- Season Number - Season number
- Startup Name - Company name or product name
- Episode Number - Episode number within the season
- Pitch Number - Overall pitch number
- Original Air Date - Episode original/first aired date, on OTT/TV
- Episode Title - Episode title in SonyLiv
- Anchor - Name of the episode presenter/host
- Industry - Industry name or type
- Business Description - Business Description
- Started in - Year in which startup was started/incorporated
- Number of Presenters - Number of presenters
- Male Presenters - Number of male presenters
- Female Presenters - Number of female presenters
- Transgender Presenters - Number of transgender/LGBTQ presenters
- Couple Presenters - Are presenters wife/husband ? 1-yes, 0-no
- Pitchers Average Age - All pitchers average age, <30 young, 30-50 middle, >50 old
- Pitchers City - Presenter's town/city or city where company head office exists
- Pitchers State - Indian state pitcher hails from or state where company head office exists
- Yearly Revenue - Yearly revenue, in lakhs INR, -1 means negative revenue, 0 means pre-revenue
- Monthly Sales - Total monthly sales, in lakhs
- Gross Margin - Gross margin/profit of company, in percentages
- Net Margin - Net margin/profit of company, in percentages
- Cash Burn - In loss; burning/paying money from their pocket (yes/no)
- SKUs - Stock Keeping Units or number of varieties, at the time of pitch
- Has Patents - Pitcher has Patents/Intellectual property (filed/granted), at the time of pitch
- Bootstrapped - Startup is bootstrapped or not (yes/no)
- Original Ask Amount - Original Ask Amount, in lakhs INR
- Original Offered Equity - Original Offered Equity, in percentages
- Valuation Requested - Valuation Requested, in lakhs INR
- Received Offer - Received offer or not, 1-received, 0-not received
- Accepted Offer - Accepted offer or not, 1-accepted, 0-rejected
- Total Deal Amount - Total Deal Amount, in lakhs INR
- Total Deal Equity - Total Deal Equity, in percentages
- Total Deal Debt - Total Deal debt/loan amount, in lakhs INR
- Debt Interest - Debt interest rate, in percentages
- Deal Valuation - Deal Valuation, in lakhs INR
- Number of sharks in deal - Number of sharks involved in deal
- Namita Investment Amount - Namita Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Namita Investment Equity - Namita Investment Equity, in percentages
- Namita Debt Amount - Namita Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Vineeta Investment Amount - Vineeta Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Vineeta Investment Equity - Vineeta Investment Equity, in percentages
- Vineeta Debt Amount - Vineeta Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Anupam Investment Amount - Anupam Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Anupam Investment Equity - Anupam Investment Equity, in percentages
- Anupam Debt Amount - Anupam Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Aman Investment Amount - Aman Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Aman Investment Equity - Aman Investment Equity, in percentages
- Aman Debt Amount - Aman Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Peyush Investment Amount - Peyush Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Peyush Investment Equity - Peyush Investment Equity, in percentages
- Peyush Debt Amount - Peyush Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Amit Investment Amount - Amit Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Amit Investment Equity - Amit Investment Equity, in percentages
- Amit Debt Amount - Amit Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Ashneer Investment Amount - Ashneer Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Ashneer Investment Equity - Ashneer Investment Equity, in percentages
- Ashneer Debt Amount - Ashneer Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Guest Investment Amount - Guest Investment Amount, in lakhs INR
- Guest Investment Equity - Guest Investment Equity, in percentages
- Guest Debt Amount - Guest Debt Amount, in lakhs INR
- Invested Guest Name - Name of the guest who invested in deal
- All Guest Names - Name of all guests, who are present in episode
- Namita Present - Whether Namita present in episode or not
- Anupam Present - Whether Anupam present in episode or not
- Vineeta Present - Whether Vineeta present in episode or not
- Aman Present - Whether Aman present in episode or not
- Peyush Present - Whether Peyush present in episode or not
- Amit Present - Whether Amit present in episode or not
- Ashneer Present - Whether Ashneer present in episode or not
- Guest Present - Whether Guest(s) present in episode