nvim/ My main editor, need to set up DAP
sway/ WM config. On top of the config file, has scripts for notifications, screenshots, and png for my lock screen
tofi/ Tofi config, lightweight Wayland dmenu, not in use rn since it doesn't support icons and the millisecond diff isn't that noticeable
rofi/ Rofi config, slower than tofi but has icons and also works with opened windows so I like it more
fish/ Config for my main shell, has a lot of functions I've randomly made and some plugins
foot/ Main terminal emulator, really fast with no extra features but I don't really need those
dunst/ Notification daemon config, just some basic styling options so the notifs show up the way I like them
i3status-rs/ Status bar config, this one is minimal and looks nice, just using basic widgets with some signals attached so they update when I change things like brightness and volume
tmux (or zellij maybe)