The Dockerfile provided allows Angora to run in a container.
Caution: Angora assigns different threads with specific process affinity levels. Running multiple Angora instances in different containers can result in decreased efficiency.
echo core | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
docker build -t angora ./
docker run --privileged -v /path-to-code-and-seed:/data -it --rm angora /bin/bash
A number of tests have been provided. Feel free to add your own to test the capabilities of Angora.
cd tests
./ <test_name>
If you are running AFL and its output directory is output
, run
./angora_fuzzer -i input -o output -t path-to-taint-program --sync_afl -- program args(..)
Since the implementation of AFL mutation approach in Angora is too simple, the best practice is run it together with AFL, and use -A
to disable Angora's AFL approach.