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Releases: AyeCode/geodirectory

26 Mar 10:25
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Front end author actions - After delete, page is 404 - FIXED
No map icon validation on edit cat - FIXED
Rating input not working from admin area edit comment screen - FIXED
Change for SEOPress caused Beaver builder issues on search page - FIXED
Post meta widget shows excluded fields from package - FIELD
Beaver Builder :: Added warning message to template pages to say best to use Beaver Themer - ADDED
If reviews disabled comment counts can be wrong for standard comments - FIXED
If reviews are disabled the standard comments form can sometimes show twice - FIXED
Themify ultra theme has JS conflict on admin add listing page - FIXED
Details page now adds the default id as a body class - ADDED
Pending posts count numbers will now show next to the CPT admin menu item - ADDED
Email settings subject and body placeholder text - ADDED
No listings found message should contain add listing link - ADDED
Email settings subject and body placeholder text now editable - ADDED
Post Badge widget can now use %%post_url%% replacement param - ADDED
Map widget will now hide CPT if it has no published posts - CHANGED
Light-box gallery now supports keyboard arrow navigation - ADDED
Post Badge block not showing color selected in some browsers - FIXED
New Widget added gd_post_content that allows to show text from textareas - ADDED
GD Archive Item default content changed to use new gd_post_content widget - CHANGED
GD custom permalinks without trailing slash will not save - FIXED
File custom fields data not converted properly during v1 to v2 conversion - FIXED
Genesis theme GD search page is broken - FIXED
Disable details page featured image setting can affect other post featured images on the details page - FIXED
Some post widgets now include options to hide primary and secondary info per list view - ADDED
Archive item page default content updated to work with hide content per list view - CHANGED
Cornerstone builder now supported - ADDED
New Widget added gd_post_address that allows you to output the address formatted as you want it - ADDED
Ajax pagination added in GD Listings widget/shortcode - ADDED
Import export posts change non-standard post status - CHANGED
geodir_file_relative_url() should check for www. - FIXED
Shortcode inserter button now shows in more places in builders - ADDED
Avia builder for Enfold theme now supported - ADDED
Prevent SSL certificate related issues during image upload - FIXED
Improved tag search and exact search using quotes for "multiple words" - CHANGED
Some standard post meta added to GD post meta widget like, post_author, post_date and post_date_modified - ADDED
v1 to v2 conversion now gives the option to downgrade back to v1 if customer is not ready yet - ADDED
Allow business hours input format to use WP time format settings - CHANGED

06 Mar 14:13
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Customify theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED
Ninja Forms conflicts backend on add/edit pages - FIXED
Listings + Location pages shows extra comma in meta title - FIXED
Beaver builder + Ninja forms can cause issues with compatibility settings - FIXED
Astra theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED
Newspaper theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED
Enfold theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED
Kleo theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED
Genesis theme page layout compatibility settings added - ADDED

05 Mar 19:10
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Edit post permalink button missing so not able to edit single permalink - FIXED
Radio button and text overlap on add listing page - FIXED
Twitter feed custom field no longer working - FIXED
Latest compatibility settings caused issue with some builders - FIXED

04 Mar 15:56
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Some custom fields should store is_default = 0 during v1 to v2 conversion - FIXED
Map markers not loading on tags page when show all posts enabled - FIXED
_x() does not translates string - FIXED
​Unable to translate business hours timepicker texts - FIXED​
​Unable to translate some strings - FIXED
​Review star not showing in OSM map popup - FIXED​
Post preview not showing map correctly if status is auto-draft - FIXED
Added no cache headers to the add listing page - ADDED
Added check to the save images function that the post exists first - ADDED
Comment cache not being cleared on add/edit/update - FIXED
Selects and radio inputs not showing as selected for zero (0) values - FIXED
Multi-select not fully deselecting for empty values - FIXED
Set some pages to use the page template metadata for better theme compatibility - CHANGED
Search conflicts with SEOPress plugin - FIXED
Image lightbox nav and caption should always be visible on mobile devices - FIXED
Disabling Yoast in GD settings can disable description on homepage - FIXED
Changing layout of [gd_loop] is not reflected instantly to the admin - FIXED
Switching CPT in search form looses searched location - FIXED
Google Map bubble not working after Google round infoWindow update - FIXED
Same field id causes issue in add listing file upload - FIXED
Listing image upload issue when object cache enabled - FIXED
Newspaper theme not setting page titles from correct hook - FIXED
Error "json file is not valid" during import settings - FIXED
Using value VARCHAR in post request may break custom field save - FIXED
Noindex on empty archive pages not working on page with one post - FIXED
gd_listings shortcode parameter title_tag is not working - FIXED
gd_listings shortcode new parameter view_all_link added - ADDED
Font awesome settings icons updated to 5.7.2 - UPDATED
Beaver Builder not working on search page - FIXED
Option added in textarea fields to allow embed media urls - ADDED

