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File Uploader

The file uploader is implemented in the Python programming language using FastAPI. All uploaded files are stored on the server. The API provides the ability to preview and download files based on their file extensions.

API Documentation

The API is currently hosted at
Page redirection is handled through the nginx proxy server. The API consists of 8 endpoint URLs:

  • /file/ – Endpoint where all files are located.
  • /api – Main API endpoint
    • /upload – Endpoint for receiving file upload requests.
    • /delete/ – Request to delete a file.
    • /login – Log in with login and password.
    • /register – Create a new account with a login and password.
    • /refresh_token – Refresh the existing token.
    • /get_files (/getFiles deprecated) – Get list of files
    • /logout – Log out from account

1.1 Authorization Errors

All requests requiring the Authorization header may encounter errors related to authorization issues.
The Authorization header should have the format Authorization: Bearer <token>.

Response Example

All errors of this type follow a consistent response format and always return an HTTP code of 401.
This section will be referred to as 1.1 in the documentation.

    "status": "error",
    "auth_error": {
        "message": "error message",
        "errorId": <error code>

List of errors:

errorId message Reasons
-1 No Authorization header provided The request is missing the Authorization header
-2 Authorization header must have Bearer <token> format The Authorization header has an incorrect format
-3 Access token expired The token has expired
-4 Invalid access token The token cannot be decrypted
-5 Token not found The token is not found

1.2 Basic API

Retrieve a file based on the URL.

GET /file/<file_url> or GET /f/<file_url>
Successful execution returns a 200 status code and the binary file with the Content-Type.
If the file type cannot be determined, the API returns the file in download mode.

Possible Errors

Error Code Description Possible Reasons
404 File not found The file referenced by the code does not exist

Upload a file to the server

POST /api/upload?include_ext=false
The request body should contain the file to be uploaded.
Only one file is allowed, and its size should not exceed 100MB.
The maximum request frequency is 2 per minute.

Request body:

The Content-Type header of the request must be a multipart/form-data
The file must be have file key in request body.
The query parameter include_ext can be set to true/false to indicate whether the file extension should be included in the file URL.

Request headers:

The request can also include the Authorization header, containing the user's unique token. If the token is not provided or is not valid, the synced field in the response body will be set to false. The file will be uploaded to the server regardless of whether the Authorization header is included in the request. The auth_error field in the response body contains the authentication error (section 1.1), and if there is no error, the field will be {}.

Response Example

On successful execution, the API returns a 200 HTTP code along with a JSON response.

    "status": "success",
    "message": "File uploaded successfully",
    "file_url": "4yn-8yjhsu",
    "file_url_full": "",
    "key": "6b9a1c1b-5594-4cb9-8d49-99a4c28782a1",
    "ext": ".mp4",
    "user_filename": "test.mp4",
    "synced": true,
    "auth_error": {}

Possible Errors

Error Code Description Possible Reasons
400 No file uploaded No file is given in the request body
400 Bad file extension The file does not have an extension
413 File size exceeds the limit (100MB) The file size exceeds 100MB

Delete a file

GET /api/delete/<file_url>?key=<unique key>
Successful execution returns a 200 status code, removing the file from the server.

Possible Errors

Error Code Description Possible Reasons
404 File not found The file for deletion is not found
400 Invalid unique key The provided unique key is invalid

1.2 Authorization API

Login and register

POST /api/register
POST /api/login
Request limit per minute: 10 times.
Both requests accept the same request body but have different errors.

A Boolean value can be passed to the optional query parameter bot. When bot is true, a token with a lifetime of 6 months will be generated.

Request Example

    "username": "My cool username",
    "password": "My cool password"

Successful execution returns a 200 HTTP code, indicating successful registration / login.

    "status": "success",
    "accessToken": "<token>",
    "username": "My cool username",
    "message": "logged in with password"

Possible Errors

Common for both requests:

errorId HTTP code message Reasons
2 400 No username/password provided Username/password fields are missing in the request

Errors for /register:

errorId HTTP code message Reasons
1 400 An account with this name is already registered A user with the given username already exists

Errors for /login:

errorId HTTP code message Reasons
3 400 Wrong password Incorrect password
4 404 User not found Username not found

Refreshe the token

POST /api/refresh_token
Request limit per minute: 10 times.
The request body includes the accessToken field containing only the token (without Bearer).
Successful execution returns a 200 HTTP code along with the accessToken field in the request body, containing the new token.

Possible Errors

errorId HTTP code message Reasons
5 400 No access token provided The accessToken field is missing in the request

Errors described in section 1.1 may also occur.

Log out of the account

POST /api/logout
Request limit per minute: 10 times.
Endpoint takes the Authorization header containing the access token.
Successful execution of the request deletes the provided token and returns a 200 HTTP code

Possible Errors

Errors described in section 1.1 may occur as well.

Get a list of files.

GET /api/get_files
It takes the Authorization header containing the access token.
Retrieves a list of all files associated with this account.

Response Example

    "status": "success",
    "message": "files got successfully",
    "username": "My cool username",
    "data": [
            "file_url": "4yn-8yjhsu",
            "file_url_full": "",
            "key": "6b9a1c1b-5594-4cb9-8d49-99a4c28782a1",
            "ext": ".mp4",
            "user_filename": "test.mp4",
            "creation_date": "1.1.1971",
            "synced": true
            "file_url": "4yn-8yjhsR",
            "file_url_full": "",
            "key": "6b9a1c1b-5594-4cb9-8d49-99a4c28782a1",
            "ext": ".mp4",
            "user_filename": "test1.mp4",
            "creation_date": "1.1.1971",
            "synced": true

Possible Errors

Errors described in section 1.1 may occur as well.