When using the merge rebase workflow with Github, the sha of the commit between the main branch and the feature branch is not the same. This tool helps to find the commit in the main branch of a PR. (I say main branch but it works with any base branch)
The output can look like this :
If you want a more sober output or an easily parsed output you can change it with the -f
You can also just use the crame
function in your python code:
def crame(g: Github, pr_id: int, repo_name_or_id: str | int) -> Coal:
class Coal:
head_branch_name: str
target_branch_name: str
commits_in_target: Set[Commit]
commits_not_found: List[Commit]
Usage: crame [OPTIONS]
-r, --repo TEXT Github repository. Example: 'Baduit/Cramer'
-p, --pr INTEGER Id of a PR [required]
-h, --hostname TEXT Hostname, useful for github enterprise
with custom hostname
-t, --token-path TEXT Path of the file where the token is stored
-f, --format-output [text|json|toml|rich]
Format of the output
--help Show this message and exit.
pip install git+
(It is not on pypi)