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File metadata and controls

132 lines (108 loc) · 9.13 KB


A declarative way to keep track of microservices under a common platform version.

Usually, git submodules would be used to pin each microservice version in place to the platform version.

NOTE: This documentation is a "work in progress".


Let's call our e-commerce platform ecom which is comprised of the following components:

  • cart service
  • payment gateway
  • persistence layer
  • billing service

NOTE: Each version is a repository git tag.

ecom v1.0:

  • cart-service v1.0.1
  • payments-gateway v1.1.2
  • persistence-layer v1.2.3
  • billing-service v1.0.0

In a git repository named ecom-platform a config.yaml file should exist with the following contents:

# name is the platform name
name: ecom 
# components are the microservices under the platform
  # the alias is used to reference a component in a version file.
  - alias: cart
  # the url is used for pinning the alias to a git url
    url: [email protected]:ecom-org/cart-service.git
  - alias: payments
    url: [email protected]:ecom-org/payments-gateway.git
  - alias: persistence
    url: [email protected]:ecom-org/persistence-layer.git
  - alias: billing
    url: [email protected]:ecom-org/billing-service.git

A directory containing the major version e.g.: v1 needs to be created. Inside v1 we need a file that has the following naming structure platform_name-major-version.minor-version.yaml aka ecom-v0.1.yaml with the following contents:

# version describes the version of the platform
version: v1.0.0
    - alias: cart
      refs: tags/v1.0.1
    - alias: payments
      refs: tags/v1.1.2
    - alias: persistence
      refs: tags/v1.2.3
    - alias: billing
      refs: tags/v1.0.0


Describing a specific platform version:

Assuming the configuration from the platform-test repo.

$ servicesync_WORKSPACE=~/projects/misc/platform-test/ python describe -v v1.0.1
│ Platform version   │ Alias   │ URL                                 │ Refs             │ Hash                                     │
│ v1.0.1             │ test1   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test1.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.1 │ 9701d9f3a555067f4a0fa5b61f9b7eafa78de9c2 │
│ v1.0.1             │ test2   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test2.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 854bf0434606da01b030e24ead572bc4196b4d3a │
│ v1.0.1             │ test3   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test3.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 5af8977d22913560b64c0c2b6001f914d097146b │

Describing all minor/patch versions:

$ servicesync_WORKSPACE=~/projects/misc/platform-test/ python describe -v v1.0
│ Platform version   │ Alias   │ URL                                 │ Refs             │ Hash                                     │
│ v1.0.0             │ test1   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test1.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.1 │ 9701d9f3a555067f4a0fa5b61f9b7eafa78de9c2 │
│ v1.0.0             │ test2   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test2.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 854bf0434606da01b030e24ead572bc4196b4d3a │
│ v1.0.0             │ test3   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test3.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 5af8977d22913560b64c0c2b6001f914d097146b │
│ v1.0.1             │ test1   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test1.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.1 │ 9701d9f3a555067f4a0fa5b61f9b7eafa78de9c2 │
│ v1.0.1             │ test2   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test2.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 854bf0434606da01b030e24ead572bc4196b4d3a │
│ v1.0.1             │ test3   │ [email protected]:codeflavor/test3.git │ refs/tags/v1.0.0 │ 5af8977d22913560b64c0c2b6001f914d097146b │


Installing and deps

This project depends on python 3.7+ install python virtualenv.


python 3.7
libgit2, libgit2-glib - needed for macbook and fedora.

$ virtualenv -p python3 .venv
# activate the virtualenv
source .venv/bin/activate

Now you can install the application

$: python3.7 install