A parser-style text adventure / interactive fiction engine, created from scratch in C#.
This project is still in extremely early development, and shouldn't be considered even remotely finished. Updates will be very sporadic. I initially started this project in Python, to experiment with the language as I learned about it in college, but quickly migrated to C# when the project got too big to manage easily in Python (I also began learning C# in college around the same time, so translating a program seemed like a good way to facilitate the transition).
The project is still very early in development. No development GUI is implemented, and the engine itself can interpret very simple player input, but it can't do anything else with it. No framework for game objects or interaction exists yet. Much of the project's structure, namespacing, and object structure can and will change without notice. It won't be stable for a while.
This project is currently a solo endeavor, at least until I feel like it is ready to be used and modified by others. That probably won't happen for a while. Suggestions and critique are welcome at any time, though.
There is currently no versioning system in place, and there will not be one until I feel like it is ready to be used and modified by others. Once this happens, I plan to use Semantic Versioning.
- Benjamin Roach - Everything (currently) – GitHub
This project is currently under the GNU General Public License v3.
- Shoutouts to the creators of ZORK and Colossal Cave Adventure for developing a game genre that seems simple to program but is decievingly complex. It's been a frustratingly fun project so far.