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Docker Compose

Alfresco Content Services Docker Compose Deployment

This page describes how to quickly deploy Alfresco Content Services (ACS) using Docker Compose.

Using one of the Enterprise compose files will deploy the following system:

graph TB

subgraph "Docker Compose (enterprise)"
  direction TB
  Client("👥 Clients")
  proxy("Traefik reverse proxy")
  acs("Alfresco Content Services")
  sync("Alfresco Sync Service")

  subgraph "Alfresco Transform Service"
    trouter("Transform Router")
    sfs("Shared File Store")
    tcore("Transform Core (AIO)")

  subgraph "Alfresco Search Enterprise"
    ase("Live Indexing")

  subgraph "Webapps"
    acc("Alfresco Control Center")
    adw("Alfresco Digital Workspace")
    share("Alfresco Share")

  subgraph "Persistence"

Client --> proxy

proxy --> acc
proxy --> share
proxy ---> adw
proxy ---> acs
proxy ----> sync

ase --> es
ase --> amq
aser --> pg
aser --> es

acs ---> es
acs ---> pg
acs ---> amq
acs ---> trouter

trouter --> tcore
trouter --> sfs
trouter --> amq

share --> acs

sync --> acs
sync --> pg
sync --> amq

Using the Community compose file will deploy the following system:

graph TB

subgraph "Docker Compose (community)"
  direction TB
  Client("👥 Users")
  proxy("Traefik reverse proxy")
  acs("Alfresco Content Services")
  ass("Alfresco Search Services")
  tcore("Transform Core (AIO)")

  acc("Alfresco Control Center")
  share("Alfresco Share")
  aca("Alfresco Content App")

Client --> proxy

proxy --> acc
proxy --> share
proxy --> aca
proxy --> acs

acs --> ass
acs --> pg
acs --> tcore
acs --> amq
share --> acs



The Docker Compose files are provided to easy spin up ACS environments. It is suited for test or demo environment but certainly not for production use.


As well as the prerequisites mentioned on the main README you will need a machine with at least 13GB of free memory and the following software installed:

Configure Docker for Desktop

In order to deploy onto Docker for Desktop we need to allocate at least 16Gb to the Docker engine on the "Resources" tab in Docker for Desktop's preferences pane as shown in the screenshot below. This is required because insufficient memory will cause containers to exit without warning (the very minimum is 13GB but 16 brings some freedom to your Docker Daemon).



  1. Clone this repository or download one of the docker compose files from here
  2. Navigate to the folder where the docker compose file you want to use is located
  3. Log in to with your credentials: docker login (only required if you're running an Enterprise version)
  4. Run docker compose up to use the latest version of ACS Enterprise, docker compose -f major.minor.N-compose.yaml up to use a previous version of ACS, or docker compose -f pre-release-compose.yaml up
  5. Open the following URLs in your browser to check that everything starts up:
    • Administration and REST APIs: http://<machine_ip>:8080/alfresco
    • Control Center: http://<machine_ip>:8080/control-center (http://<machine_ip>:8080/admin still works but is deprecated)
    • Alfresco Digital Workspace: http://<machine_ip>:8080/workspace
    • Share: http://<machine_ip>:8080/share
    • Search administration: http://<machine_ip>:8083/solr
  6. If you requested an extended trial license navigate to the Admin Console and apply your license:
    • http://<machine_ip>:8080/alfresco/service/enterprise/admin/admin-license (<machine_ip> will usually just be localhost)
    • Default username and password is admin
    • See Uploading a new license for more details

Choosing a search engine

Alfresco comes either with Solr or Elasticsearch as a Full Text Search engine. By default ACS enterprise flavor 23 and above are shipped with Elasticsearch. Versions 7.x enterprise and all Community versions are shipped with Solr.

It is of course possible to keep on using Solr on the latest Enterprise versions. To do so just use the extra argument shown bellow:

docker compose -f compose.yaml -f solr6-override-docker-compose.yml up -d

Troubleshooting Search Enterprise

Make sure that exposed ports are open on your host. Check the compose.yaml file to determine the exposed ports - refer to the host:container port definitions. You'll see they include 5432, 8080, 8083 and others.

If Docker is running on your local machine, the IP address will be just localhost.


The provided Docker compose file provides some default configuration, the sections below show the full set of environment variables exposed by each of the containers in the deployment.

Alfresco Content Repository (alfresco)

Property Description Default value
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Adding this environment variable, allows to set sensitive values (like passwords) that are not passed as arguments to the Java Process.
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container. Any ACS property can be passed to the container using the following format "-Dproperty=value" (e.g. -Ddb.driver=org.postgresql.Driver).

