Releases: Azure/azure-functions-durable-extension
Worker.Extensions.DurableTask v1.1.5
Dependency Updates
- Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask 2.13.4 -> 2.13.5
Durable Functions v2.13.5
What's Changed
- Cache TokenCredential by @bachuv in #2845
- Provide actionable suggestions for when webhooks are not configured by @davidmrdavid in #2849
- Add Injected Durable Client with Identity Based Connection Samples by @nytian in #2861
- Enable External Durable Client Managed Identity Support by @nytian in #2856
- Refactor entity cleanup test to make it less flakey by @davidmrdavid in #2871
Dependency Updates
- Azure.Identity 1.11.0 ->1.11.4
- DurableTask.AzureStorage 1.17.3 -> 1.17.4
Durable Functions v3.0.0-rc.2
Dependency Updates
- Azure.Identity 1.10.0 ->1.11.0
- DurableTask.AzureStorage 2.0.0-rc -> 2.0.0-rc.2
- DurableTask.ApplicationInsights 0.1.2 -> 0.1.6
- DurableTask.Core 2.15.1 -> 2.17.1
- Durable Functions v3 does not support Azure Functions runtime V1.
- This preview version is updated with the features and fixes as the latest Durable Function v2.13.4.
- Guide for Durable Functions V3.
- This is a preview release, not ready for production use
Worker.Extensions.DurableTask v1.2.0-rc.2
###Dependency Updates
- Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask 3.0.0-rc.1 -> 3.0.0-rc.2
- Microsoft.DurableTask.Client.Grpc 1.0.5 -> 1.2.4
- Microsoft.DurableTask.Worker.Grpc 1.0.5 -> 1.2.4
- This package supports .NET isolated workers in Durable Functions v3.
- This preview version is updated with the features and fixes as the latest Durable Function Worker Extensions v1.1.4
- Guide for Durable Functions V3.
- This is a preview release, not ready for production use.
Durable Functions v2.13.4
What's Changed
- Override new "base" Terminate API by @davidmrdavid in #2829
Dependency Updates
Full Changelog: v2.13.3...v2.13.4
Durable Functions v2.13.3
- Set gRPC message length to int.MaxValue by @jviau in #2778
- Log caught exception in LocalGrpcListener's CreateInstance method by @davidmrdavid in #2779
- Suppress execution context from token renewal by @jviau in #2782
- Add suspend/resume URIs to createcheckresponse payload by @davidmrdavid in #2785
- Update Azure.Identity dependency to 1.11.0 by @davidmrdavid in #2795
- Update MSSQL smoke test by @bachuv in #2792
- Add HttpRequestData null handling by @jaliyaudagedara in #2786
- Fix missing overloads on client by @jviau in #2802
- Update ActivityInputConverter for Activities with FunctionContext-only parameters by @nytian in #2806
Dependency Updates
- Azure.Identity to 1.11.0
Full Changelog: v2.13.2...v2.13.3
Durable Functions v2.13.2
- Fix handling of entity operation errors for isolated entities (#2752)
- Correctly propagate orchestration results of a failed orchestration (#2748)
- .NET out-of-proc error parsing fixes (#2763)
- Patch OOPRoc deserialization bug introduced in Extension
Dependency Updates
- Azure.Identity to 1.10.2 (#2761)
Full Changelog: v2.13.1...v2.13.2
Durable Functions v2.13.1
- Fix deserialization for isolated entities by @sebastianburckhardt in #2686
- Add ActivityInputConverter by @jviau in #2708
- Add CreateCheckStatusResponseAsync APIs by @jviau in #2722
Dependency Updates
Durable Functions v3.0.0-rc.1
- Support for the "Track 2" Azure Storage SDKs: #2377
Dependency Updates
- At the time of this release, this new release is only supported on the App Service Plan. Support for the Consumption Plan and Elastic Premium Plan will become available in a future release.
- Durable Functions v3 does not support Azure Functions runtime V1.
- Durable Entities support C# isolated isn't included in this preview release v3.0.0-rc.1. It's inclusion is top priority for the next iteration of this preview package.
Durable Functions v2.13.0
- Durable Entities in C# isolated by @sebastianburckhardt in #2574
- Log orchestration error by @jviau in #2657
- Expose OOP invocation errors by @jviau in #2654
- Fix unintentional input unwrapping for OOP workers by @jviau in #2656
- HTTP APIs for .NET Isolated Parity by @bachuv in #2653