30 Jan 16:51
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Listing without author assigned always shows author actions widget - FIXED
Video not rendering from video link - FIXED
Post preview not showing new images added - FIXED
Post preview not showing map correctly - FIXED
Force iOS style scroll bars on multiselect form inputs so they are noticeable on mobile - CHANGED
Some settings for selecting font awesome icons are not showing all icons - FIXED
Font awesome settings icons updated to 5.6.3 - UPDATED
Added missing custom notice view file - FIXED
Date range options added to date custom field - ADDED
Date of birth added as a predefined field - ADDED
delete_attachment() not deleting all image sizes - FIXED
Clear search near not clearing GPS info if on search page - FIXED
RTL style file not found - FIXED
Added warning notice if buddypress is active and hijacking search slug - ADDED
File upload input sometimes not getting correct post ID on add listing form - FIXED
Internal changes to post_badge function to enable it to be used by other addons - CHANGED
Submit listing button now shows spinner and disables button when saving - CHANGED
Compatibility changes for List Manager addon - ADDED
X theme archive titles not working - FIXED
API for posts not filtering for location params - FIXED
Tags with spaces can now be searched for in quotes ex: "Sample Tags" - ADDED

17 Jan 12:19
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Astra theme archive page layout compatibility - ADDED
Astra theme GD search page meta title setting not working - FIXED
Load default template if page is 404 - FIXED
GD Listings widget special offers option is missing - FIXED
Post badge external urls are now nofollow - CHANGED
Slider carousel images now use thumbnail size for consistency - CHANGED
GD listings widget now has option to filter by default_category only - ADDED
GD listings widget now has option to filter post IDs - ADDED
HTML custom field stripping html tags from default value - FIXED
GD Listings widget not working across CPT with sort by to nearest option - FIXED
Review count not reflecting on listing page - FIXED
Added option in GD page settings to view default content - ADDED
Image name with upper case file extensions (JPG) not importing - FIXED
Checkbox and radio admin setting in FireFox are 100% width - FIXED
Some GD pages removed from WP page settings so not to be able to break things - CHANGED
Textarea field output renders detail page tabs - FIXED
CURL call replaced with wp_remote_get() - CHANGED
WP_POST_REVISIONS can cause backend new posts to not save custom fields - FIXED
Changes for custom maps OSM layer api key - CHANGED
SiteOrigin page builder compatibility changes - ADDED
Decimal and Int custom fields can be given a zero (0) value when submitted empty - FIXED
Elementor pro archive templates not fully working with post archive element - FIXED
Term icon cache not cleared when installing dummy data - FIXED
Map module refactored to allow category includes and excludes via category IDs - CHANGED
GD tool "Term counts" not updating term counts - FIXED
REST API listing response does not contains content field - FIXED
GD Archive page links to blank page - FIXED
the7 theme Search page not working due to the_content filter and current_post var - FIXED
Pricing Manager can cause no post author for posting while logged out - FIXED
GD Extension screen now fully enabled, with our WP Easy Updates, any addon or theme can be installed with just your membership key - ADDED

21 Dec 19:11
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Post badge and is_empty check not working in some cases - FIXED
Post badge post_class now also adds class with condition - ADDED
Permalinks category base now required to keep permalinks to WordPress standards and avoid conflicts - CHANGED

20 Dec 15:52
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Selecting detail custom page template shows comment box twice - FIXED
Added editor styles to help Gutenberg Blocks UI - ADDED
Newly added Blocks have checkbox values ticked by default even if not set to do so - FIXED
OSM sometimes not loading automatically in countries where Google is blocked - FIXED
Cannot un-select all tags in add listing form - FIXED
User avatar overlaps some text in dashboard recent reviews widget - FIXED
Save custom field generates incorrect field key if not inserted - FIXED
On page refresh detail page map not loading if map tab is active - FIXED
404 rescue function sometimes not picking up a post_type from query vars - FIXED
Added geodirectory-single.php as option to override single template - ADDED
Post badge now has option to open link in new window and input or class wrapper - ADDED
Changes for Marker Cluster addon v2 - ADDED

13 Dec 14:59
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GD Listings widget sorting not showing custom sorting options - FIXED
Category import does not assign parent category - FIXED
Full screen map not working properly - FIXED
Archive item section block not working as its being wrapped in a div - FIXED
Some changes for Elementor page builder compatibility added - ADDED

11 Dec 12:39
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Font Awesome Setting class updated to check if url is CSS or JS - UPDATED
Custom field icon output prefixing fas as a class which can break branding icons - FIXED
CPT default image not being used as a fallback image - FIXED
It saves default location to listing - FIXED
gd_map shortcode not showing all post markers for category search when enabled all_posts=1 - FIXED
GD Listings widget option "Hide widget if not posts" not working - FIXED
Add srcset to lightbox images to allow it to user larger images if available - ADDED
Changes for reCaptcha addon integration - ADDED
Recently viewed widget/block/shortcode added that shows the listings the user has recently viewed - ADDED