Releases: B00merang-Project/Windows-10
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
What's new :
- Fixes to add complete compatibility with GNOME 3.18
- Inclusion of a remastered cinnamon theme
- reworked assets for all themes; new switches for a better harmonization in the dark theme
- Return to slimmer entry borders
To checksum this file, open a terminal and type sha512sum name_of_the_file. To enter spaces, you will need to type a \ in front of every space. Ex. Windows\ 10\ SP1
Windows 10 Light v0.9.2
8537e733cb97ced96c9fb9509cec39e715ae1084b2ee71fc788fea7cdce99c8d0917a1d5fe3ad6a9d6b5225a29d910846201e6fad5d3f3b4341b3e34b0d9f605Windows 10 Light (Legacy)
4fa100c19095ed6d1e5234eb146b6beab690c08da58f3b82d4c69d62f9352d181847c9c17ac79e8a5bf0a00f95ce54e1aee9a6b45fa6a8d04ed4f92c894fc99fWindows 10 Dark v0.9.2
05c83e78a6104fb2857c10de93359b72181b48a5b2c3487f57e18174a13acab5e9da52415276de947c69c714be77278b9e06841d23b1984e5a0fac060aa258abWindows 10 Icon Pack v0.4
Checksummed : February 21st of 2016 by Elbullazul
Icons can be downloaded from here :
Windows 10 Transformation Pack - Technical Preview
DON'T PANICK if you get some greyish styles, it was just a design test to see if it was feasable. The next release will be pitch white
So, changes to v0.9.1 :
- Bug correction from this thread : #10
- New menu color (This will probably pass on to the final release)
- New Cinnamon menu color & new separator color as well as a slimmer panel
- New radioboxes and checkboxes, working on mixed variants
More to come, along with a reworked Icon pack
Checksum for the zip file (SHA512) : 9885ee586788db458bb37806cddd022ac9027247020351a2a569ed05f3a1caf42c4eddcfe4e81b782fd9a3aae2f5b8c4aabab857ec82ebbfd85637f95d7bdf11
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
Major updates!
- Changes to the icon pack (528 new icons including mimetypes and new app icons)
- Changes to the text entries and buttons to achieve a more windowish look
Complete transformation pack still to be released
To checksum this file, open a terminal and type sha512sum name_of_the_file. To enter spaces, you will need to type a \ in front of every space. Ex. Windows\ 10\ SP1
Windows 10 Light v0.9.1
Windows 10 Dark v0.9.1
Windows 10 Icon Pack v0.4
Checksummed : February 19th of 2016 by Elbullazul
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
New fixes to the menu checked icons, updated info on files.
New Icon theme release (v0.2.3)
v0.2.3 of the Icon theme (supposedly) adds a Windows explorer-like icon to Thunar
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
Version 0.8.4 of the Windows 10 Transformation Pack brings a couple of fixes to the Openbox theme. Changes can be seen in the changelog file.
Icons available here :
Windows 10 Transformation Pack on Openbox session. To customize the tint2 panel, we have included our tint2rc file. Simply place it in ~/.config/tint2 and log out to apply changes.
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
Small fixes for GNOME-SHELL theme
New Icon view icon (Icon pack v0.2.2)
Icons can be found here :
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
New release, mainly to quickly fix some problems with the GNOME-SHELL theme.
Windows 10 Transformation Pack
With the release of Cinnamon 2.8, I adjusted a couple of things to polish a little bit more the Windows 10 experience for Cinnamon users.
Also, I added a Windows Store icon for Ubuntu SC on GNOME desktops.
Windows 10 Transformation Pack - Service Pack 1
Version 0.8 SP1
Changes since 0.7.9
- Cinnamon menu padding is now narrower;
- KDE Plasma Edition is finally finished with Plasma, Aurorae Decorations (Light and Dark) plus updated Color Schemes.
All these functionalities have been added to the Master ZIP downloadable from GNOME-LOOK
Windows 10 Transformation Pack, KDE Edition on the Kubuntu Desktop
Windows 10 Icons are now uploaded to this repo
For comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to contact us :