run prettier to format the code:
npm run format
Because data is stored in the browser's local storage, you may run into issues if you change any of the pinia stores without clearing your local storage. To clear your local storage (These steps are for Chrome but they're all similar):
- Open the developer tools in your browser
- Go to the
tab - On the left, under 'Local Storage', select
if running viaindex.html
). - On the right should be a set of key/value pairs. Delete those starting with
. - Refresh the page