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Michael Reilly edited this page Oct 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

simplified mandatory trip destination-choice model logsum

  • calced for 12 HH cats based on income and autosufficiency for 2832 zones
  • Logsum values are transformed from utils to typical weekday minutes of in-vehicle time by subtracting out the min value for each HH category

(logsum_value - thatColumnMinLogsumValue) / in-vehicle time coef

0.0134 mandatory in-vehicle time coef

0.0175 non-mandatory in-vehicle time coef

** Must transform to compare/combine values across categories

  • Values for each HH category combined into a single metric, the Combined Mandatory Logsum (CML), by averaging each zone’s values using weights to represent each HH group’s regional share

1 min change in CML is worth $45,000 Move from Suburban Walnut Creek (not the village) to Downtown Berkeley is worth $240,000

Intercept 9.286e+00** Square Feet 3.533e-02** Bathrooms 5.051e-02** Mid-Century (1940-2010) -1.715e-01** New (post 2010) 6.934e-02* Housing Density within 1km 2.164e-03** Median Income within 1km 6.518e-03** Ocean View 7.992e-02** School District Average API 1.762-03** Jurisdiction Crime Rate -3.287+00** Combined Mandatory Logsum 5.490e-03**

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