Alfresco Share (share)

Property Description Default value
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container
REPO_HOST Share needs to know how to register itself with Alfresco localhost
REPO_PORT Share needs to know how to register itself with Alfresco 8080
USE_SSL Enables ssl use if set to "true" false
      mem_limit: 1g
         REPO_HOST: "alfresco"
         REPO_PORT: "8080"
         USE_SSL: "true"
         JAVA_OPTS: "

Alfresco Digital Workspace (digital-workspace)

Property Description Default value
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_HOST The address of the Identity Service including the realm name configured.
APP_CONFIG_AUTH_TYPE The authentication type. To use Single Sign-on mode you must change this property to OAUTH. BASIC
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_CLIENTID The name of the client configured for Digital Workspace
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_SILENT_IFRAME_URI The address that Digital Workspace uses to refresh authorization tokens.
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_LOGIN The URL to redirect to after a user is successfully authenticated
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_LOGOUT The URL to redirect to after a user successfully signs out
APP_BASE_SHARE_URL Base Share URL. e.g. '{protocol}//{hostname}{:port}/workspace/#/preview/s'
AUTH_TYPE The authentication type. To use Single Sign-on mode you must change this property to OAUTH. BASIC
ENVIRONMENT_SUFFIX Only for Process Cloud instance _CLOUD
API_CONTENT_HOST_LOCAL http://localhost:8080
IDENTITY_HOST The address of the Identity Service including the realm name configured.
E2E_HOST http://localhost
E2E_HOST_CLOUD http://localhost
APP_CONFIG_APPS_DEPLOYED The name of the application deployed (e.g. "[{"name": "\<the name of the application deployed\>"}]")

Alfresco Content App (content-app)

Property Description Default value
APP_CONFIG_AUTH_TYPE The authentication type. To use Single Sign-on mode you must change this property to OAUTH. BASIC
APP_CONFIG_BPM_HOST BPM Host address {protocol}//{hostname}{:port}
APP_CONFIG_ECM_HOST ECM Host address {protocol}//{hostname}{:port}
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_HOST The address of the Identity Service including the realm name configured. {protocol}//{hostname}{:port}/auth/realms/alfresco
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_CLIENTID The name of the client configured for Content App alfresco
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_SILENT_IFRAME_URI The address that Content App uses to refresh authorization tokens. {protocol}//{hostname}{:port}/assets/silent-refresh.html
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_LOGIN The URL to redirect to after a user is successfully authenticated ./
APP_CONFIG_OAUTH2_REDIRECT_LOGOUT The URL to redirect to after a user successfully signs out ./
APP_BASE_SHARE_URL Base Share URL e.g. '{protocol}//{hostname}{:port}/aca/#/preview/s' ${APP_CONFIG_ECM_HOST}/#/preview/s
APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_AOS Enable AOS plugin true
APP_CONFIG_PLUGIN_CONTENT_SERVICE Enable Content Service plugin true
APP_EXTENSIONS_IGNORE_REFS Plugins references to exclude

Control Center (control-center)

Property Description Default value
APP_CONFIG_AUTH_TYPE The authentication type. To use Single Sign-on mode you must change this property to OAUTH. BASIC

Alfresco Search Enterprise (elasticsearch)

Property Description Default value
ALFRESCO_ACCEPTED_CONTENT_MEDIA_TYPES_CACHE_BASE_URL URL where to fetch supported media type (typically t-router URL) http://transform-core-aio:8090/transform/config
ALFRESCO_SHAREDFILESTORE_BASEURL URL where to fetch renditions from (typically the shared filestore URL) http://shared-file-store:8099/alfresco/api/-default-/private/sfs/versions/1/file/
SPRING_ACTIVEMQ_BROKERURL URL of the ACTIVEMQ message broker nio://activemq:61616
SPRING_ELASTICSEARCH_REST_URIS URL of the Elastisearch REST API http://elasticsearch:9200
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL (reindexing only) JDBC URL of the repository database jdbc:postgresql://postgres:5432/alfresco
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME (reindexing only) Username to authenticate to the repository database alfresco
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD (reindexing only) Password to authenticate to the repository database alfresco

Alfresco Search Services (solr6)

Property Description Default value
SOLR_ALFRESCO_HOST Solr needs to know how to register itself with Alfresco alfresco
SOLR_ALFRESCO_PORT Solr needs to know how to register itself with Alfresco 8080
SOLR_SOLR_HOST Alfresco needs to know how to call solr solr6
SOLR_SOLR_PORT Alfresco needs to know how to call solr 8983
SOLR_CREATE_ALFRESCO_DEFAULTS Create the default alfresco and archive cores alfresco,archive
SOLR_OPTS Options to pass when starting the Java process.
SOLR_HEAP The Java heap assigned to Solr. 2g
SOLR_JAVA_MEM The exact memory settings for Solr. Note that SOLR_HEAP takes precedence over this. -Xms2g -Xmx2g
MAX_SOLR_RAM_PERCENTAGE The percentage of available memory (an integer value) to assign to Solr. Note that SOLR_HEAP and SOLR_JAVA_MEM take precedence over this. 2
ENABLE_SPELLCHECK Whether spellchecking is enabled or not (true or false).
DISABLE_CASCADE_TRACKING Whether cascade tracking is enabled or not (true or false). Disabling cascade tracking will improve performance, but result in some feature loss (e.g. path queries).
ALFRESCO_SECURE_COMMS Whether communication with the repository is secured (https or none). See this page for more details. none
SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE Path to SSL key store. See this page for more details.
SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD Password for key store. See this page for more details.
SOLR_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE Key store type. See this page for more details. JCEKS
SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE Path to SSL trust store. See this page for more details.
SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD Password for trust store. See this page for more details.
SOLR_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE Trust store type. See this page for more details. JCEKS
SOLR_SSL_NEED_CLIENT_AUTH This variable is used to configure SSL (true or false). See this page for more details.
SOLR_SSL_WANT_CLIENT_AUTH This variable is used to configure SSL (true or false). See this page for more details.

