AI workshops to introduce the student to AI with exercises in notebooks.
You will need to install Jupyter Notebook. We recommend you also use Anaconda to avoid any dependencies issue.
In each directory, you will find the exercises, a README explaining the purpose of the workshop and the slides used during the workshop.
Basics of python and usage of Numpy. You will:
- learn to use iPython notebooks
- use numpy functions and vector and matrix operations
- understand broadcasting concept
- vectorize code
Creation of your first classification method. You will:
- initialize hyperparameters
- calculate of the loss function and usage of gradient
- usage of optimizing algorithm
3 - Hidden Layer 📈
Discover the effect of a hidden layer. You will:
- create a neural network with a hidden layer
- use neurons with a nonlinear activation function (tanh)
- calculate the loss cross-entropy
- implement forward and backward propagations
Usage of Tensorflow. You will:
- create a Sequential model
- use Dense layers
- predict house pricing
- classify fashion_mnist
- classify mnist
Discover the effect and usage of convolution. You will:
- understand the point to use convolutional neural network
- use Conv2D
- use Maxpooling2D
Basics of Reinforcement Learning. You will:
- understand the Markov Decision Process
- use the value function
- solve the Antic maze
Continuation of Reinforcement Learning. You will:
- use Gym environment
- use Q learning
- solve Mountain-Car-V0
Feel free to ask us any questions.