Loading molecular dynamics trajectories is easy with MDTraj.
>>> import mdtraj as md >>> t = md.load('trajectory.pdb')
The function :func:`mdtraj.load` will automatically detect the appropriate format based on the filename extension. The supported formats are all listed below in the format-specific loaders. The return value of :func:`mdtraj.load` is an :class:`mdtraj.Trajectory` object.
While :func:`mdtraj.load` will read an entire trajectory into memory, other functions like :func:`mdtraj.iterload` and :func:`mdtraj.open` are available for working with trajectories in chunks, without loading them entirely into memory all at once.
.. currentmodule:: mdtraj
.. autosummary:: :toctree: api/generated/ Trajectory Topology
.. currentmodule:: mdtraj
.. autosummary:: :toctree: api/generated/ load iterload load_frame open join
.. autosummary:: :toctree: api/generated/ load_lh5 load_pdb load_xml load_arc load_dcd load_dtr load_hdf5 load_netcdf load_trr load_xtc load_prmtop load_xyz load_lammpstrj load_hoomdxml