Alfresco Transform Router (transform-router)

Property Description Default value
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container
ACTIVEMQ_URL ActiveMQ URL (in this case the name of the container is used) nio://activemq:61616
ACTIVEMQ_USER ActiveMQ user admin
ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD ActiveMQ password admin
TRANSFORM_REQUEST_QUEUE org.alfresco.transform.t-request.acs
TRANSFORM_REPLY_QUEUE org.alfresco.transform.t-reply.acs
TRANSFORM_ENGINE_REPLY_QUEUE org.alfresco.transform.engine.t-reply.acs
IMAGEMAGICK_URL URL for the ImageMagick T-Engine
PDF_RENDERER_URL URL for the PDF Renderer T-Engine
LIBREOFFICE_URL URL for the LibreOffice T-Engine
TIKA_URL URL for the Tika T-Engine
MISC_URL URL for the Miscellaneous T-Engine
CORE_AIO_URL URL for the All-In-One T-Engine
FILE_STORE_URL URL for the Shared File Store
IMAGEMAGICK_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the ImageMagick T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.imagemagick.acs
PDF_RENDERER_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the PDF Renderer T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.alfresco-pdf-renderer.acs
LIBREOFFICE_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the LibreOffice T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.libreoffice.acs
TIKA_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the Tika T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.tika.acs
MISC_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the Miscellaneous T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.misc.acs
CORE_AIO_QUEUE Name of the queue used by the All-In-One T-Engine org.alfresco.transform.engine.aio.acs
TRANSFORMER_ENGINE_PROTOCOL This value can be one of the following (http, jms) jms
TRANSFORMER_ROUTES_FILE_LOCATION transformer-pipelines.json
MAX_IN_MEMORY_SIZE Double default limit to 512KiB 524288
HOSTNAME t-router

Alfresco Transform Core AIO (transform-core-aio)

Property Description Default value
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container
ACTIVEMQ_URL ActiveMQ URL (in this case the name of the container is used)
FILE_STORE_URL Shared file store URL (in this case the name of the container is used)
TRANSFORM_ENGINE_REQUEST_QUEUE Name of the queue org.alfresco.transform.engine.aio.acs
PDFRENDERER_EXE Location of the PDF Renderer binary /usr/bin/alfresco-pdf-renderer
LIBREOFFICE_HOME Location of the LibreOffice installation /opt/libreoffice6.3
IMAGEMAGICK_ROOT Location of the ImagMagick installation /usr/lib64/ImageMagick-7.0.10
IMAGEMAGICK_DYN Location of the ImageMagick dynamic libraries /usr/lib64/ImageMagick-7.0.10/lib
IMAGEMAGICK_EXE Location of the ImageMagick binary /usr/bin/convert
IMAGEMAGICK_CODERS Location of the ImageMagick coders folder
IMAGEMAGICK_CONFIG Location of the ImageMagick configuration folder

Alfresco Shared File Store (shared-file-store

Property Description Default value
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container
fileStorePath Shared File Store content storing path /tmp/Alfresco
scheduler.contract.path Cleanup Scheduler contract path /tmp/scheduler.json
scheduler.content.age.millis Content retention period 86400000
scheduler.cleanup.interval Cleanup Scheduler interval 86400000

Alfresco Sync Service (sync-service)

Property Description Default value
JAVA_OPTS A set of properties that are picked up by the JVM inside the container. Any Sync Service property can be passed to the container using the following format "-Dproperty=value" (e.g. -Dsql.db.username=alfresco) . For a complete list of properties that can be passed through JAVA_OPTS enviroment variable, please check the documentation

Alfresco Proxy (proxy)

We used to maintain and ship a ustom nginx image for Alfresco docker compose deployments. This image is now deprecated and replaced by Traefik. Traefik is a modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. In particular it makes dynamic configuration easy and integrates with docker compose using labels.

Please refer to Traefik documentation for more information on how to configure it:


To customise the Docker Compose deployment, for example applying AMPs, we recommend following the best practice of creating your own custom Docker image(s). The Customisation Guide walks you through this process.


To bring the system down and cleanup the containers run the following command:

docker compose down


If you have issues running docker compose up after deleting a previous Docker Compose cluster, try replacing step 4 with the following command:

docker compose down && docker compose build --no-cache && docker compose up

If you are experiencing issues running docker compose up on Windows environments due to unavailable or reserved ports and get errors such as:

bind: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions

would mean that Windows winnat service has reserved the port range that docker compose is trying to use. To remedy the issue execute the following in a terminal:

net stop winnat
docker compose up
net start winnat


The list below shows the location of the publicly available Dockerfile for the containers used in the Community deployment.