Return a template JSON specifiying that the Endpoint requested is not supported
general.endpointNotSupported( (method = null), (key = 'message'), (message = 'This endpoint does not support this method requests') );
general.endpointNotSupported('post', 'error', 'Endpoint not supported'); // returns { method : 'post', // property key is called error because that's what was passed as second parameters, passing x will make the key called x error: 'Endpoint not supported' }
Return a template JSON specifiying the status of an operation
general.constructResponse( (success = true), (code = 200), (message = null), (body = null), (otherAttributes = null) );
// some error object that came back from calling other service const errorFromOtherService = {errorMessage: 'User Already Exist'} // extra information we got from the responding service, and we want to pass it to our resopnse const previousUserIdInThatService = 123; // setting an object containing the extra information we want to pass with the error const otherAttributesObj = {extraObj: {userId: perviousUserIdInThatService}, userName: 'Amjad992'}} // the following function will be called in the catch block for examples and returned to the calling function to indicate the error occuring and its details // notice that extraObj has to be an object in order to be shows e.g. {extraObj: {userId: 123}} await general.constructResponse(false, 404, 'Can not add a new user', errorFromOtherService, otherAttributesObj); // returns { success: false, code: 404, message: 'Can not add a new user' body: { errorMessage: 'User Already Exist' } extraObj: { userId: 123 }, userName: 'Amjad992' }
Halt the execution of the program for the amount specified in milliseconds
general.sleep((milliseconds = 1000));
await general.sleep(3000); // Stops execution for 3 seconds
Send a request to an endpoint in the current server
if the method is get, the body will be stringified before sending
general.hitInHouseEndpoint((endpoint = ''), (method = 'get'), (body = {}));
await general.hitInHouseEndpoint(endpoint = '/user/add', method = 'post', body = {name: 'Amjad'}); // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: 'Successfully hit the endpoint /user/add', // whatever is returned from the endpoint hit body: { userId: 123 name: 'Amjad' } }
Send a request to an external url
if the method is get, the body will be stringified before sending
general.hitURL(url, (method = 'get'), (body = {}));
await general.hitURL('https://example.com/user/add', method = 'post', body = {name: 'Amjad'}); // returns { success: true, code: 200, message: 'Successfully hit https://example.com/user/add', // whatever is returned from the url hit body: { userId: 123 name: 'Amjad' } }
Perform an action multiple times (just perform actions and doesn't return anything)
general.performActionForSubArrays( action, array, (desiredLength = 1), (parameters = null), (sleepPeriodInMilliseconds = 1000) );
await util.funcs.g.performActionForSubArrays((chunck, parameters) => { console.log(chunck[0]) console.log(parameters.separator) }, [1, 2, 3, 4], 1, {separator: '---'}, 1000); // Prints the following output and each chunk will appear after a second of the previous [ 1, 2 ] --- [ 3, 4 ] ---
Perform an action without blocking until the checking function used to check the response return true, or the maximum number of tries reached.
This will return whatever the response is in case of success (decided by checking function), or will return the final failure response in case of failure
This is a promise and can use with either await or .then()
general.performActionRepeatedly( action, checkFunction, (attempts = 1), (parameters = null), (sleepPeriodInMilliseconds = 1000) );
Example 1
await util.funcs.g.performActionRepeatedly((parameters) => { console.log('Call API'); const callResponse = someCalledFunctionOrAPI(parameters.valueNeeded); console.log(parameters.separator) // e.g. callResponse = {status: 'fail', message: 'some error message from the API'} return callResponse; }, (response) => { if (response.status == 'success') return true; else return false }, 3, {valueNeeded: 'some value', separator: '---'}, 1000); // Prints the following output and each try will appear after a second of the previous Call API --- Call API --- Call API --- // Will also return the following since the call to API failed in the 3 times { success: false, code: 400, message: 'Failed performing an action', body:{ status: 'fail', message: 'some error message from the API' }, attempts: 3 }
Example 2
await util.funcs.g.performActionRepeatedly((parameters) => { console.log('Call API'); const callResponse = someCalledFunctionOrAPI(parameters.valueNeeded); console.log(parameters.separator) // let's assume that on first attempt response was // call callResponse = {status: 'fail', message: 'some error message from the API'} // while on second attempt it was // e.g. callResponse = {status: 'success', message: 'some message'} return callResponse; }, (response) => { if (response.status == 'success') return true; else return false }, 3, {valueNeeded: 'some value', separator: '---'}, 1000); // Prints the following output and each try will appear after a second of the previous Call API --- Call API --- Call API --- // Will also return the following since the call to API call successed after 2 attempts { success: false, code: 200, message: 'Successfully performed action', body:{ status: 'success', message: 'some message' }, attempts: 2 }
Check if the object is an array or not
await general.isArray([]); // returns true
Check if the object is an object or not
await general.isObject({}); // returns true
Check if the object is a function or not
await general.isFunction(()=>{return true})); // returns true
Check if the object is a number or not
await general.isNumber(1); // returns true
Check if the object is a string or not
await general.isString('Hello'); // returns true
Check if the object is a boolean or not
await general.isBoolean(true); // returns true
Check if the object is an empty array or not
await general.isEmptyArray([]); // returns true
Check if the object is an empty string or not
await general.isArray(''); // returns true
Check if the object is an empty object or not
await general.isEmptyObject({}); // returns true
Generate a string with variable parts inside it
general.generateString(string, variables, values);
await general.generateString( 'My Name is {firstName} {lastName}', ['firstName', 'lastName'], ['John', 'Doe'] ); // returns the string: 'My Name is John Doe'
Filter the elements of a nested JSON object or array that includes a specific value for an element
general.filterJSONElementsByKeyValue(object, key, value);
await general.filterJSONElementsByKeyValue( { emp1: {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, emp2: {name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager'}, emp3: {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, }, 'position', 'Programmer' ); // returns { emp1: {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, emp3: {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, }
await general.filterJSONElementsByKeyValue( [ {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, {name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager'}, {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, ], 'position', 'Programmer' ); // returns [ {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, ];
Filter the elements of a nested JSON object or array by the values of a specific key inside each element
general.filterUniqueJSONElementsByKey(object, key);
await general.filterUniqueJSONElementsByKey( { emp1: {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, emp2: {name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager'}, emp3: {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, }, 'position' ); // returns { emp3: { name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer' }, emp2: { name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager' } };
await general.filterJSONElementsByKeyValue( [ {name: 'Amjad', position: 'Programmer'}, {name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager'}, {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, ], 'position' ); // returns [ {name: 'Hussam', position: 'Programmer'}, {name: 'Sarah', position: 'Business Manager'}, ];