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Releases: Azure/azure-spatial-anchors-samples


08 Jan 04:49
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  • What's new:
    • This SDK 2.7.1 hotfix release contains a fix for a known issue between the ASA client SDK and iOS 14.2 or later. In previous releases of the ASA SDK, the issue can manifest in multiple ways. The two most common manifestations of this issue are that sufficiency status will stop incrementing while gathering visual data for anchor creation or query, or when saving an anchor to the cloud the callback was never raised even though the anchor was successfully saved to the cloud.
      There are no changes for HoloLens and Android platforms in this release.
  • Known Issues
    • None


  • What’s new:
    • Android samples: The NDK sample was updated to fix an issue with the sample displaying a black screen instead of camera images
  • Known Issues
    • Unity sample app crashes in ARM32 config if “Basic Demo” scenario is repeated more than 10 times in same session.
    • Unity sample app crashes when attempting to create an anchor if ASA SDK logging is enabled.


13 Nov 00:49
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  • What’s new:

    • This SDK 2.7.0 release contains an important change. All clients are required to upgrade to 2.7.0 SDK or later before February 3, 2021. Any client application on earlier versions of Azure Anchors SDK will not be able to connect to the ASA service starting February 3, 2021.
      The reason for this mandatory upgrade is that Azure Spatial Anchors service is being impacted by the move away from Baltimore CyberTrust Root CA as documented here. The ASA SDK uses certificate pinning to secure a connection to the ASA service and this certificate information is shipped with the SDK to allow it to work correctly across multiple platforms. As such, ASA SDK versions up to 2.6 have a dependency on the certificates being retired. This release of the ASA SDK adds support for the new TLS certificates.
  • Known Issues

    • None


  • What’s new:

    • No updates to samples
  • Known Issues

    • Unity sample app crashes if “Basic Demo” scenario is repeated more than 10 times in same session.
    • Unity sample app crashes when attempting to create an anchor if ASA SDK logging is enabled.


29 Sep 19:54
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  • Bug Fixes
    • UPM packages now have the dependencies properly assigned for each platform specific package.
    • MaxResultCount is now respected when using NearDeviceCriteria. #93


  • What's New
    • Unity
      • The AnchorExchanger now uses the /api/anchors/key API to send anchors to the sharing service.


08 Sep 20:57
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  • What's New
    • Unity
      • The Unity SDK is now available as UPM packages. You can find more information about setting up our new UPM packages here. This will be the last release of the Unity Asset package.
  • Deprecations
    • This will be the last release containing a Unity Asset package as we will be deploying and supporting UPM packages only in the future.


  • What's New
    • Unity
      • The project was updated to consume the new UPM packages.


05 Aug 18:01
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  • What's New

    • Unity
      • The Unity SDK now requires Unity 2019.4. More information can be found here.
      • We have upgraded our Unity dependencies to the following package versions:
        • AR Foundation: 3.1.3
        • ARCore XR Plugin: 3.1.3
        • ARKit XR Plugin 3.1.3
        • Windows MR: 4.2.1
  • Breaking changes

    • ASA supports multiple Azure regions. Consumers should explicitly set the AccountDomain property on the SessionConfiguration object to the Account Domain shown in the Azure Portal for their ASA account. If AccountDomain is unset, the SDK uses “”, which only works for accounts in the East US 2 region.
    • AndroidNDK headers now use C++17 functionality.
  • Known Issues

    • None


  • What's New
    • Unity
      • The Unity sample was updated for Unity 2019.4 with AR Foundation 3.1.
    • Sharing sample
      • Updated to ASP.NET Core 3.1.
      • Added Docker support.


20 Mar 01:35
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Introducing Azure Spatial Anchors 2.2.1!


What's New

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Breaking Changes

  • None.


  • Updated the Azure Spatial Anchors SDK version.


20 Feb 22:40
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Introducing Azure Spatial Anchors 2.2.0!


What's New

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Unity Dependencies

Unity 2019.1

  • AR Foundation: 2.1.4
  • ARCore XR Plugin: 2.2.0
  • ARKit XR Plugin 2.1.1


  • Bug fixes.


