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Releases: Avimitin/nvim

Release for v3.15.0

24 Jan 09:02
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This version rewrite the plugins structure. Now all plugins are classified and put into the
lua/partial directory.


  • nvim-cmp source rg had been removed due to the performance problem (See commit 3dd333d)
  • vim-commentary is replaced by Comment.nvim due to absence of maintenance (See commit 6af6af2)
  • vim-startuptime and focus.nvim is removed as they are rarely used (See commit ead4715)


  • plugins: separate plugins to the lua/partial directory. (See commit b87f2ef to ead4715)
  • vim-surround: rewrite the conditions of the plugin call (See commit 3fe6408)
  • orgmode: replace the default file path (See commit cda57c6)
  • keymap: add keymap for wildfire quick select functionality(See commit 87a7227)
  • feat/vsnip: add snippet for orgmode (See commit d86a30c)
  • reft/keymap: remove the vfiler keymap (See commit 577a520)

Release for v3.14.7

21 Jan 07:39
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The installation guide is now moved into the book:

The commit convention is now updated, please read


  • Snippet:
    • add snippet <kbd> (See commit 0743464)
    • add custom markdown snippets (See commit b32aa8c)
  • Plugins:
    • feat/plugin: add new plugin nvim-orgmode (See commit 6e47dcc)
    • treesitter: disable treesitter lazy-loading (See commit 47cb9ca)
    • lazygit: update the lazygit to upstream version (See commit abcefe9)
    • wildfire: add text object "i`" to quick select (See commit 14374bb)
  • Options:
    • options: rewrite the tab listchars (See commit ed506d0)

Release for v3.14.4

13 Jan 10:38
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I am working on the new document: The basic keymap section is finished now.

Breaking Changes:

  • keymap: add ctrl as prefix key when resize (See commit b545faf)
  • keymap: use arrow key to navigate between windows (See commit 70576e9)
  • keymap: delete the duplicate new tab keymap, only Ctrl-t n is kept (See commit 6369ca6)
  • keymap: set gf to buffer format, set gq to set_loclist, set gt to type_definition (See commit 346bfe5 and 3111d49)

Notes: You can now checkout all available lsp keymap by command: :nmap g.


  • plugin: add plugin vim-startuptime, you can see the startuptime graph by command :StartupTime (See commit 7018a3e)
  • command: add Cmt to make a commit, add Psh to push changes. (See commit 8b9d959)
  • plugin: add new plugin FixCursorHold.nvim to fix the laggy event (See commit 0164a37)

Release for v3.14.0

10 Jan 03:25
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Some plugin had been replaced in this release. But their functionality is still
keep the same. Like the command :SudaWrite is just replaced by :SudoWrite.

Breaking Changes

  • plugin: replace neoterm with dispather
  • plugin: replace suda.vim with vim-eunuch
  • plugin: remove rust-lang/rust.vim plugin


  • plugin: add neogen to help generating annotation
  • option: add rust fmt option
  • plugin: add splitjoin.vim


  • lspsaga: move lspsaga settings under lua/config
  • lspsaga: replace icon to nerd font icon
  • lsp: rewrite the lspconfig code
  • keymap: fix lsp keymap conflict
  • plugin: add more filetype for treesitter
  • option: increase nvui font size
  • option: set fallbackfont for nvui
  • option: enable settings only when neovide open

Release for v3.13.0

08 Jan 12:20
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Breaking Changes

  • keymap: remove keymap for go plugin
  • plugin: remove plugin neorg


  • lsp: integrate lspsaga into lspconfig
  • plugin: add nerd font icon for vfiler.vim
  • plugin: add plugin vim-matchup


  • keymap: fix cursor place


  • color: set type style to bold
  • plugin: disable treesitter in neorg
  • colors: set normal float background to blue
  • plugin: set bufferline separator to 'slant'
  • color: set TODO bg to samuraiRed

Release for v3.11.0

04 Jan 08:45
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Breaking Changes

  • plugin: delete fterm lazygit setting (See commit 5f2cd7a)


  • plugin: add new plugin lazygit.nvim (See commit 7c0c2df)
  • nvim-cmp: add square bracket in menu (See commit 563bf2f)
  • options: set fileencoding to utf-8 forcely


  • options: set tab char as "->" (See commit c2994e5)

Release for v3.10.0

01 Jan 11:02
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The v3.10.0 add new plugin neorg to help me organize my life. It is a tool for taking notes and helping user achieve the "Getting Thing Done(GTD)" goal.


Besides, neovim 0.6 had changed the diagnostic API, I update some keymap to replace the deprecated functions.


  • plugin: add new plugin neorg (See commit c5fcd4b)


  • lsp: replace show line diagnostic api (See commit d4d290b)
  • plugin: fix nvim-cmp hook (See commit fd44872)
  • plugin: fix luaformat load sequence (See commit f2780c1)


  • colors: use kanagawa as default theme (See commit f2c2890)

Release for v3.9.11

29 Dec 03:01
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This update contains commit convention update.
Please read: for details.

Breaking Changes

  • plugin: replace file picker plugin (4662acb)
  • keymap: update lazygit keymap (2b99966)
  • plugin: remove neogit (1232b1d)
  • plugins: remove famiu/nvim-reload (12c3db5)
  • escape: replace jj with <A-;> (d7bdd1c)


  • statusline: add short line icon for fern and neoterm (See commit 0e7def8 and ab2160a)
  • plugins: add plugin vim-table-mode (See commit faebcd9)
  • command: add new command Glog (See commit e6e0c4c)


  • fterm: update fterm and lazygit colorscheme (See commit fcc2c30)
  • keymap: update neogit and fugitive keymap (See commit 2debc8d)
  • plugin: update vim-lua-format load condition (See commit 89674a4)

Release for v3.9.10

23 Dec 11:16
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New Features

  • filetype: enable javascript in treesitter and lsp
  • colorscheme: add new colorscheme kanagawa
  • command: add new command Glog to preview one line log

Breaking change


  • keymap: update neogit and fugitive keymap
  • plugins: load vim-lua-format only when calling the command LuaFormat

Release for v3.9.9

22 Dec 02:32
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  • Use deus as default theme. (bdc375b)


  • Add icon for cmp source. (a3bb2a8)