diff --git a/checklists/azure_arc_checklist.en.json b/checklists/azure_arc_checklist.en.json index d6b7511c3..fc1219316 100644 --- a/checklists/azure_arc_checklist.en.json +++ b/checklists/azure_arc_checklist.en.json @@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ "text": "Design a monitoring strategy to send metrics and logs to an Log Analytics workspace", "guid": "74d1102c-ac6a-4ae0-8e6a-84de5df47d2d", "severity": "Medium", + "graph": "resources | where type =~ 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines' | project id, arcMachineName = name | join kind=leftouter (resources | where type == 'microsoft.hybridcompute/machines/extensions' | where name contains 'azuremonitor' | extend baseIdParts = split(id, '/extensions/') | extend extensionMachineId = tostring(baseIdParts[0]) | project extensionMachineId, extensionId = id) on $left.id == $right.extensionMachineId | extend compliant = isnotempty(extensionMachineId) | project id, compliant", "link": "https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/azure-monitor/agents/log-analytics-agent#data-collected" }, {