13 Dec 00:56
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Introducing Azure Spatial Anchors 2.1.1!


What's New

  • For Unity developers, there is now a NuGet package called Microsoft.Azure.SpatialAnchors.Unity that can be used as an alternative to the AzureSpatialAnchors.unitypackage using NuGetForUnity. See the docs for more info.
  • Bug fixes and improvements related to Coarse Relocalization.

Known Issues

  • #86: Performance issues with Unity on Android (see the issue for a workaround)

Unity Dependencies

  • AR Foundation: 2.1.4
  • ARCore XR Plugin: 2.2.0
  • ARKit XR Plugin 2.1.1


What's New

  • Bug fixes and improvements related to Coarse Relocalization.

Breaking changes

  • We now require Git LFS to be installed and configured.
    • Install Git LFS
    • Run git lfs install
    • If you previously cloned the samples repository before installing and configure Git LFS, you'll also need to run the following from the repository:
      • Run git lfs pull


19 Nov 05:33
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Introducing Azure Spatial Anchors 2.0!

Since its initial release, Azure Spatial Anchors (ASA) has enabled a plethora of scenarios centered around persistent, multi-user, cross-platform experiences. We’ve been excited to see the applications of this technology across industries!

To date, developers have only been able to query for previously created anchors by anchor ID. We’ve heard your feedback around wanting to query by location as well, so today, the ASA 2.0 SDK enables you to do exactly that. By integrating non-visual sensor signals (such as GPS, WiFi, BLE) during both creation and querying of anchors, Azure Spatial Anchors can understand which anchors are nearby and save you the trouble of keeping track of this yourself. With this information, you can locate specific anchors of interest to your proximity.

Many of you have expressed a desire to query for anchors located in a specific room or floor of your building, or in a specific region outdoors. Others have told us about scenarios where dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of anchors might exist, scenarios in which you’ve wanted an easier way to filter anchors. Our new SDK leverages non-visual sensor signals to enable these scenarios for you. We remain committed to upholding the privacy standards you expect, so submitting GPS, WiFi and BLE data is optional.

To learn more about how to use these new features, read more here and here.


What's New

  • Coarse relocalization, functionality that will enable utilizing on-device sensor readings – in addition to visual data – when creating and querying anchors. Leverage GPS, WiFi access points, and Bluetooth beacon data as part of this new feature.
    • You can learn more about it in our docs
  • Android Support for ARCore 1.11.0.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • #71: Samples not working on Android 7.0
  • #50: JNI unable to load hasVerticalAccuracy() on NDK example

Breaking changes

  • Starting on version 2.1.0 the service will only support N-2 minor versions of the client SDK.
  • Android
    • We have upgraded our dependency on ARCore to version 1.11.0. You will be required to upgrade your application to ARCore 1.11.0 when moving to this release of Azure Spatial Anchors.
  • iOS
    • The AzureSpatialAnchors framework is built with Xcode 11.1 and will require consumers to build with Xcode 11.1 or higher.
  • Unity
    • We have upgraded our dependencies to the following package versions:
      • AR Foundation: 2.1.4
      • ARCore XR Plugin: 2.2.0
      • ARKit XR Plugin 2.1.1
  • Windows
    • The "ASACreateFactory" API in the Microsoft.Azure.SpatialAnchors.WinCPP NuGet is now deprecated. The Microsoft.Azure.SpatialAnchors.WinRT NuGet provides a compliant WinRT Component and the HoloLens\DirectX sample has been updated to demonstrate its usage.

Known Issues

  • #86: Performance issues with Unity on Android


What's New

  • The "HoloLens\DirectX" sample has been updated to use the new Microsoft.Azure.SpatialAnchors.WinRT NuGet.
  • Added coarse relocalization demos to each of the samples using sensor signals.

Notable Bug Fixes

  • #56: Xamarin IOS fail at launch, missing Main storyboard
  • #74: Build not work with xamarin


05 Nov 18:36
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Bug fixes

  • Windows Store compliance fixes for HoloLens (arm64 binaries).

Breaking changes

  • None.

Known issues

  • Documentation and samples have not yet been update to consume the new "Microsoft.Azure.SpatialAnchors.WinRT" NuGet, those changes will come in a subsequent release.


What's New

  • Updated the Azure Spatial Anchors SDK version.